Hey just wanted to thank you for the deck that solved my big priest problem. They have to really high roll to beat this deck. I swapped Loatheb and 2x Haunted Creeper for Rebuke and 2x Hench Clan Hogsteed. Back to Rank 5 from 10 with a record of 30-18. THIS DECK WORKS.
I haven't updated this deck in months even though I should, Hogsteed is actually a pretty good addition imo. If you're encountering a lot of big priests try running Mojomaster Zihi, in my experience it fucks with them a lot more than Lotheb/Rebuke
Hey just wanted to thank you for the deck that solved my big priest problem. They have to really high roll to beat this deck. I swapped Loatheb and 2x Haunted Creeper for Rebuke and 2x Hench Clan Hogsteed. Back to Rank 5 from 10 with a record of 30-18. THIS DECK WORKS.
I haven't updated this deck in months even though I should, Hogsteed is actually a pretty good addition imo. If you're encountering a lot of big priests try running Mojomaster Zihi, in my experience it fucks with them a lot more than Lotheb/Rebuke