Starter Secret Hunter

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
  • Ranked
  • Tinyfin

Deck Overview

Starter decks are intended to be easy to build on a new account with a young collection. This Hunter deck uses secret synergy to gain an advantage by having low cost minions with buffed stats. Secretkeeper and Sunreaver Spy are inexpensive to summon and gain increased stats to help build early tempo. Secret Plan is an opportunity to pick a secret that improves your board state and Hunter's Pack is a big value for 3 mana that can continue the pressure of these early game minions by playing more secrets and refilling your hand. Standard has 4 weapons available and each has its own benefits, and every secret gives you added synergy with your minions. Getting King Krush is always a nice bonus, too!

Saviors of Uldum introduces a solid beast into the secret synergy card pool in Hyena Alpha, so we're taking advantage of that. Scavenging Hyena and Kill Command are too good to leave off the list so we're packing them in, along with the omnipresent Hunter staple that is Animal Companion. With the small, 1-cost beasts, we have the ability to get a few quick buffs to our favorite scavenger. The mid-game push is always about Savannah Highmane - still one of the best minions in the game.

The secrets provide solid functionality throughout. It is important to note that Pressure Plate will only trigger if your opponent has a minion to kill. I did not realize that was the case and was pleasantly surprised. Though I will admit that my attention to the reveal period was very limited so I probably missed that fact. Because of this, it's actually a solid turn 2 play that can stick around until the next turn for your spy. 

This list has performed fairly well over the first 15 games, finishing with a 60% win rate from rank 17-14. 


Always keep Secretkeeper. Keeping Secret Plan is ok but I prefer to roll the dice and hard mulligan for Secretkeeper

If you have The Coin you'll grab great early tempo if you can coin a secret on turn 1 and follow with Sunreaver Spy on turn 2. This is where your knowledge that Pressure Plate only triggers if your opponent has a minion comes into play. ;)

Deck Improvements

Rat Trap is an immediate upgrade to this deck. It is a perfect follow up to Secretkeeper and rarely gets triggered in the first few turns, which makes it a great trigger for Sunreaver Spy. If your opponent does play 3 cards early on you have a great chance to steamroll them with a 6/6 face smasher. As a beast, it would also be the trigger you need for kill command.

Pit Crocolisk is one I plan to add. I removed it from the list prior to play testing and regret that decision. That extra bit of reach tied to a big body is very appealing now that I've played through some games.

Snipe, Shimmerfly, and Timber Wolf are all replaceable. Snipe is generally triggered right away so it rarely helps with Sunreaver Spy. Shimmerfly is a value card but offers little synergy unless you get a secret. Timber Wolf is actually quite useful when played with Springpaw but overall isn't likely to be missed.

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