Post Nerf Pogo Rogo

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
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Sorry that this guide is not as In-Depth as previous ones, I am just exhausted and short on time so bear with me. This deck is one that revolves around a lot of cheap cycle to get to Pogos as quickly as possible and combo off with them. You may have no more board clear, but rogue is known for cheap single target removal (that is especially useful against low hp minions for cheap and efficient value with things like Backstab. The main goal of the deck is to survive long enough to get combos going with the Pogo-Hopper like being able to guarantee a way to shuffle some more into your deck or return it to your hand. This deck can kinda get blown out by aggro because if the minions you are trying to deal with have any more than 2hp you can kinda end up being screwed but it does can actually survive a little and by putting in the Hench-Clan Hogsteed over a second Prep (which post nerf I REALLY don't value that much anymore) it actually helps a little bit into aggro and getting out an early comboed Edwin Vancleef can give you enough pressure to stall into the midgame when you can get Lackeys and card draw to up your tempo and give you more of a fighting chance. Into aggro you want to keep cheap removal and kinda dump the combo potential cards because those you don't need until later anyway. Into control you want to KEEP the combo cards because ards are you are going to get there anyway and the more combo potential you have the less likely the opponent is able to deal with it. Like if they Brawl to kill 3 Giant minions, but you have 3 more in your deck and 1 in hand and more draw engines, they will NEED another Brawl or they lose and if they use that last one then they don't have any removal for the last wave of ENORMOUS minions (Same goes for Hagatha's Scheme). 

ALSO: Into aggro, if you combo off a little early because you are able to and you don't need to combo as hard into aggro as control because they have fewer options, if you put Zilliax on a giant mech and regain like 15+ HP, you are probably going to win because you will have a huge taunt lifesteal in front of them and probably just have killed their best minion.


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