Battlecry: Summon a copy of this.
Scholomance student Brewfest prank gone awry.
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
The art for this card was created by Matt Dixon.
Play SCH_133_Wolpertinger_Play
Attack SCH_133_Wolpertinger_Attack
Death SCH_133_Wolpertinger_Death
Blatant power creep on Alleycat.
Hunter loves 1 mana beasts with an upside, so this is definitely going to see play. The fact that the bunny has devil elements to it is fitting because that's exactly how I think people will feel about this card after a few weeks.
It hint WoW Brewfest, that is in October, maybe this year will perform that event
Has it's uses in certain type of decks...
Dies to Lightning Bolt.
Every year has to have an Alleycat
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Blatant power creep on Alleycat.
Hunter loves 1 mana beasts with an upside, so this is definitely going to see play. The fact that the bunny has devil elements to it is fitting because that's exactly how I think people will feel about this card after a few weeks.
It hint WoW Brewfest, that is in October, maybe this year will perform that event
Has it's uses in certain type of decks...
Dies to Lightning Bolt.
Every year has to have an Alleycat