New Demon Hunter & Warlock Minion - Spirit Jailer
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Common Demon Hunter/Warlock Minion, Spirit Jailer, has been revealed!
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A new Common Demon Hunter/Warlock Minion, Spirit Jailer, has been revealed!
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A great target for Felosophy in both classes. Will definitely see play in Quest Warlock and might see play in a soul fragment zoo. I think some form of soul fragment DH will 100% see play just because lapidary is a massive payoff and the fragment generators are good cards in their own right, like this one.
I really like how they used the dual-class thing as an opportunity to introduce a new mechanic for multiple classes without making it neutral or spending twice as many cards on it. If they did this without dual classes, then this would take half of warlock and demon hunter's cards instead of 1/4th.
About this specific card, I gave it 5 stars. 1 mana 1/3 is a good enough stat-line to see play. And shuffling Soul Fragments is a huge upside.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
This being a demon ruins my day because it messes up big demon decks. I guess we have enough other Soul cards in Warlock so it might not be necessary anyways
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Nice cheap card for the early turns but mostly for midrange decks. I don't see this in aggro DH for example.
Warlock: Great 1 drop. Will certainly see play in zoolock, BUT that's only if zoolock even want's the Soul Fragment package. Will see play in control warlock as well, so they can control the early game a bit better. (And shuffle more Soul Fragments in their deck.)
DH: This contests with Blazing Battlemage and Battlefiend. But i feel like DH will drop Blazing Battlemage so they can run this card, because of it's synergy with the i.m.o. BROKEN card Soulshard Lapidary. This will only see play in tempo DH, because people will rather abuse Soulshard Lapidary to legend, than play some Control version of DH.
Both classes: This also has synergy with Felosophy, allowing DH and warlock to fill their decks with even more Soul Fragments.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
1 mana 1/3s are always good, so this will be as well.
Auto-include in Fragment decks, although simply being a 1 mana 1/3 Demon might make it good enough for Demon decks even if they don't have Fragment synergy, and the Fragments will always do something.
A pretty nicely-statted demon for any decks that want early game board control.
Unlike beasts with Dire Mole, demons don't have a lot of tribe matters effects in the very early game, so this is less strong.
Enabling fragment effects is useful, but as the only fragment generator alongside marrowslicer that is aggressive, I can't imagine this making waves for aggro.
I don't think mecha'thun wants unpredictable heals like this, so this is unlikely to beat out mistress of mixtures.
This post is discussing the wild format.
This card is just good on so many levels. Ye, you might be disappointed to discover it or get it by some demon rng, but I think it will find its place in some decks for both classes. It's great t1 play.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Not necessarily. 1/3 statline is good enough to see play in Zoo without any upsides, and this strictly has an upside. The upside is of course being a demon, and getting demon synergies. They don't care about restoring 4 health some day, but they certainly care about a premium statline with a premium tribe tag.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
1 mana 1/3s with upside always see play, and so will this one.
1 mana 1/3 minions have historically seen play, Warlocks Voidwalker and Priests Northshire Cleric being the gold standard for those minions.
While this minion will not block 3 damage to your hero or help you cycle your deck, this minion will assist with shuffling cantrips that restore health once drawn. Demon hunters hero power and their assortment of weapons gives them the option to use their face to clear troublesome minions (especially with Blades of Azzinoth), whereas Warlock's hero power and their own powerful cards damage them for beneficial effects, both will appreciate the free life gain from the soul shards.
Warlock has an additional benefit from the life gain, however. In this set we were shown the Flesh Giant, a massive 8 mana 8/8 creature who is discounted by (1) for every time you change your heroes health on your turn. Since Warlock's healing is usually negligible these will help him cheat out the giant easier without putting himself into lethal range.
The fragments are really good in warlock, more healling? that's great, they got both synergy and anti synergy with the warlock quest: each fragment is double card draw BUT if you draw a fragment with the reward hero power it ruins the discount.
Anyway of course this card is AUTO INCLUDE in any fragment warlock deck and it's probably just auto include in every slower warlock (and maybe DH as well) deck that isn't restricted by big demons or something.
Both classes highly appreciate the healing provided by the fragments
Easy pick, could be used even if you don’t run the cards that make use of soul fragments. Then it’s a above-par1-drop with some random healing later on, wich is not bad at all.
Great card. I don't quite believe in the whole package though. The legendary is underwhelming. I guess there are a few cards left to reveal though. Soul Fragments is a good theme that will hopefully get some more support through dual class cards in the next expansion. They added Lackeys in multiple expansions and that worked out pretty well so there is hope. My fear though is that they abandon this idea the way they did with C'thun, and the package becomes all but unplayable after 1 month in Standard.
I expect Spirit Jailer to be a meta-defining card in Warlock. Even without the synergies, this does a lot
Really good for healing up some and gaining early control of the board. Especially since the deck is looking kind of like the old Dragon Priest, being very much a tempo based deck early on
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Solid card, like most 1-mana 1/3 bodies are. Will definitely see play.
That 3D-looking art looks weird, though. Pretty creepy, even...
This is mulligan material right here!! On a better day this is played on T1 you can argue that control DH and Warlock will have answer on your board for couple turns ahead. Just scary.
Definitely, an auto-include in Soul Fragment decks.
I don't think I can add much more than those said above. Only downside I can think of is this dilutes the pool of Galakrond, the Wretched.
Very good - stats alone are pretty good - and with some cards like the new Felosophy this can be pretty nuts.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Its a 1/3 for 1. That's already good enough in my eyes. Soul frag synergy as well, this card is just too good.
What else is there to comment on? I guess the artwork's a bit weird. That demon looks like a hammer fell on his toe as the camera snapped.
I think this might be one of the best soul fragment cards, simply because dropping a 1/3 on turn 1 is so good.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Slightly sticky demon that could make for a nice turn-1 play thanks to the synergy of the deck.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
This card is a double edged sword: on one hand, a 1 mana 1/3 will help most control decks to start spamming Soul Fragments into thier deck while fighting for the board. On the other, for control decks, it will mess up the big demon synergies those decks want to have.
For more tempo oriented decks, it's just another early game play.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Great 1-drop overall, great fragment support, copy-able by Felosophy, usable by two classes. 5/5
Great stat for a (1) drop, with or without full value from the fragment : nice
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Nothing in the art really screams “Jailer” to me. He looks more like Greg from accounting..
This ain't no place for a hero
Solid 1 drop that maybe enable fragment card. This is an autoinclude if you want play this mechanics
I think any deck that is considering any Soul Fragment payoff cards will run this. Tempo DH would love to just run Soulshard Lapidary and get its effect, and with just this and Marrowslicer, that's a serious boost to Tempo DH. I think Zoolock on the Imprisoned Scrap Imp and Hand of Gul'dan package to fit in any part of the Soul Fragment package well, so I think the only way Warlock runs Soul Fragments is by including all of the cards in a slower deck like Handlock. However you slice it, if you run Soul Fragment payoff cards, you run Spirit Jailer.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Another 1 1/3 for zoo decks!! This is going to see a lot of use
1/3 1 Drop, shuffle 4 health into the deck. Solid ass card. :D
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
1/3 do nothing saw play. This has a really good upside...
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Auto-include in every SF deck. SOULY because it's proactive.
A good 1/3 start to Soul decks. Since it's a Demon you can buff with for 3/5 on Turn 2.
I think even in decks that don't use the Soul Fragment mechanic very much, this card is good. Just about every 1 mana 1/3 minion has seen play and the soul fragments are an upside. Except if you play a highlander deck.
Very solid minion for two classes that take alot of face damage. His face looks like a lego figure's face though poor guy.
A perfectly perfunctory card for a soul shard deck.
Excelent 1 drop, super stats, strong effect and strong synergie with other "soul magic" cards. Easy 5 stars
I definitely think this is an auto-include in all fragment decks, hopefully it will push DH into a new style of play than pure aggression and SMOrc the face.
For warlock, this is a perfect starting point to generate some fragments and a solid 1 drop to boot.
Soul deck combo with a nice cost, stats are meh
All hail the banshee queen.
Pure and simple, an auto-include if you're playing with Soul Fragments. Even if you're not, 1-drops don't get a lot more solid than this.
Soul fragments decks seems to be good.
The community doesn't give 1-drops 5/5 ratings, but this card is going to be an auto-include in so many decks for both DH and Warlock. This card doesn't win you the game, but the fact that you always want it in your deck means it's a 5/5 for Hearthstone.
A 1-mana 1/3 with an upside has rarely not seen play; I don't think this card is any different, and I suspect to see this until it rotates.
A short while from now, when one of those data collection sites puts out a list of Most Played Cards, I fully expect to see this little guy right up near the top. The [Hearthstone Card (Soul Shard) Not Found] mechanic looks to be a reasonably versatile and fun one, usable as a splash for some healing even if you're not going for the full package, and a 1/3 body on a 1 cost minion is never bad. Could even bring right back with Raise Dead for some extra shards. I'm thinking of it entirely in terms of Warlock, because that's my "brand", but I would imagine Demon Hunter could make use of those shards as well (I should have checked the DH soul shard cards before I wrote this, haha), so I get the feeling that, about 20% of the time, we'll be seeing someone lead off with this. Let's all hope his entrance flourish isn't too annoying :)
Fits perfectly in any soul frag deck/strat, specially since we don't have enough soul frag producers.
Any deck but Highlander would play this one. Has staying power, heals you-and only you- and can trade. I suppose it will replace Mistress of Mixtures in a lot of control-y wild decks.
Better than looks
1 mana 1/3 tribe minion with battlecry.
Usefull for Manu archetypes.
By The Holy Light!
With Felosophy this card will be a nightmare 2/4 heal 4. And enables other Soul Fragment cards. Very strong imho
best 1 drop for control since...Dire Mole?
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
1 mana 1/3 minions generally see play, and this also shuffles Soul Fragments. Anything to do with the new Soul Fragments mechanic gets 5 stars from me!
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Strong 1 drop on its own, with the added benefit of the Soul Fragments. Will surely see lots of play in both classes.
The best Soul Fragment generator? It's a great Zoo card, great for SF decks, it's a Demon so it can synergise with Felosophy and other cards like that. I think this card is going to be seen a lot.
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