Dragon Rally-din

Last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
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So this is my first home brew deck, I created this out of wanting something fun and different to play whilst attempting something meme-worthy AND fun, in a highly competitive meta. It feels pretty good tbh, as there are lots of tutors for the early game plan.


I have included Nozdormu The Timeless, but the plan does not depend on drawing him ASAP.


End goal- create massive dragons with lifesteal, repeat.

I just wanted to see BIGGER dragons.


With the introduction of Rally! and Redscale Dragontamer, it makes this seem viable.


Vectus (for the deathrattle's of above, or for the Scrapyard Collosus or Plagued Protodrake- if you are unlucky to draw him late).


Essentially it is possible to play Dragonrider Talritha's deathrattle multiple times, overwhelming the opponent with bigger and bigger dragons...

Whilst stalling the early game with Air Raid...

Using the disruption of Oh My Yog! and other secrets...

and using the card draw of Blessing Of Wisdom on either your minions (or more probably your opponent's), in order to throw their game plan as much as poss.


You want to mulligan for

  • Redscale Dragontamer
  • Dragonrider Talritha
  • Call To Adventure
  • Frizz Kindleroost
  • Blessing Of Wisdom


The inclusion of Blessed Champion is just for fun incase a 22/22 wasn't big enough...

Tbh you could swap that for anything else; that said- any other deathrattle will throw Vectus off in the early game, and any other small minion will throw off the Rally! redraw.

Rally! depends on no other minions in that range so you can consistently recreate those handbuffing deathrattles.

Call To Adventure is another way of guaranteeing the earliest possible tutoring of the 2 and 3 drop.

Maybe a copy of Archmage Vargoth wouldnt go amiss.

I have had some tremendous fun playing this, and at this point in the meta (February 2021) there is a lot of Ramp Paladin, so opening with Redscale always feels funny watching that pause from your opponent after you play Talritha... completely subverting their expectations.

Enjoy the biggest dragons you've ever seen.

I have been using this on Diamond 5 and upwards, which is quite the testing ground to try it out on... XD  

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  • mostdeadlygeist's Avatar
    75 2 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I've been trying to come up with a Talritha deck for a bit. Love the idea of this and am testing around

  • SunsetAlchemist's Avatar
    225 24 Posts Joined 02/03/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I like it! I'll test it sometime this week (no promises on any follow up though). I realize the Call to Adventure improves the consistency of drawing Redscale Dragontamer and the second one is a reliable way to draw Dragonrider Talritha, but if after testing it a bit, I find we're proving slow to get started too often, I'll probably swap the Blessed Champion (you mentioned it's the least vital) for a second Redscale Dragontamer. It looks like a lot of fun!

    • SpiritOfJazz's Avatar
      155 12 Posts Joined 12/08/2020
      Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

      Good call, tbh i have been tinkering with yog-saron master of fate, and C'thun the shattered, dropping the scrapyard and adding a consecration. that way you have 2 AOE and 2 alt. win conditions



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