Darkest Hour Elwynn Boarlock

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

           The goal of this deck is to use Darkest Hour to pull shuffled Elwynn Boars from your deck to quickly gain "The Sword of a Thousand Truths."

            By using Augmented Elekk along with Northshire Farmer and Baleful Banker, additional copies of Elwynn Boars can be shuffled into your deck. With these boars in your deck, you can work to fill your board by invoking Galakrond to summon many imps. Once your board is full, Darkest Hour can be played to pull all the boars needed to equip the sword.

            This deck will most likely struggle against heavy aggro because of a lack of strong minions. Spells such as Defile and Plague of Flames can be used to control the board while preparing the combo. It is also weak to Devolve after the combo turn. This could be avoided by running a spell like Hellfire to clear your own board. A spell such as Rain of Fire would not work because the Northshire Farmer shuffles 3/3 copies of the boar into your deck.

             Overall, this deck will most likely not work competitively but would be a fun way to get "The Sword of a Thousand Truths" in warlock.

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