New Hunter Spell - Overwhelm
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Rare Hunter Spell, Overwhelm, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Hunter Spell, Overwhelm, has been revealed!
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pretty fantastic removal for Quest Hunter and maybe other Hunters as well if they manage to go wide consistently
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I'm not sure that hunters really need cheap damaging removal.
The card is strong for the cost, but fills a niche that most hunter decks don't seem to need filled, because they aim for board dominance in the early game, letting them trade problem minions away.
This post is discussing the wild format.
even with 1 beast it goes to the breakpoint of 3 damage where it kills most early minions.. if you are swarming the board with beasts it can even remove big stuff so yeah why not.. there's still the quest hunter support.
Firstly, that art freaks me out. Secondly, it kind of boggles me that this is the only card they released this expansion that synergizes with Professor Slate, and it even has ways to be strong without him. Thirdly, its nice support for Quest Hunter and might see some play, but its application is niche and I am not confident that lists will run it over other swarm-y options.
Step 1: Unleash the Hounds.
Step 2: Overwhelm.
Optional step 3: Ace Hunter Kreen to ensure save trades for the hounds.
This card is really good for control & quest demon hunter. Maybe highlander hunter will also use this in a more mid-range kinda version? Maybe it will just slot in well with the current highlander hunter list, as they like having a way to deal with 2 health minions. Also 1 mana deal 2 damage is solid on it's own.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
This card is above average in terms of damage per mana, but I don't know if every deck will want this. If you are trying to make a control hunter then it is a 1 for 1 trade and it helps slow the game. Otherwise I think you would rather run more proactive stuff like Rush minions or the new Krolusk Barkstripper to help control the board.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Doesn’t really look like something you’d need, especially given how often your small tokens die anyways
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
1 mana deals 2 is like common value, now, this can do more than that with 1 or 2 beast or be used with Unleash the Hounds for example to "Shield Slam" a big minion instead of having to hit it with all the hounds. Good card.
Hunter doesn't have good Options when it comes to removing big Minions. At best, they have Rotnest Drake with good RNG.
So, this Card could be potentually usefull, given that Hunter can literally fill the Board with Swarm of Locusts.
ArtStation | Twitter
Great concept, flavor and art. Card itself is okay.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
That art is freaky.
The effect could be strong with something like Unleash the Hounds effectively making this a 1 mana "destroy a minion" card, so it might be decent.
Its a solid card, that will see inclusion in most decks that runs beast, which is most hunter decks other than dragon.
So I guess Professor Slate is really just too niche now, since this card is effectively the only spell that does damage this expansion.
Nice, if you go wide or if you have the professor on board. Arcane shot power creep? Only on minions tho...
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Could be decent - right now im not so sure this will be used - but defenitely has potential!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
ahh.. the pay-off for swarm synergy in hunter, if the archetype goes well, pretty sure this card is one of the backbone.
It's easy to compare this spell with Arcane shot - both cost (1) mana, both deal 2 damage, both can be improved by spell damage.
Overwhelm however can only deal damage to a minion. It can also improve it's damage by the number of friendly beasts on your side of the field, up to 7, for a total of 9 damage for 1 mana. That's a colossal amount of damage for 1 mana.
Hunter's have been known for using tokens for a while now, they're top three choices being unleash the hounds, Swarm of Locusts and snake trap. While Unleash the hounds is dependent on your opponents board, swarm of Locusts and snake trap are not, allowing you to deal and additional 3-6 damage with this spell to a target of your choice.
This mean that taunts that would get in the way of your face damage can be easily removed for very cheap, and can even by played with the new Krolusk Barkstripper to remove 2 minions from your opponents board instead of just 1.
Cheap, flexible spells always see play initially, if beast hunter becomes dominant again we will absolutely see this card in the ladder.
The scaling effect is interesting, but Hunter usually have a hard time keeping large board and/or maintaining it. At (1) mana, this is still pretty flexible and could sometimes be buffed by a few increments. Curious to see if this will make the cut
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
So, you've manage to succeed in putting multiple beasts into play. What's the payoff? Maybe kill a minion for 1 mana? The investment in this card isn't worth its payoff.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Good card, sure, but not really... needed in hunter. With future expansions control hunter (lol) might work with this as a great removal, but right now only quest hunter seems to like this.
Niche card imho. Fitt very well in Quest Hunter but I can't find other deck for Overwhelm (since i don't belive we can use "the Beast buff" to much)
This has some really good sinergy
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Gives hunter most options for Spellburst cards like the new 4 mana beast.
Even more ridiculous with Spell Damage.
I like the pic
Okay card without beasts, good with them. But will a beast Hunter be good and would it run/need this? Not sure.
Good for any cheap minion centered hunter deck, of course mostly for the quest.
1 Cost card with a nice effect that only becomes better the more beasts you got on the board
All hail the banshee queen.
Pretty decent, might see play if hunter gets a more dedicated beast deck
Can't go face, can't go in hunters deck. Sad but true.
Deal to damage to a minion for 1 mana is already solid, so the fact that it has an upside that linearly increases means this has a lot of potential.
Beasts and Hunter go together so seamlessly, so this is bound to give Hunter another solid removal tool.
That art... :D
Pretty good if you have a few beasts in play. Quest hunter in particular can use this quite well.
Ok card.
Cheap and you can get a huge value with some beasts on board.
By The Holy Light!
One of the cutest cards of the expansion and a great push that Hunter was lacking for minion removal.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
I must say I love Wolpertinger art, they are just too cute and deadly at the sema time
This will see some play.
So does this do 2 and then 1 damage pings? Or is it just one shot and increased by the number of beasts? If it's the former it's better because the first 2 can pop divine shields and then the following pings could take down the shielded minion.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
More like belongs in the trash
This ain't no place for a hero
Pretty sick against a zoolock where they generally have a bunch of small minions with one big minion like Sea Giant.
Just play Unleash the Hounds plus Overwhelm
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I see this working best with Rat Pack or other cards that quickly swarm your board with beasts.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
A good removal tool. The art is the best part of it, though!
Better than Arcane Shot for the most part. No face damage is obviously bad in Hunter, but I think the bonus more than makes up for it.
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