Swiftscale Trickster Miracle

Last updated 2 years, 2 months ago by
  • Casual

Didn't want to make yet another Pirate Rogue so here we are! It's the Swiftscale Trickster Miracle list!

Mana cheat from Preparation, Shadowstep, Efficient Octo-bot, Swiftscale Trickster and Shadowcrafter Scabbs feels like it has real potential to carry a miracle list. 

Also not hard to find mass card draw but for this deck the main idea is to abuse Swiftscale Trickster in order to play Smokescreen or Sprint. Also put Crushclaw Enforcer for some tutor Naga draw to improve Swiftscale Trickster and Queen Azshara come online time. Lastly there is the efficient Gone Fishin' and good old Gadgetzan Auctioneer. It might be a bit much and the list is definitely up for some refining, but it felt better to have one in than double Sprint.

To win the idea here is pretty simple do miracle things and kill your opponent with spells using artifact from Queen Azshara and spell damage from Guild Trader to amplify it.

I did consider some deathrattle cards to have high rolls with the Smokescreen, but they generally felt unappealing. Especially if not triggered by it. There are coins to fuel Gadgetzan Auctioneer but hand size needs to be considered. And outside Smokescreen and Sprint. Swiftscale Trickster is an ineffective enabler of the other spells. 

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