Boomsday Buffs
Boomsday Buffs is a Hearthstone patch released on June 3, 2019. It was versioned 14.4.0 with the build number 31268. It was released during the expansion Rise of Shadows
Card Changes
- Gloop Sprayer - Cost reduced to 7 (from 8).
- Mulchmuncher - Cost reduced to 9 (from 10).
- Necromechanic - Cost reduced to 4 (from 5).
- Flark's Boom-Zooka - Cost reduced to 7 (from 8).
- Unexpected Results - Cost reduced to 3 (from 4).
- Luna's Pocket Galaxy - Cost reduced to 5 (from 7).
- Crystology - Cost reduced to 1 (from 2).
- Glowstone Technician - Cost reduced to 5 (from 6).
- Extra Arms - Cost reduced to 2 (from 3).
- Cloning Device - Cost reduced to 1 (from 2).
- Pogo-Hopper - Cost reduced to 1 (from 2).
- Violet Haze - Cost reduced to 2 (from 3).
- The Storm Bringer - Cost reduced to 6 (from 7).
- Spirit Bomb - Cost reduced to 1 (from 2).
- Thunderhead - Health increased to 6 (from 5).
- Dr. Morrigan - Cost reduced to 6 (from 8).
- Security Rover - Health increased to 6 (from 5).
- Beryllium Nullifier - Attack increased to 4 (from 3).
- Reckless Experimenter - "(Cost can't be reduced below 1.)" appended.
New Collectible Cards
New cards have been added to the game.
New Neutral Cards
- SN1P-SN4P - "It's gonna be snip this, snap that. Bada-snip, bada-snap!"
Official Patch Notes
Quote From Blizzard Today’s Hearthstone update adds a new neutral Legendary Minion, card buffs for every class, new Arena sets, and much more! Read on for details about the Rise of the Mech update.
Introducing SN1P-SN4P!
Make the most of the Rise of the Mech event by logging in anytime between June 3 and July 1 and you’ll earn a golden copy of the new neutral Legendary Mech SN1P-SN4P! Crash this clawed clunker into another Mech to build a behemoth of a bot, then do it again!
Missed the event? Normal SN1P-SN4P can still be crafted for the usual cost of 1600 Arcane Dust.
- Important Note: SN1P-SN4P will be considered part of the The Boomsday Project and will rotate with that set, however SN1P-SN4P will NOT drop from The Boomsday Project card packs. Golden SN1P-SN4P will only be obtainable as part of the Rise of the Mech event, and the normal SN1P-SN4P can only be crafted with Arcane Dust.
Card Changes
The terrible tinkerer Blastmaster Boom has been busy in the lab and has cooked up some buffs to cards from every class! For more details on these changes, including developer insights, check out the Rise of the Mech announcement blog here.
[Hearthstone Card (Gloopsprayer) Not Found] to (7) Mana. (Down from 8)
Mulchmuncher to (9) Mana. (Down from 10)
Necromechanic to (4) Mana. (Down from 5)
Flark's Boom-Zooka to (7) Mana. (Down from 8)
MageUnexpected Results to (3) Mana. (Down from 4)
Luna’s Pocket Galaxy to (5) Mana. (Down from 7)PaladinCrystology to (1) Mana. (Down from 2)Glowstone Technician to (5) Mana. (Down from 6)PriestExtra Arms to (2) Mana. (Down from 3)Cloning Device to (1) Mana. (Down from 2)
Pogo-Hopper to (1) Mana. (Down from 2)
Violet Haze to (2) Mana. (Down from 3)
The Storm Bringer to (6) Mana. (Down from 7)
Thunderhead to 3/6 (Up from 3/5)
WarlockSpirit Bomb to (1) Mana. (Down from 2)
Dr. Morrigan to (6) Mana. (Down from 8)WarriorSecurity Rover to 2/6 stats. (Up from 2/5)Beryllium Nullifier to 4/8 stats. (Up from 3/8)
Want to see these updated cards in action? Be sure to tune in to the Mech-vitational event being held June 3-4.
Reckless Experimenter:
We’ve decided to make a change to how Reckless Experimenter functions due to an unwanted interaction with SN1P-SN4P that allows for an early-game infinite damage combo in Priest decks. We’re also aware of some interactions that SN1P-SN4P creates in Wild when played alongside multiple Mechwarpers, and we’ll be keeping a close eye on how that plays out over the next few weeks.
Players will be able to disenchant Reckless Experimenter for its full Arcane Dust value for two weeks.
Quality of Life Changes:
Reconnect Improvements:
- Players who are disconnected from Hearthstone due to an unstable connection, switching applications, or by locking their mobile devices will no longer be directed back to the login/launch screen when attempting to reconnect.
- The game will now seamlessly reconnect in the background from any screen, instead of only during gameplay. This includes during deck editing, or while browsing the Collection Manager.
- Note: We are still improving this feature, and you may encounter some issues with the current version.
- A new popup has been added to alert players of their offline/reconnect status.
Accessing Hearthstone Offline:
- Players can now access their collection even when their device has lost connection to the Internet.
- The following features of the Collection Manager can now be accessed while offline:
- View owned and unowned cards in the collection
- Create Decks
- Edit Decks
- Delete Decks
- Rename Decks
- Set Favorite Heroes
- Set Favorite Cardbacks
- Opening a pack that was in the process of being opened
- Any changes made in the collection manager while offline will be saved on the player's device until the next time they regain network access. Note that some changes may be lost if a player creates multiple decks or edits the same deck simultaneously on multiple devices.
Matchmaking Improvements:
- We've implemented a new feature to reduce chances of matching against the same player multiple times in a row. Some exceptions may occur when players have few matchmaking options near their rank.
- Match quality has been improved for players in ranks 25 – 21, and they should now face more opponents of similar skill.
Arena Set Rotation
Blastmaster Boom needs more test subjects, and what better place to find them than the Arena? Starting with the Rise of the Mech update, the available cards in Arena drafts will be rotating to the following explosively exciting sets:
- Classic
- Basic
- Goblins vs. Gnomes
- The Grand Tournament
- One Night in Karazhan
- The Boomsday Project
- Rise of Shadows
Card Backs
- Shado-Pan – Earned from completing 5 matches during the July 2019 season.
- Stolen Thunder – Earned by purchasing the Masters Bundle.
Game Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Fixed several issues encountered when making changes to windowed mode, fullscreen mode, and when resizing the game.
- Fixed a visual issue causing Flare to animate twice when drawing a Cast When Drawn card.
- Fixed an issue causing the animation times for Kalecgos and Rebuke to play at a different speed from other similar effects.
- The animation for Togwaggle's Scheme shuffling a high number of cards (5+) has been updated to shuffle in batches of 5 cards and at a higher speed.
- Hadronox's Deathrattle animation no longer appears larger than intended when it triggers an opponent's Duplicate secret.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Kabal Chemist to disconnect your opponent when played.
- Playing Soularium and Plot Twist quickly together will no longer cause a visual issue.
- Fixed an issue causing the game to freeze if Voidcaller is drawn at the start of your turn while Fel Lord Betrug and Spiritsinger Umbra are on your side of the board.
- Triggering a secret that was transformed from Shifting Scroll or Chameleos no longer causes the client to lock up for both players.
- Fixed an issue that could cause streaming data to stop downloading if the game's language was changed during the download process.
- Fixed issue where the Collection Manager’s filters would not work for newly created accounts.
- Fixed an issue where heroes would briefly display the banned banner in the collection manager.
- Fixed an issue which would occasionally leave the screen blurry after finishing a game under certain circumstances.
- [Monster Hunt] Fixed an issue where Monster Hunt bosses would sometimes incorrectly be displayed as Gobbles during the upcoming boss fight screen.
- [Dalaran Heist] Bartender Bob should no longer show an empty speech bubble upon exiting a friendly encounter.
- [Android] Changed how texture packs on Android devices are handled. This may cause some users to have to redownload these assets.
- [Mobile] Fixed an issue that could cause players to get duplicate season roll popups when relogging on a mobile device.
Balance Reasoning
Quote From Blizzard Launcher The twisted tinkerer Blastmaster Boom has been busy in the lab cooking up buffs to cards from every class! These changes are permanent, and the cards will keep their updated stats after The Boomsday Project rotates out of Standard next year. For some context and insight into why we’re updating these cards, here’s a comment from the design team:
For this update, we decided to take two cards from The Boomsday Project from each class and give them a slight power boost. We think all the cards we chose can lead to fun and interesting experiences, and our aim for these changes is to encourage you to think differently about how you’re currently building decks. We’re hoping that some of these cards will see consistent play in the current rotation, and even inspire completely new decks without having a lasting negative impact on their respective classes. If the goal of a balance update is to address metagame outliers, then the goal of something like the Rise of the Mech update is to inspire some fun, new ideas. We look forward to hearing your feedback!
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This was the first card buff patch since the game was released in 2014.
Note the card Crystology costs 1 mana, while the second picture shows 2 mana