Anyone else have a guess how this works in one turn? The following is my assumption but if I’m right it seems like a lot of cards to hold:
1. Thaurissan the following cards:
2x Biology Project, Floop, Elise, Maly
2. When you have 10 mana and the above cards discounted + 1x Innervate + 2x Moonfire, do the following:
Play malygos, innervate, 2xBio, Elise, Floop, 4xMoon (8 card, 15 mana combo but innervate and bio projects give you 15 mana) for a max OTK of 44 damage
A lesser combo might be Malygos, 2x Bio, Floop, 2x Innervate (Or 1x Bio if Maly and Floop have been discounted by Thaurissan) for 22 damage with Elise offering various options including the ability to do this twice over two turns
I’m not the OP and have yet to pilot this deck but this is what I’ve come up with. Please correct me or show me other combos that I am missing. Thanks.
Interested. Can you describe the combo? Says video is uploading but nothing has uploaded in the last 15 hours. Maybe you could just write out the combo in the description? Anyways, thanks for sharing the deck
Anyone else have a guess how this works in one turn? The following is my assumption but if I’m right it seems like a lot of cards to hold:
1. Thaurissan the following cards:
2x Biology Project, Floop, Elise, Maly
2. When you have 10 mana and the above cards discounted + 1x Innervate + 2x Moonfire, do the following:
Play malygos, innervate, 2xBio, Elise, Floop, 4xMoon (8 card, 15 mana combo but innervate and bio projects give you 15 mana) for a max OTK of 44 damage
A lesser combo might be Malygos, 2x Bio, Floop, 2x Innervate (Or 1x Bio if Maly and Floop have been discounted by Thaurissan) for 22 damage with Elise offering various options including the ability to do this twice over two turns
I’m not the OP and have yet to pilot this deck but this is what I’ve come up with. Please correct me or show me other combos that I am missing. Thanks.
Interested. Can you describe the combo? Says video is uploading but nothing has uploaded in the last 15 hours. Maybe you could just write out the combo in the description? Anyways, thanks for sharing the deck