Perils in Paradise Community Compendium

You've arrived at a snapshot of community voting data for the Perils in Paradise Hearthstone expansion. Over the expansion's card reveal period, we asked our community to vote on all the cards. Here are the results from those votes, taken before the expansion released.

This is how good, or bad, we thought these cards were going to be.

Top 10 Rated Cards

Dreamplanner Zephrys Card Image
Travelmaster Dungar Card Image
Turbulus Card Image
Portalmancer Skyla Card Image
Carnivorous Cubicle Card Image
Icecrown Brochure Card Image
Punch Card Card Image
Reserved Spot Card Image
Burndown Card Image
Agency Espionage Card Image

Class Highlights

  • Death Knight

    Eternal Layover Card Image
    Soul Searching Card Image
    Travel Security Card Image
  • Demon Hunter

    Demonic Deal Card Image
    Infernal Stapler Card Image
    Spirit Peddler Card Image
  • Druid

    Handle with Bear Card Image
    Number Cruncher Card Image
    Un'Goro Brochure Card Image
  • Hunter

    Monkey Business Card Image
    Cash Cow Card Image
    Workhorse Card Image
  • Mage

    Portalmancer Skyla Card Image
    Burndown Card Image
    Huddle Up Card Image
  • Paladin

    Trust Fall Card Image
    Busy-Bot Card Image
    Vacation Planning Card Image
  • Priest

    Envoy of Prosperity Card Image
    Silvermoon Brochure Card Image
    Job Shadower Card Image
  • Rogue

    Agency Espionage Card Image
    Robocaller Card Image
    Sharp Shipment Card Image
  • Shaman

    Turbulus Card Image
    Icecrown Brochure Card Image
    Hydration Totem Card Image
  • Warlock

    Deadline Card Image
    Fine Print Card Image
    Imployee of the Month Card Image
  • Warrior

    Punch Card Card Image
    Reserved Spot Card Image
    Alloy Advisor Card Image

Totally Tourists

Mistah Vistah Card Image
Aranna, Thrill Seeker Card Image
Summoner Darkmarrow Card Image
Sunsapper Lynessa Card Image
Maestra, Mask Merchant Card Image

The Perfect Location

Knickknack Shack Card Image
Tide Pools Card Image
Horizon's Edge Card Image
Parrot Sanctuary Card Image
Dangerous Cliffside Card Image

Magma Rager Award

A. F. Kay Card Image
Cryopractor Card Image
Cruise Captain Lora Card Image
Weapons Attendant Card Image
Package Dealer Card Image


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