Amalgam OTK Warrior

Last updated 2 years, 11 months ago by
  • Casual

Hey everyone.

Circus Amalgam Card Image

I got inspired by the Galvangar OTK Warrior deck and tried to improve on that. However, after much refinement and swapping of cards non-core to the combo, I can say that this deck idea is a bust, at least until the meta shifts.

If anyone can get the general idea of this deck to even 43% winrate, I'd love to hear about it. I'm stuck at like 35% with over 100 games and idk how to fix it. Post a comment if you want, DM me if you don't.

Anyways, to anyone interested, here's my final version of the decklist.


And for those looking wondering what's going on, the final combo goes:

Draw Circus Amalgam

Use 2x Feat of Strength to buff the one Amalgam, and 2x Bulk Up to copy it

On 10 mana, play 2x To the Front! followed by a 2 mana Mr. Smite , 2 mana Battleground Battlemaster , and 2x 1 mana Amalgams for a grand total of up to 76 damage face (which is necessary in the druid/paladin matchups rn).

Of course you can do combos with 9 mana (2x Front, Smite, 3 amalgams; 2x Front, Smite, Battlemaster, 1x Amalgam) or even 8 (2x Front, Smite, 2x Amalgam for up to 38 damage), and 10 mana can also be done without a second Front (1x Front, 4 mana Smite, 2x 2 mana Amalgams).


Thanks for reading!

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