Tess Thief Rogue

Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
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This deck runs very similar to the common thief rogue that is available at the moment. 

The inclusion of the Togwaggle's Scheme is fantastic for when you want to copy a great minion you have pulled or when you want to shuffle one of your opponents minion into your deck which helps reduce fatigue against control and gives you more targetted resources. 

Vendetta is a fantastic removal card that rogue needed, the ability to cast it for 0 mana has great synergy with the deck and auctioneer allowing you to remove and cycle at the same time. 

Hench clan burglar is such a great card. Spells (especially removal) will be a massive difference in your games and a card that puts a body on the board with a discover a spell option can bring some insane value. 

Archmage Vargoth has the most incredible synergy with this deck. As we learned with shudderwock, randon targets is not random if the spells have specific instructions in their text. Using this with sap, togwaggles scheme and academic espionage will always be in your favour.

Overall this seems like a stronger and more flexible Thief Rogue than we currently have and the more fun the better :) 

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