Odd Control w/ Bombs

Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
  • Fun

If you’re wondering anything along the lines of “Why isn’t (insert card name here) in the deck?” Or “Why is (insert card name) in the deck?” The answer is there are plenty of cards that would work better in this deck that I don’t have and my deck building skills are not great to say the least. I wanted to put seaforium bomber in this deck to make blastmaster boom better and improve the bomb package I intended on having in the deck but I don’t have the card or the dust to make it. I’m sure there’s plenty of things that could replace certain cards in the deck like amani war bear, tar creeper, bgh, and mc tech so make adjustments as you see fit. I’ve only played a couple games at wild rank 20 but I’ve plowed through some decent decks like big shaman and burn mage by having answers for their every move. I don’t have any info on winrate or matchups from this deck specifically and my own experience with it but I can tell you that according to hsreplay ofd warrior has a 45% winrate and you can probably infer from your own experience how odd control warrior matches up against the current meta decks like odd rogue, big priest, murloc shaman, odd paladin, and exodia mage. I’ve had fun with it so try it out if you have the cards and like control decks but don’t craft anything more than a couple commons or rares to make this deck. If you’re gonna craft any legendaries to make a control warrior then find a meta decklist.

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