Stampeding Warbeast
Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
- Beast Druid
- Wild
- Ranked
This deck capitalizes on cheating out large beasts around turn 6 with Stampeding Roar, then using tricks like Witching Hour and Oondasta to bring more into play. The early game uses spell removal to clear the board and keep drawing cards for the key beast combos. The late-game is quite fun if you can keep the first 5 turns or so from spiraling out of control.
Key Combos:
- Pair Keeper Stalladris with Crystal Power to get additional cheap damage and healing cards.
- Token/Aggro matchups: Look for Mana Reservoir, Crystal Power, Swipe or Wild Pyromancer in your mulligan to have board clears ready for Token druids, Murlocs and other wide threats.
- Standard matchups: Look to hold a copy of Starfall, Nourish or Stampeding Roar to enable your Sunreaver Warmage's and hold at least one large beast to go with your Stampeding Roar on turn 6.
- Keep track in your mind of beasts that die. The best beasts to Witching Hour are Witchwood Grizzly 's which revive with 12 health, or Oondasta if you have another beast in hand to cheat out right away.
- Stampeding Roar with Ironhide Direhorn is excellent if your opponent has any minion you can overkill, resulting in a 5/5 Ironhide Runt that same turn. A 7/7 rush beast that produces a 5/5 - all for 6 mana, is a huge swing.
- Predatory Instincts is hard to play, being a 4 cost draw-one but it doubles the health of your beast. A fantastic combo is Predatory Instincts drawing out a 3/24 Witchwood Grizzly and then being cheated out by Stampeding Roar with rush. Or, a 7/14 Ironhide Direhorn going down, rushing a minion and producing another 5/5 Ironhide Runt.
- Healing Wild Pyromancer with Crystal Power is a great way to clear token boards, especially if you got an extra one or two heals off Keeper Stalladris synergy.
- Oondasta cheated out for 6 mana, rushing, and summoning another big beast from your hand is another great swing. If it's Ironhide Direhorn that came out, with a target to overkill, bonus!
- Keeper of the Grove seems like a poor card but I include it because the silence can slay Edwin VanCleef, take out a burly magnetic minion, remove a taunt, or deliver 2 damage to anything. It is also not a beast polluting your Witching Hour rez-pool.
Potential cards to swap
- Ferocious Howl to generate armor and card draw early is very nice, but these could possibly be replaced with other techs like mind control, weapon removal or silence - depending on what you are facing at your rank.
- Dreamway Guardians early may fool the opponent into thinking a Token Druid deck is coming their way. It buys some time as they attempt to remove 2 minions, but this card could be swapped out for something else like another Claw or second Keeper of the Grove - if silence is in demand.
- Pounce with hero power is 3 damage for 2 mana has come in handy in the early game for killing off Underbelly Angler and other early threats. This could probably be replaced with anything.
- It's temping to add more Druid "Choose one" cards to synergize with Keeper Stalladris, but all of the ones that summon taunt or charge minions result in beasts that dilute your Witching Hour Rez pool. You really don't want to summon anything but the 7 beasts that are in the deck. In some cases you will summon a 5/5 Ironhide Runt but that is acceptable for 3 mana.
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Dust Cost
Your Cost
Druid Cards
- 0 Pounce x 1
- 1 Crystal Power x 2
- 2 Dreamway Guardians x 1
- 2 Keeper Stalladris x 1
- 2 Wrath x 2
- 3 Ferocious Howl x 2
- 3 Swipe x 2
- 3 Witching Hour x 2
- 4 Keeper of the Grove x 1
- 4 Predatory Instincts x 1
- 5 Nourish x 2
- 5 Starfall x 1
- 6 Stampeding Roar x 2
- 7 Ironhide Direhorn x 2
Neutral Cards
- 2 Acidic Swamp Ooze x 1
- 2 Mana Reservoir x 1
- 2 Wild Pyromancer x 1
- 5 Sunreaver Warmage x 2
- 5 Witchwood Grizzly x 2
- 9 Oondasta x 1
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If you see a warrior just pull your pants down and grab your ankles... game over man. Might as well concede as soon as you can.
Crystal Stag is an interesting idea, but unfortunately it's not a great value when returned to the field by Witching Hour. You don't get the battlecry and a 4/4 rush for 3 mana when what you really need is a big taunt or threat is disappointing. Even if you double it's health first with Predatory Instincts and drop two 4/8 rush cards, you had to have first restored 5 health (not just cast a heal 5 spell) and played a somewhat dead card in Predatory Instincts that cost 4. It just requires too many cards, in sequence, muddies the rez pool and slows your win condition. If the stags rezzed back as a 4/8 it might be an include, but they aren't.