New Neutral Minion - Vectus
Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by
A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Vectus, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Vectus, has been revealed!
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Love me some deathrattles, and this card might just do it.
Plenty of stuff and value from this one card. And its still a 6/6 stats for 5 even if there aren't any good ones.
Hopefully some great deathrattle card will be given to hunter so I can finally play deathrattle hunter in standard.
Do we know if, if only one deathrattle died, both welps gain the same effect? Could play that in Warrior after Kargath Bladefist dies...
Slightly better than vanilla in terms of stats and a cool effect that can definitely make for some combo shenanigans. All in all, seems like a sweet card.
Really good card. Will be an auto-include in any deathrattle deck. Nice.
“Legends never die,
They become a part of you.”
Looks amazing given all of the prime’s that just got printed last expansion.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
very powerful !
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
Really nice addition to deathrattle decks. Priest and rogue will love this. And like Meteorite12 wrote, we do have all those primes..
Vectus, Generating primes never been easier ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
A way to get your libram back after getting Reno.
Or just some more prime shenanigans....
And ofc some priest and rogue deathrattle combos.
I like it.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Wow, very good card - lots of good Deathrattles that can be abused. Prime Shenanigans for example :)
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Twilight's Call on a minion, not bad at all. Expecting to see this in all sorts of meme deathrattle decks.
It's a neutral twilight's call.
The only decks that currently consider twilight's call are mecha'thun/toggwaggle decks, but maybe other classes need this effect too?
This could be strong in midrange deathrattle hunter where you often have very high tempo deathrattles to capitalise on nine lives.
This post is discussing the wild format.
I like synergy cards they make deck building interesting the card has decent stats anyway.. If 2 boom bots died you can get basically og Dr. Boom :)
I guess it really has been a while since we'Ve seen neutral Deathrattle synergy.
This is a great addition to any deathrattle deck, but specifically for those with a low density.
I could see this in Big Demon Warlock for value (either you get more Kanrethad Primes or it spawns a 5/5 with Lifesteal. That sounds good enough to me) or really any deck that wants to make more Primes
If this works like I think it does then it will give you two of the same if only one DR minion has died, meaning Warriors can spam Kargath and other such shenanigans.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
What about face Hunter? That uses Leper Gnome, Kobold Sandtrooper, Toxic Reinforcements... He can use Vectus as a finnisher.
By The Holy Light!
It’s not gonna work with librams, same way that Da Undatakah and N’Zoth don’t work with cards that were given deathrattles. It has to be a base deathrattle on the minion itself
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
I get the feeling that they push combo, controll and value this expansion. Most cards are parts of several card combos, and even DH's cards are, even the aggro ones-mostly disruptive and set up to be the counter of a slower meta.
Huge potential to carry any type of Deathrattle Deck. Deathrattle Rogue was insanely strong before Necrium Apothecary got nerfed, this could be the missing key to bringing it back to life.
As a big fan of Da Undatakah and N'Zoth, the Corruptor, this card is probably gonna be net on my shelf. I frankly think this one is gonna be great for a lot of Deathrattle decks, but of all sorts, on the contrast of the other afromentioned cards. You don't exactly need to play this in a big Deathrattle deck - you can play a more aggressive deck with cheaper Deathrattles and play this on curve on the similar manner of Silver Hand Knight. There aren't as many cheap aggro decks that use Deathrattles, but you can certainly slap him into tons of decks, even in ones not exactly focused on the whole Deathrattle synergy.
Also a great card for Highlander decks. Most of them have some sort of a value-oriented Deathrattle minion like [Hearthstone Card (Astromancer Solariam) Not Found] or [Hearthstone Card (Zixor, Apex Hunter) Not Found]. This can give you even more value. I can imagine some dirty stuff with shuffling more copies of Kargath Prime for Big Warrior.
Let's not forget some truly Wild stuff like getting more copies of Immortal Prelate, getting a small Hadronox, creating a small Anub'arak etc.
Even without any Deathrattles, this can serve in token decks as a way to generate 3 minions. Can be nice with Acornbearer to generate even more tokens.
5/5 (as a fan of Deathrattle synergies)
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
AMAZING CARD. This is something that can be used in nearly every deck. (Mainly to get more PRIME's). This is nice for deathrattle rogue, Casino mage (more prime's = more RNG), and many more decks.
Also this thing is going to be NASTY in FACE Hunter, with all their Leper Gnomes and stuff.
BUT i'm the most afraid of the things PRIEST is going to do with this card... copying the deathrattles of cards like Convincing Infiltrator, Chronobreaker in dragon priest, and perhabs even Grandmummy and EVIL Conscripter in some kind of zoo/tempo priest thats coming up.
This card has a LOT of potential in both standard and WILD.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Very powerful! Deathrattle synergy can be so good, and this gives you lots of it. Imagine a Battlecry/Deathrattle hybrid Shaman using Corrupt the Waters and Vectus!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Watch out if priest plays this one after having playing cards like Convincing Infiltrator, or hunter with Spider Bomb.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Super dig this card. I always loved Rez Priest in theory as a way to get mega value out of deathrattle effects, but was turned off after it turned towards degenerate big-style gameplay. Vectus spreads some of that sweet deathrattle-rez to non-priest classes and literally cannot be abused with rez Priest cards since it creates three really bad bodies to rez. Looking forward to tinkering with deathrattle-rez in other classes.
I got really excited when they revealed Da Undatakah, I thought the card would be pretty good. I never opened it, and after a while I realized that it was super bad and so I never crafted it. This card does the same thing as the Undatakah, but it costs half as much. Even if this guy never becomes part of a big meta deck, I will still have a lot of fun with him.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Thought the same, also this is neutral so it can be played outside priest.
So much value from an already value deck. And can be played mid game too if there is any good deathrattle die. Will see play in the niche deck.
Off the bat, 6/6 of stats for 5 mana is good. However, because of his effect, he may or may not be a minion that can be dropped on turn 5 depending on your deck.
The whelps deathrattles are accumulative, the more minions you have die, the more deathrattles the whelps get. So in a deck with mid to expensive deathrattles such as say, Cairne BloodHoof, Convincing Infiltrator and Khartut Defender you probably won't be playing him until turn 7 or 8. Heck, let's look in wild with Jade Rogue - if Aya Blackpaw is played on curve, you wouldn't want to play Vectus until turn 7 so his whelps can get her deathrattle AND the Jade Swarmer's Deathrattle for an additional 2-3 jade golems on their death.
Now, a faster deathrattle deck such as say, face hunter with Toxic Reinforcements, if they were able to get some Leper gnomes and Kobold Sandtroopers to die could stack the deathrattles on the whelps to deal massive damage that would be difficult to work around. Let's say a Hunter is able to get toxic reinforcements off by turn 4, and has killed off all three leper gnomes on turn 5, when Vectus lands on the board his whelps (if I'm correct and they stack deathrattles) will each deal 6 damage to the enemy hero upon death for a total of 12 damage - nearly half of your opponents life points.
There's a lot of potential for this card with any class with access to strong death rattles, it'll be interesting to see where this card goes in constructed and wild.
Twilight's Call on a stick. More costly, but also cost efficient. This being a neutral opens up a lot more possibilities for other classes. Im interested to see what comes of this.
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Strong Deathrattle card that all classes can take advantage of. I expect it to be pretty good. It actually doesn't help Res Priest either since it will put two 1/1 Whelps into the pool instead of additional copies of the Deathrattle minion.
Love the Blackrock Mountain vibes.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Neutrals just feel so good this expansion
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Deathrattle is really gonna have some support!
This card will be nice in standard and possibly insane in wild.
Not as insane as I first thought it was, but still very good.
In case this wasn't answered yet, only one Whelp would even get a Deathrattle. I'd imagine that if two minions with the same Deathrattle have died, both Whelps would get the same Deathrattle.
Very powerful with the primes and potentially with [Hearthstone Card (Carrion Studie) Not Found] as well.
Basically a new Da Undatakah, still not sure if this will see much play as it's still incredibly slow.
Not fast, but 1/1s die a lot easier than Da Undatakah and it's mana cost is lower. And the deathrattles don't need to be that busted for this to be worth playing.
Whisper: This is a Hunter card. ;)
Amazing in deathrattle decks
All hail the banshee queen.
Really strong card because it allows for so much versatility in how to abuse the deathrattles.
I expect to see this in many decks of various types: from aggro egg decks to combo deathrattle shenanigans to ridiculous heal decks, etc.
The stats are very fair without the Deathrattles, but man could you accrue some value with the right deckbuilding. Seems very worth trying in Deathratt;e Hunter and Rogue. I can't think of an immediate OTK combo with it, but it's the kind of card you just expect to have one somewhere down the line.
Welcome to the site!
Build around card. Too bad it needs to be dead minions, too much setup, unless you can pull/copy good deathrattle minions for cheaper.
I'm optimistic about this card. Maybe that deathrattle beast hunter blizzard tried to push back in AoO might be viable now? Least there's always priest if that fails xD and we may be lucky to get a broken deathrattle in the future
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Combo potential
More face damage to face hunter decks
As with the 8 mana 8/8 dragon with deathrattle, I look forward to Dane putting this into his eventual update to his Deathrattle Rogue deck.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
This has a kind of anti synergy with Teron Gorefiend, hasn't it? If Gorefiend dies before you play this, you may get one useless DR onto your tokens.
Teron after Vectus is okay on the other hand.
Would you play it in the same deck as Teron?
Kinda weird. Cheaper Undertaker.
I think there aren't enough competitive tempo-based deathrattle minions going into Scholomance, but this is a 6/6 on turn 5 that has 2 good deathrattles most of the time. This will be a staple in any tempo deathrattle deck should that arise, I just think it's going to happen in a later expansion.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Very strong card, I can see decks being built around it to support the Deathrattle synergy.