Wild Fatigue Warrior
- Fatigue Warrior
- Wild
- Fun
A version of the older fatigue warrior using cards from more recent expansions.
For the mulligan, you'll generally want to try to get either Boom, or Justicar to start out with, as those two cards are what can give you the the value and survivability to last through the game. Depending on the matchup though, one is preferred over the other. Against burn decks, you'd want Justicar, for the reliable armor gain, while against more minion based decks, Boom is preferable for giving your mechs rush. Rover, Bash, Shield Block, Shredder, and Zilliax are generally useful to keep against most matchups, against more aggressive decks you'll usually want Warpath, Ghoul, Razor, Brawl, and Dyno.
While the deck does usually want to outvalue the opponent throughout the game, don't get too caught up trying to get the most value out of everything. Don't be afraid to play Sn1p-Sn4p just for the tempo, or use a Shield Slam on a small, but threatening minion.
Dirty Rat and Hakkar are more tech choices that could be switched depending on the types of decks you run into. Rat is useful as always to disrupt combos, while Hakkar is there to guarantee the fatigue win, while stopping Mechathun.
Any suggestions to the deck are greatly appreciated.
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0- 00
- 71
- 62
- 33
- 44
- 65
- 06
- 47+
- 1 Eternium Rover x 1
- 1 Execute x 2
- 1 Omega Assembly x 2
- 1 Shield Slam x 2
- 2 Bash x 2
- 2 Shield Block x 2
- 2 Warpath x 1
- 3 Ravaging Ghoul x 2
- 4 Blood Razor x 1
- 4 Omega Devastator x 2
- 5 Brawl x 2
- 5 Dyn-o-matic x 1
- 5 Supercollider x 1
- 7 Dr. Boom, Mad Genius x 1
- 2 Dirty Rat x 1
- 3 SN1P-SN4P x 1
- 4 Piloted Shredder x 1
- 5 Justicar Trueheart x 1
- 5 Zilliax x 1
- 8 Archivist Elysiana x 1
- 8 Foe Reaper 4000 x 1
- 10 Hakkar, the Soulflayer x 1
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