Hi. Im Andrii. Im playing hearthstone on competetive level for 2 years. Getting to legend each month since May 2020 ( except february 2021, missed that one xD). And i love mercenaries mode. I love dragon comp in mercenaries, however its hard to call it a comp, because there are only 2 dragons. However, i think that i found really good build which includes dragons. Build looks like this:
1) Malfurion ( Liferoot staff)
2)Alexstrasza ( Dragonflight Talisman or Amulet of Swiftness )
3) Voone ( Wyrm Claws )
4) Brightwing ( Brightwing necklace or Pixie pouch )
5) Brukan ( Lightning Rod or Crackling Band )
6) Illidan (Warglaives )
Idea of this comp is - flexibility. You have answers for all the situation current meta can throw at you. I picked at 6.800 with this comp. I start regarding of what my opponent have. If its 2/2/2 - i start with malfurion, voone and brukan. Malfurion is always a save start. His Surge ability is Fast and will heal your team with liferoot staff. Voone is also great because usually people ignore him, but his drakes with windfury atacks will create a lot of presure if left unchecked. Brukan is a solo carry, and if left without check - he will destroy enemy board. Brighting is here for buff mainly, buffing illidan is our goal. Illidan with few buffs comes out and goes for Outcast Attack which will strike 3 times ! if he hits blue targets - they will probably die, maybe even Anduin. And finally Alexstrasza. I love her. I think she is underrated merc. Her Third ability - Gambit is answer for any Samuro or Sylvanas who have huge atack. Also her Second ability deals a lot of dmg if you have bwing on board to proc its aoe. And her first ability is just simple and good, nothing special - good damage or some nice healing. Try this comp. Have fun !
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