Pillager Miracle Rogue

Last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
  • Casual

Pillager rogue isn't listed as an archetype in the deckbuilder for rogue and I am deeply offended. This deck is very hard to play but the sheer flexibility and variety of combo plays you can create out of nowhere makes this fun deck feel very powerful when it works.

Backstab - Staple combo activator and early removal.
Preparation - Combo activator, but most useful with Potion of Illusion and Wondrous Wand.
Shadowstep - Basically every minion in the deck can be bounced back depending on the situation.
Pen Flinger - Ping Efficient Octo-bot, draw with Field Contact if 0-cost spells are cluttering your hand or just ping enemies. Only 1 included since 2 could clunk up your hand pretty quickly and its usage is mostly as a tech card.
Secret Passage - Look for answers or something playable on a bad draw.
Efficient Octo-bot - Easy to trigger, hard to ignore. You'll mostly want to reduce the cost of cards costing 4+ mana but don't be afraid to play one on curve.
Foxy Fraud - Try to combo with Swindle or EVIL Miscreant as early as possible. Can also be Shadowstepped to pay only 2 mana for Scabbs Cutterbutter.
Swindle - One of the best card draws for rogue.
Tenwu of the Red Smoke - A minion acting as a Shadowstep that you can use Shadowstep on? The possibilities are endless.
Wicked Stab (Rank 1) - Basically an unconditional Eviscerate that only gets better if you ever reach 10 mana. Use it to push damage alongside Spectral Pillager or simply as removal.
EVIL Miscreant - Allows you to have some sort of early board presence and provides cheap minions for Field Contact. Make sure you save 1 lackey to be able to activate Heistbaron Togwaggle.
Field Contact - Great draw engine while maintaining board presence.
Potion of Illusion - Combo with an early Scabbs Cutterbutter to enable all sorts of shenanigans. This is the only card I'm currently considering cutting since it might just be an expensive gimmick, but I personally really like this card in rogue.
Scabbs Cutterbutter - The star of this deck, enables insane miracle turns and synergizes well with almost all cards in the deck.
Spirit of the Shark - Mostly used as an OTK combo piece to deal twice the damage with Spectral Pillager, but works great with most other minions as well.
Flik Skyshiv - Not really necessary, but nice to have in a pinch or against specific matchups like resurrect priest.
Heistbaron Togwaggle - 99% of the time you want to go for Wondrous Wand since it's just too damn good.
Spectral Pillager - Not really used to OTK as Umbral Skulker variants do, but can still be threatening enough with Spirit of the Shark and multiple bounces to close the game.

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