Bad Rat Pack - Theorycraft
- Unknown Hunter
- Wild
- Casual
Just for fun. The full motivation for this deckbuild is to make something out of the rats we've been given in this expansion for hunter. Just wanted to see how far I can go if I put a few bad cards together with a decent gameplan.
I already know this deck wouldn't be making much waves. My hope is that it'll be tier 2-3, maybe with a 51% win rate.
- The idea is to play Rodent Nest on 3-4, or Sin'dorei Scentfinder on 4-5, then swarm the board before playing Rats of Extraordinary Size on 6 to have a beefed up hand of 5/5s.
- Stormwind Piper is your win condition. Play this out on 3 and its nearly impossible to remove. You can then double pack mule on 4 and get yourself 2x 3/4 taunts on 4 along with something that absolutely needs to die or you snowball. Or played later with Trueaim Crescent or Devouring Swarm to get the buff out on your rats.
- The 2x Resizing Pouch is entirely to get Devouring Swarm, Serpentbloom, but also to get stuff to actually play with outside of the gameplan.
- Devouring Swarm for reload. You can legit just have all your minions die, kill something, then reload the board back. Good targets are stormwind piper, sin'dorei scenfinder, or get yourself another rat king because why not. Not sure what the interaction is with the beefed up rats.
- Carrion Studies to get more rats, for your rat king to continually come back. But also to get actually good cards like Teacher's Pet.
- Don't sleep on Encumbered Pack Mule. There's just so much you can do with this thing. Its practically giving you a free 2/3 taunt, and taunts are good. Its a beast too, so that's natural synergy with most of hunter's cards like Scavenger's Ingenuity
- Death's Head Cultist may look weak but Ive a suspicion that this deck will simply die to just about everything because the rats dont have rush. So this gives you an out. For now, its a mandatory card in my books.
- Flex cards are Rustrot Viper and Royal Librarian. This deck will almost always just die to Doomhammer. So without oozes you'll never win, never mind try. Another pesky minion that will give you hell is Lightshower Elemental, Mo'arg Forgefiend or just about any big taunt. Silences are for those. The two of them mercifully have tradeable so if they aren't relevant just find a turn to throw them off your hand for another card.
- zixor for insurance. In case the rats are really as useless as I thought, you can use zixor as the really winner along with devouring swarm for massive reload.
- The real problem of this deck is not card draw, value, or sticking minions. Its staying alive. Basically burn decks will cook your rats for supper and make you want to uninstall this game.
Yeah, this might not make it. But until 3rd of August, I can still dream.
Thoughts, suggestions welcomed.
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6- 10
- 101
- 42
- 73
- 54
- 15
- 26
- 07+
- 0 Devouring Swarm x 1
- 1 Carrion Studies x 2
- 1 Resizing Pouch x 2
- 1 Tracking x 2
- 1 Trueaim Crescent x 2
- 1 Wolpertinger x 2
- 2 Scavenger's Ingenuity x 2
- 3 Ace Hunter Kreen x 1
- 3 Stormwind Piper x 2
- 3 Zixor, Apex Predator x 1
- 4 Rodent Nest x 2
- 4 Sin'dorei Scentfinder x 2
- 5 The Rat King x 1
- 6 Rats of Extraordinary Size x 2
- 2 Encumbered Pack Mule x 2
- 3 Death's Head Cultist x 2
- 3 Rustrot Viper x 1
- 4 Royal Librarian x 1
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Unfortunately, unless it was a bug during the theorycrafting stream, Encumbered Pack Mule doesn't work with Scavenger's Ingenuity. As usual it doesn't make sense the way it is worded, but the second copy will not be buffed. Still a solid card however ofc.
Hope it is a bug. Its supposed to be the chosen one in hunter this expansion.