Pirate the System (DoD)

Last updated 5 years ago by
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Pirate warrior is back in standard!

I think this archetype has incredible aggro potential to outpace the combo overlords and contest the incoming shamanstone meta (please prove me wrong, HS community, I’m so tired of shaman’s tier 1 high roll garbage).

Our opening turns have outrageous potential: Sky Raiderwith Parachute Brigand is a huge value for turn 1 that won’t completely drain your options for turn 2 with the random pirate and your first two turn draws. 1-mana for 3/4 in stats. 

[Hearthstone Card (Acharrr) Not Found] is a fantastic weapon that makes for a powerful turn 3 that helps keep us loaded and ready to keep our pressure going. The fact that it brings us to 60% completion for our quest doesn’t hurt, either, and that brings us to Hack the System. Getting rid of our Armor Up hero power lets us instead generate 2-mana 4/3 minions, which relieves our hand of spending and adds value to our face-smashing goals.



Ideally, we start with Parachute Brigand alongside Sky Raider to start fast and immediately apply pressure and presence.

If you start with the coin, you could go for double Parachute Brigand and a single Sky Raider.

We want our quest of course, but we don't need to play it until it fits into our curve, always before our weapons are equipped. Speaking of which, [Hearthstone Card (Ancharr) Not Found] is the ideal weapon to hold on the coin for turn 2 if we don't pull Sky Raider and Parachute Brigand, as it lets us quest on T1 and coin out Ancharrr on T2, keeping our hand size healthy and increasing our options for getting pirates on the board come T3, which offers a number of great plays depending on the pirates we pull, including Dread Corsair/Bloodsail Raider/Sharkfin Fan + Southsea Deckhand.

We want fast and aggressive for pretty much any opponents until the meta settles. Run 'em down!


With all this pressure, it makes sense to give ourselves the option to ramp that up even more through the quest. Swing away and start generating 4/3’s alongside your pirate hordes.

Looking for input and would appreciate your thoughts!

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