Onyx Quest Rogue - Fun low ladder climber

Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
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Hi All,

I've been refining this deck for awhile (Onyx Spellstone is a pet project of mine), it's gotten me up to rank 7-8 in wild could probably get further depending on the decks you run into.

This is the type of hearthstone I enjoy, it does feel like to have a fighting chance against most decks.

regretfully quest/tess are largely useless against another rogue...shadowstep is for Nzoth in long games praise Yogg for fun.


Mulligan looking for 1-3 drops, don't be afraid to keep a spellstone if you know its a longer game, upgrading it is basically the only "AOE" rogue has in the game.


Edit: Saw some interest in this- Note : Shaku and Nexus Champion are probably the weakest cards in the deck but always are high priority removal targets for your opponent feel free to experiment with other cards, I love them thematically...always open to new ideas. This would cheapen the dust for the deck as well

I might play around some more with Vulpera Scoundrel, Rogue DK, Bazaar Mugger, or Faldorei Strider - I also used to have Zombie Chow in as well....just be creative!

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