Brann's Baited Bloodstinger - Rank 5 to Legend
- Highlander Hunter
- Wild
- Ranked
I achieved Legend with this deck tonight, starting from Rank 5 four days ago. It's fairly standard Highlander Hunter that doesn't run Tracking with a few key substitutions.
1) Don't run Siamat. Because the deck runs Sandbinder you might be tempted to milk it for value by giving it a second target. This is a mistake. You want Sandbinder to pull Zephrys the Great every single time. This won me several games that would have been lost if I hadn't pulled Zephrys the Great that turn, or even one or two turns in advance.
2) Run Baited Arrow instead of Siamat. I've seen other versions of this deck that run King Krush, Houndmaster Shaw, or some other powerful card in Siamat's place. I found Baited Arrow to be the most versatile substitution. Don't forget that the arrow can go face! That fact won me one game instead of using it for the removal/overkill.
3) Run Wild Bloodstinger instead of Savannah Highmane. The one caveat here is that I almost never played the card unless I had another minion or weapon ready to finish off a particularly big minion. I've had it kill my opponent's Zephrys the Great, Archmage Antonidas (have that extra couple points of damage handy before playing), Dinotamer Brann, etc. It's especially powerful against Mage and Warrior, which I matched up against constantly.
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0- 00
- 21
- 82
- 93
- 44
- 35
- 26
- 27+
- 1 Shimmerfly x 1
- 2 Explosive Trap x 1
- 2 Freezing Trap x 1
- 2 Pressure Plate x 1
- 2 Rat Trap x 1
- 2 Snake Trap x 1
- 2 Snipe x 1
- 3 Animal Companion x 1
- 3 Deadly Shot x 1
- 3 Eaglehorn Bow x 1
- 3 Hunter's Pack x 1
- 3 Kill Command x 1
- 3 Unleash the Hounds x 1
- 3 Ursatron x 1
- 4 Hyena Alpha x 1
- 4 Marked Shot x 1
- 5 Baited Arrow x 1
- 6 Unleash the Beast x 1
- 6 Wild Bloodstinger x 1
- 7 Dinotamer Brann x 1
- 10 Zul'jin x 1
- 1 Secretkeeper x 1
- 2 Sunreaver Spy x 1
- 2 Zephrys the Great x 1
- 3 Masked Contender x 1
- 3 SN1P-SN4P x 1
- 4 Lifedrinker x 1
- 4 Sandbinder x 1
- 5 Subject 9 x 1
- 5 Zilliax x 1
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