[Wild] Anti Secret/Aggro Highlander Even Shaman

Last updated 5 years ago by
  • Ranked

I've got problem reaching rank 5 for a while this month, but this deck delivered.

I created this deck in response to so many Secret Mages, and also all other aggro archetypes in wild ladder.


This is a midrange deck. You will lose long drawn-out battles, but against aggro you will prevail.
Basicly this deck uses overload synergy, spells, and direct-damage battlecry minions to out-aggro the opponent and control the board.

Always keep at least one of the counters when facing these certain decks. Time the counter right and you'll win.

- vs Mages you have 2 direct counters. Most mages on ladder are Secret Mages. Kezan Mystic and Eater of Secrets are your cards of choice. Reno Jackson is also worth keeping for a sure comeback.

- vs 1-health minions flood, especially Odd Paladins you have 2 direct counters, Maelstrom Portal and Sandstorm Elemental. Devolve is also worth keeping, use it after they buff.

- vs big taunt minion and magnetic you have 3 direct counters, Hex, Spellbreaker, and Devolve.

Zephrys the Great can be used as an alternative counter for all (and also as finisher). A perfect card, worth to always keep on your starting hand.

Flex spot: Earthen Might

For a while I placed Sideshow Spelleater in this spot just for fun vs Quest/Odd/Even decks.

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