Starter Token Druid

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
  • Ranked
  • Tinyfin

Deck Overview

The deck is a very classic Token Druid, aiming to go wide fast and take control of the board with buffs and value trades.

Saviors of Uldum gave Token Druids some interesting tools to tinker with:

  • Beaming Sidekick is an excellent early game buff to help with value trades.
  • BEEEES!!! is a good removal with a chance of leaving some minions on your board. It also combos well with Knife Juggler.
  • Garden Gnome (conditionally) gives you 6/7 worth of stats on turn 4. I’d say it seems solid. Also try tell me you wouldn’t want to play these adorably grumpy Treants.

Other card choices that may need explaining:

  • I chose Murmy over Mecharoo because Murlocs>Mechs. (They have no real difference in this deck.)
  • Explodinator sees a lot of play in Mech-Token Druids, and I chose to keep it here as bombs are the kind of minions your opponent may not want to clear, which leaves some buff targets on board.
  • Token Druids don’t tend to run too much AoE but I chose to include Starfall in order to make Garden Gnome more realiable, and to combat other aggro. It saved me against Tip the Scales real hard so I’m even considering including a second one.

Mulligan Strategy

Due to the quite linear gameplay of the deck, the mulligan targets are pretty much always the same:


As with mulligan, your opponent’s deck doesn’t affect your gameplan that much.

  • You need to go fast regardless of your opponent, this is not a late game deck due to the lack of removal and value
  • Try to have at least three minions on board before playing a buff. This rule can be ignored in aggro mirrors where value trades can justify buffing fewer minions.
  • Always make value trades against other aggro decks until you're in clear command of the board, trade only if you must against control.

Improving the Deck - Card Swaps

I’m quite pleased how the deck has worked for me, but there are naturally alternative routes to building it. Some cards you may want to consider:

The flex spots I would be looking at when considering the replacements are Tending Tauren due to it being relatively slow and Garden Gnome due to the unreliable battlecry (I rarely suffered from that though).

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