[Wild] Evolve Tempo Shaman - 100% Winrate Ranks 12 - 5 (no joke)

Last updated 5 years ago by
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I definitely can't take credit for this deck as this is almost the exact deck that Roffle featured in one of his videos. After playing his version a few times, I felt it needed just a little more draw to be consistent, so I swapped a Zap! for a Ancestral Knowledge. Once I did that, I didn't lose from rank 12 all the way to rank 5. I mostly play on my phone, so I don't have any proof. Just try it and see for yourself.

This deck has crazy synergies throughout; abuse them and you won't go wrong!


Overall, the real strength in the deck revolves around Corridor Creeper and Mogu Fleshshaper and the various evolution cards. As soon as you can slam down an early 7-drop and evolve it, you will almost certainly secure the board. If you can't find those, you can always fallback to what they're doing in Standard and go with the trusty Desert Hare + Evolve combo.

Voltaic Burst, Likkim and Thunderhead help you fight for the board. These are the main cards that keep your opponent busy.

Hopefully by turns 5-7 you can find your Spirit of the Frog for your main draw engine. This card is definitely one of the best cards in the deck as it helps to thin out your deck as well as find your burn. Memorize the number of spells you have for each mana cost to help predict what spells you'll draw to finish out the game. Spirit of the Frog + Unstable Evolution is a totally busted combo (you can typically evolve your Spirit as your last casting of the spell).

Lastly, if you're going up against some decks that really rely on their synergies like Mech Paladin or even decks that play big/healing taunt minions, Devolve is a real life saver. It can truly screw with most opponents' strategies.

It felt like the deck's only real weakness was heavy control decks, but even the ones I faced didn't seem able to keep up with the tempo I could generate, but they were always very close games.

The thing I am most impressed by with this deck is the dust cost: 4320... for a WILD deck!!! You just can't beat it.


Always keep: Corridor Creeper or Desert Hare + Evolve

Against Aggro: Do your best to play for tempo long enough to find your evolve targets. It's okay to give up the board a little, but don't fall too far behind. Your main targets in the mulligan are Sludge Slurper, Likkim and Thunderhead.

[More to come...]

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