F/F/U Death Knight

Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago by
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If you want to play an unorthodox DK deck, the new mini-set will let you do just that. Sickly Grimewalker gives Poisonous to any Undead after they are summoned, which works well with Wild Pyromancer to give a non-Blood deck a hard AoE wipe. How do you win? I have opted for Rivendare, Warrider, because the 2x Frost combo gives you access to tons of card draw, thus letting you cycle through the Horsemen, and Construct Quarter gives you a free destruction effect onto them, which is especially good when there are no minions on your opponent's board. Lastly, because our spells all cost little, the new Titan - Yogg-Saron, Unleashed - gives you access to powerful options, including another AoE removal.

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