Elemental Shaman ft. Kazakus V.2 - STANDARD (not wild)

Last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
  • Casual

Basically gain value and momentum with your synergies and powerful spells. As it stands, Shaman only has 2 bad 1-mana spells (devolving missiles can be bad so I included it in the count). Basically most cards in this deck provide value and trade off, giving you great tempo/mid-range use.

I had the new 3-mana scorpion in here, and I think you could add them. I feel like that card is going to be a sleeper. It demands removal from your opponent or else their board is compromised, but also  nets you a spell. Will be experimenting. Essentially, I want value and nothing but.

I originally had Al-Akir in this list as well, but thinking about it... I just don't think he's that good. Sure we can get him out early, and sure we can cheat his mana, but at the end of the day, I think Alex for 1 extra mana but 8 damage is just better.

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