Woodcaster's Combo Priest

Last updated 5 years, 6 months ago by
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    Uther 100 9 Posts Joined 06/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 6 months ago

    This deck is based on the classic Lady in White deck, using minions with huge Health to have a strong deck with low costs, adding the new Magnetic mechanic to provide even more Health, giving us the possibility of making OTK combos with Inner Fire and Divine Spirit, for example Unpowered Steambot or the Upgradeable Framebot plus Bronze Gatekeeper, in fact, this last two without the combo (only with Lady in White) should have 10/10 when magnetized, allowing us to make easy combos whitout risking too much cards.

    As you can see I put Chameleos in this deck, but only to have some control of the enemy hand, it's basically like a tech card, another good option is some Silence type card, to evade that Taunt that don't let us OTK.

    Other posible board deploy combo is Quartz Elemental with Unsleeping Soul.

    SN1P-SN4P and Zilliax are in this deck to mainain board, both are good to sabe you in a hard match for a few turns, when you can't actívate your combos.

    Finally, Test Subject is a common in all combo priest decks, playing our spells on it an then Vivid Nightmare plus my idea of putting Shadowy Figure to obtain even more spells.


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