Finley and the Boys

Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
  • Fun

This is an archetype I've been fooling around with for the past couple days, with increasingly better results. While I wouldn't recommend this for climbing the ladder, it's a great deck to have some fun with before the nerfs come around. 

So, What's the point of this deck?

First off, note the archetype we're playing. Control Paladin. The thing that hasn't worked in 2 years. Know why? Because aside from the occasional Immortal Prelate-Da Undatakah combo, we're not doing any great thing. We don't have infinite removal like Warrior, or early 8/8s like Mage. However, we have just enough healing to survive aggro and just enough value to beat some control decks.Sir Finley of the Sands is actually great at helping us do this, because we can usually grab a great hero power for the specific matchup (like getting Tank Up! or Heal against aggro). Because our gameplan changes completely depending on who we're facing, knowing the meta is pretty important for this deck. 


Always keep: Crystology, Glow-Tron, Sir Finley of the Sands, SN1P-SN4P, Zephrys the Great

Against aggro: Skaterbot, Wild Pyromancer

Against control: Blessing of Kings, if you already have a good curve Vulpera Scoundrel 

Against Hunter and Mage: SI:7 Infiltrator, because otherwise secrets get very hard to deal with very quickly.

Cool Combos

1. Da Undatakah - as I mentioned earlier, this dude is really strong with Immortal Prelate. Every time he dies, he triggers every deathrattle he's collected thus far before shuffling himself back into your deck (and later gaining 3 more deathrattles). This combo requires you to have 3 deathrattles max (and one has to be prelate obviously) so be cautious about playing SN1P-SN4P and Tunnel Blaster if you think you'll need this combo later down the line. 

2. Wild Pyromancer - This classic 2-drop has great synergy with pretty much every spell in our deck other than Blessing of Kings and Pharaoh's Blessing. You can heal upwards of 10 health if you play him alongside Lightforged Blessing, and he can be a pseudo-board clear with Sound the Bells! if needed. And that's not even mentioning the easy clears with Equality and Shrink Ray.

3. Zephrys the Great - Not much to say here. You like getting the perfect card for the situation? Me too. That's why we put Sandbinder the deck. 

Possible Inclusions

1. Tirion Fordring - Great taunt, great deathrattle, only reason this guy isn't included is because I don't own him.

2. Crystalsmith Kangor - Can be drawn with Crystology and is pretty much a Taunt because of his insane effect. 10/10 would play if I owned him.

3. Shirvallah, the Tiger - We already play a lot of big spells, so including her really isn't that much of a stretch. 

Budget Options

Want to play singleton Paladin but only have Finley? Here's what to do:

High Priest Thekal - Only really necessary against Quest Druid and Control Warrior, so it's not too much a loss to not include him. While we're at it, might as well tech in a silence for those pesky combo priests. - High Priest Thekal, + Ironbeak Owl.

I'll cover the rest of the legendaries later in the day.

Got any feedback? Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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