New Hunter Minion - Bloated Python
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Rare Hunter Minion, Bloated Python, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Hunter Minion, Bloated Python, has been revealed!
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that's a lot of stats for very little mana. Not really anything beyond that, but I think that's good enough.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Not great, but not terrible.
This is +1 mana on nerubian egg for +1 attack, which lets you trade it more easily, but deathrattle hunter decks would much rather have the egg in play a turn earlier.
This post is discussing the wild format.
reminds me of Devilsaur Egg / Nerubian Egg sticky deathrattle but this doesn't even need synergy it can pop itself..
there was that card.. 4 mana 1/1 that summoned a 5/5 but 3 mana is much cheaper than 4.. really playing 3 cost cards is just much easier.
Has a decent home in deathrattle themed decks and in Quest Hunter, so I suspect this card will see at least some amount of play. Neither of those decks are especially strong right now, so its hard to say whether or not this set gives them enough support to make them strong enough.
This art is 100% someone at blizzard's fetish.
Living like that.
Part of me says this is a lot better than the eggs since it has an attack value and so you can trade with it and get the big stats, another part of me says this is worse than the eggs since it has an attack value and so your opponent knows it will die and trade into it and not let you pull off your deathrattle shenanigans.
It is fairly slow, but if you are able to trigger it at least twice it is enough stats to justify running.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Lot of stat's for cheap, and it naturally fit's after a turn 2 Pack Tactics. Seems really good for deathrattle hunter. Also this can be looked at as "a egg card that has stat's", and Hunters love egg-like cards. Good synergy with Teron Gorefiend as well, just in case you have a big board. Also if your opponent doesn't deal with it, you can copy this turn 4 with Mok'Nathal Lion to make Mok'Nathal Lion even better. Super solid card for deathrattle hunter. Wish Kripp had better draw during the reveal stream, otherwise we might have be thinking differently about this card.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Just reminds me more of that Karazhan card that summoned the 3/2 when it died than an egg, and that card was only ever decent
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Don't you guys miss the part that this card has a minion tag as "Beast" ? Of course this card is better than eggs. You can tutor it with Scavenger's Ingenuity at the very least.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
An egg than can attack? oh boy.
Also the art is great for the effect.
Indirect nerf to Exotic Mountseller.
3500+ wins with Mage. Need reward for 5k.
inf3rno#2564 EU
Kindly Grandmother is back!
Curves nicely from Pack Tactics into Mok'Nathal Lion.
ArtStation | Twitter
An egg that can attack seems really good to me, though the overall stats aren't necessarily better than some other options. Serpent Egg is more mana efficient, but this is a beast to begin with. I think it will be good.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
It's like a Nerubian Egg that can attack without extra help needed, but it costs 1 more. It's also a Beast, so it seems pretty good.
its Devilsaur Egg, and I'm very happy. Been trying to make deathrattle hunter work in standard so this goes straight in it. Better than serpent egg for sure, since hunter doesn't have any way to pop the egg. This one doesn't need popping and that's a major plus in hunter.
With Carrion Studies, this can get out on 2, and straight into Teron Gorefiend on 3. Just a good deathrattle card for any occasion.
Hunter can use the lion to get use of the deathrattle and thus gain a lot of stats and board presence. This will definitely see play.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
I like it - good stats overall for 3 Mana. Also nice to play in combination with different cards like Pack Tactics for example.
This will see play!
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More deathrattle synergy for hunter, tbh i like it even if i don't think this is strong enough.
3 mana for 1/2 of stats is pretty bad. getting a 4/4 out of it makes it better, but you'll want to have a strategy in mind when running this minion.
Hunter's hand buff cards, Felboar, Scavenger's Ingenuity and Scrap Shot can make this minion MUCH better, 3 mana 2/4 have seen play, and 3/4 for 3 is very good, 4/5 for 3 mana is the best outcome.
This minion's deathrattle effect also gives it a strong synergy with Hunter's new card carrion studies, which can discount this minion's cost by (1), allowing you to play Carrion Studies on turn 1, and then this on turn 2.
If you're wanting to play this with an egg deck you'll want Teron Gorefiend in your deck as well as a way to not just activate it but to resummon it with +1/+1 along with other sticky death rattle minions.
aside from that, you can also play Houndmaster on curve following this minion to give it +2/+2 and taunt so that your opponent is forced to throw a minion at it and activate it's deathrattle.
But at 3 mana Midrange Hunter's 3 mana slot is already full with cards like Animal Companion, Kill Command, Zixor Apex Predator and EagleHorn Bow or Stormhammer. It might not be able to fit in this deck unless you're aiming for cheap beasts.
I do like the art and flavor, but it doesn't seems nearly as powerful as some of the other option available for that mana pool slot. Could be wrong tho, as it is still pretty affordable
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
More comparable to granny than eggs which may sound bad, but the payoff is better, plus there are some good deathrattle synergies that can used with this. Most importantly, unlike eggs this can pop itself.
A new "egg" , similar to Nerubian Egg but with a +1/+0 for 1 more mana. I like the 3 mana cost, since this can be spawned from the other card of this set that generate some 3 mana Beast. So...a lot of stats and can be used in combo with Teron Gorefiend
Better than eggs couse it can attack by itself.
C++ is not better than python XD (or is it...)
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Love the card and its flavor text.
Scavenge plus for Python meta dominance.
imagine being a 4/4 and then getting vored by a smol snek
Not as good as it looks
I think I'm rating this one too highly.
Seems good, while not being overpowered. Also gnomes really are at a disadvantage when taming big beasts.
Nice egg.
Not really a fan of this one for whatever reason. Deathrattle doesn't seem worth the stat cost, although it is better than an egg at least because it can attack.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Costs a tad too much but it drops a nice stats creature... Basically another egg creature
All hail the banshee queen.
Seem's kinda slow but it curves out really nicely with Scavenger's Ingenuity for a 3 mana 3/4 that makes a 4/4 when he dies which is pretty cool. Fetching Zixor is still probably better, but it's not the worst combo. in standard.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
It's plenty of stats, but it's delayed and basically just a weaker Serpent Egg. I don't really see it seeing any play.
It's a new kind of egg. Not as strong as Nerubian Egg or Devilsaur Egg, but not as weak as Serpent Egg. I'm sure it will see play of some kind, but I'm not sure what deck it will fit into best. It's also a beast, so it has synergy that the other eggs don't have. Looks solid!
Basically an egg card that has +1 attack for 1 mana thrown on. Could see some play, especially with Carrion Studies discounting it so you can play this on 2.
Best case scenario is a 4/4 "charge" on turn 4. Decent, but not that absurd.
Without dr activators looks weak.
By The Holy Light!
I think this will see a decent amount of play.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
I love this new egg lol
If something replaces itself, I always thought that was a good card.
I'm not a fan of the movie Anaconda, or this card.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Best Flavor text. Good early game discover, like off Carrion Studies
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
A Nerubian Egg that costs 1 more and is a beast. That's not a bad tradeoff as Bloated Python can curve into Mok'Nathal Lion and Houndmaster. The issue with the card is more of a deck context issue as I think Deathrattle Hunter synergies aren't as nearly powerful as Dragon Hunter synergies, which makes me think this will have its chance to shine after the next rotation.
For glory, honor, and gold!
its kinda like a egg but reversed, instead of hatching into a beast or something it is the beast. which makes it very interesting you can take advantage of some different beast synergies before its "hatched" and get a good body when it dies.
Solid synergies available to it in Hunter, along with the Beast tag, probably push this into being a better Nerubian Egg rather than the worse version looking at the stats alone would make you think it is.
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This card definitely isn't going in every Hunter deck, but in Deathrattle-themed ones it'll be great. The Beast tag obviously works in the class's favour as well.
The 1/2 body is measly, but if you can trigger its effect multiple times, the payoff seems great. Several 4/4s in the early game is hard to deal with, and'll allow Hunters to SMOrc as much as they like without fear of retribution until later.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
I like the art, it's a beast and has a decent deathrattle. Seems ok to good.
A strong card, but I doubt it'll see much play since it seems a bit too slow compared to the alternatives on turn 3.