Pre-Uldum Reno Dragon N'Zoth Paladin

Last updated 5 years, 7 months ago by
  • Fun


Deck Description

A hearthstone deck features both proactive and reactive cards to deal with various scenarios against the opponent. What is different about this deck is that a good majority of the cards in the deck are both proactive and reactive cards at the same time. This allows deck space to utilize higher mana cards, thus increasing tempo swings and late game strength.


There are fewer early game cards in this deck. The reason why is because Reno Paladin's early and late game cards are not equal in power when compared to other decks. In order to compensate there are extra late game cards to allow this deck to out value/tempo the opponent more effectively.


The cards that I replaced with the new highlander cards are The Lich King and Tar Creeper.


Sir Finley of the Sands

Tank Up! would be useful against Aluneth mage. Fireblast Rank 2 is solid for board control. Ballista Shot may actually make this deck stand a chance against stun decks.


Zephrys the Great

This deck struggles to deal with the [Hearthstone Card (Mal’Ganis) Not Found] that is summoned by [Hearthstone Card (Bloodreaver Gul’dan) Not Found], so an additional AOE is great against warlocks. Zephrys the Great can also flare a combo mage, silence threatening minions, or just give a good minion.



This deck pressures the opponent with minimal card use. This allows Nozari to be kept in hand until after the opponent heals.



I have used similar variations of this deck at rank 5 for quite a while during seasons 61- 62, and those decks have an average win rate of 32%.


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