New Villain Rogue

Last updated 3 years ago by
  • Casual

With a few new cards from the new expansion, ye old classic is on a possible comeback. Ram Commander is another tool to progress your Quest at the cost of just two card slots, as it adds two 1/1 minions, and most importantly, they give Rush, letting you stabilize after Prepping Crystal Core.

The overall win condition has remained the same, with mine suggesting Spiritsinger Umbra + Recurring Villain to open your deck slots for more defensive tools to combat the best decks in the format, such as Ignite Mage and Odd Questline Hunter - due to their speed, it's overall better to just play Villain alone and find a way to get them killed to play Umbra on that same turn, unless you have played Shadowcrafter Scabbs, whose Hero Power is a Prep for all card types, making the play possible on turn 8 or even 7 when going second (and it also summons two Stealthed minions on top of the Vanish effect beforehand).

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