NEW Evolve Shaman Rocks! Fun & Interactive Deck You Must See Played At Caverns of Time | Hearthstone
- Evolve Shaman
- Wild
- Ranked
- Fun
All Shaman Decks Playlist: • Shaman Decks NEW Evolve Shaman Rocks! Fun & Interactive Deck You Must See Played At Caverns of Time | Hearthstone If you can't copy the deck code you can always get all of my decks on my website, or join my Discord, Twitter and Instagram! Good luck, my friends! My opponents: 00:00 Resurrect Priest 03:08 Un'Goro Quest Druid 07:28 C'Thun, the Shattered Control Reno Warlock 09:35 Big Shaman 11:57 Aggro Big Warlock 13:58 Un'Goro Quest Resurrect Priest 15:53 Tony Druid Plays Itself Deck code: ### Evolve Shaman # Class: Shaman # Format: Wild # # 1x (1) Blazing Transmutation # 1x (1) Convincing Disguise # 2x (1) Evolve # 1x (1) Muck Pools # 2x (1) Schooling # 1x (1) Toxfin # 2x (1) Unstable Evolution # 2x (2) Cagematch Custodian # 1x (2) Firemancer Flurgl # 1x (2) Ice Fishing # 2x (3) Bogstrok Clacker # 2x (3) Desert Hare # 2x (3) Primal Dungeoneer # 2x (3) Primordial Wave # 1x (3) Prince Renathal # 1x (4) Dread Corsair # 1x (4) Dread Corsair # 2x (4) Hoard Pillager # 2x (5) Boggspine Knuckles # 1x (5) Doppelgangster # 1x (5) Thrall, Deathseer # 1x (6) Krag'wa, the Frog # 1x (6) The Storm Bringer # 2x (6) Tiny Toys # 1x (7) Al'Akir, the Winds of Time # 2x (9) Mogu Fleshshaper # 2x (10) Goldshire Gnoll # AAEBAdrGBA7uBvm/AovOAuvPAqH4AsGJA7WYA6juA6/ZBLXZBJfvBOijBdaeBuqhBg36qgLf6QLUpQPYqQPosAPduAPhuAOq3gPj7gPj9gPG+QPgtQS22QQAAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #CavernsofTime #Hearthstone Caverns of Time
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1- 00
- 101
- 32
- 93
- 54
- 45
- 46
- 57+
- 1 Blazing Transmutation x 1
- 1 Convincing Disguise x 1
- 1 Evolve x 2
- 1 Muck Pools x 1
- 1 Schooling x 2
- 1 Unstable Evolution x 2
- 2 Cagematch Custodian x 2
- 2 Ice Fishing x 1
- 3 Bogstrok Clacker x 2
- 3 Primal Dungeoneer x 2
- 3 Primordial Wave x 2
- 4 Firemancer Flurgl x 1
- 5 Boggspine Knuckles x 2
- 5 Thrall, Deathseer x 1
- 6 Krag'wa, the Frog x 1
- 6 The Storm Bringer x 1
- 6 Tiny Toys x 2
- 7 Al'Akir, the Winds of Time x 1
- 9 Mogu Fleshshaper x 2
- 1 Toxfin x 1
- 3 Desert Hare x 2
- 3 Prince Renathal x 1
- 4 Dread Corsair x 1
- 4 Dread Corsair x 1
- 4 Hoard Pillager x 2
- 5 Doppelgangster x 1
- 10 Goldshire Gnoll x 2
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