New Paladin & Warrior Minion - Lord Barov
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Legendary Paladin/Warrior Minion, Lord Barov, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Paladin/Warrior Minion, Lord Barov, has been revealed!
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It is a combination of Acidmaw and Dreadscale for a third of the price. All you need is either a whirlwind effect in hand, which warrior should be able to do, or just have some minions already on the field to trade with.
2 mana Equality saw play in Paladin, so 3 mana Equality should see play in warrior/paladin.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Given how little he costs, I'm willing to bet that deathrattle is more of a liability than it looks. It is too slow to be used to kill off the opponent's minions the turn you play him, so that still needs 2 cards, and even if you do that by giving him rush, you're then killing off any minions you had on your side, saving your opponent the hassle of doing it themselves.
You will usually be ahead on the board too after you clear the board with, say, Consecration, so you don't want the deathrattle to go off anymore most of the time.
So all in all, I have to think that the two effects looks super synergistic, but the way it is put together means they probably don't mix well most of the time.
Super good in both classes, its a discounted Equality that comes with a body and can even activate itself. Activates damage synergy in Warrior, clears for Paladin with itself Equality or that one Libram, card will 100% see at least some play.
Its just a very strong card that will see inclusion into most decks since its essentially a removal card, with a deathrattle that can be beneficial under some circumstances.
Cheaper equality, and yet another board clear for warrior. Whats else is there to want from a card for both sides?
Could this be a sign that equality might get unnerfed? It seems odd that equality + a 3/2 with a synergistic deathrattle costs less than equality.
This card is pretty nice for odd warrior and DMH warrior, and probably works pretty well in a midrange paladin deck as well. Very nice 1-card board clear.
This post is discussing the wild format.
I don't think it seems odd that an expansion legendary is more powerful than an evergreen rare.
Cards in the classic set should generally be a little bit worse then the effect would normally cost. That way they don't get played all of the time. But then if there isn't a card with that effect in an expansion, then there is always that classic card.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
A good control card for warrior. For Paladin maybe an egg/deathrattle build including Teron Gorefiend could make some sense here.
Still think Equality was extreamly overnerfed at 4 mana.. think they should readjust Equality to 3.. just cause it was done such an injustice to the iconic card..
justice demands retribution!
Anyway strong card dunno already every class gets INSANE cards this expansion.. so much for not powercreeping as much.
There's a lot to like here for both Paladin and Warrior - I expect it will see play in at least one of them.
Totally agree.
Teron Gorefiend is the first card that comes to my mind when i was finding a card to activate the DR for pally.
By The Holy Light!
Lord Barov looks powerful, but I think with a little context he doesn't appear as good as his face value.
First, the deathrattle for Lord Barov needs to be triggered the turn you play him if you want to clear the board that turn, which I imagine will be most scenarios as is the nature of board clears. This means you need another card alongside Lord Barov to kill him like Teron Gorefiend or Rocket Augmerchant or that new broom card. The issue with this is that this is a 2 card combo with the core card being a one-of in the deck, which makes your activator(s) dead in hand until you draw Lord Barov,.
Second, for Paladin, the Equality effect has historically seen play in control and combo Paly decks, where you aren't playing for board. Paladin right now, and standard Hearthstone for that matter, is mostly about playing for board. Libram Paladin would rather run Libram of Justice as it doesn't ruin their board like Lord Barov does. Also, there just isn't enough support for a control or combo Paladin in standard right now.
Third, for Warrior, I actually think its possible for Lord Barov to see play in Warrior as they have self-damage enabling effects and have run enabler cards like Teron Gorefiend quite successfully in Ashes of Outland. Still, Lord Barov is awkward with Inner Rage, Rampage, and Bloodsworn Mercenary and could be a dead card in hand if any of these cards are also in hand.
Overall, I think Lord Barov is more situational than he looks. If control or combo for either class gets support, than his inclusion in either class would make more sense.
For glory, honor, and gold!
This was not the minion I was expecting for Paladin and Warrior.
Both classes have historically enjoyed having their opponent's minions at 1 health so they can clear their board with spells like whirlwind or consecration.
Lord Barov's Deathrattle serves to help clear the board too, although he will potentially clear your board as well.
Warrior has the easiest time to activate it's death rattle on their turn, with risky skipper being a very popular minion since AoO made pirates popular, along with Sword and Board which is a 1 mana spell that deals a modest 2 damage, and slam can also be used to kill Lord Barov. If a minions' board is cleared before Barov's Deathrattle is activated, you could set up your own board with Armorsmith to gain armor and then use Battlerage to fill you hand.
For Paladin this minion has a clear synergy with their Silver hand recruit tokens, allowing the tiny 1/1 minions to trade into your opponents larger threats, or even setting up a consecration play (equality and consecration used to see play, but I believe Equality got nerfed which killed that combo). I'm not certain how a paladin would intentionally activate Barov's effect or if there's any synergy they have with this effect, either, though.
This is pretty amazing, honestly. It's like mixing Equality or Libram of Justice with [Hearthstone Card (Pyromancer) Not Found], but not having to worry about a combo, and even being able to possible use it multiple times as a deathrattle.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Looks pretty amazing to me, Warrior’s gonna love another cheap full clear, and Paladin always wants more actual board clears
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Damn this card is nuts! You get a 3/2, an Equality, and a Whirlwind all in one for 3 mana. Slightly restrictive because you may not be able to trigger the DR when you want to, but it will also be tough for your opponent to play around.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Top tier expansion legendary. This is going to be a meta definer for sure.
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
Very good card. This will easily see play.
Though I disagree with some posts above, as I still see this as a combo card-- you still need another card to activate its effect immediately. Either you need a card to kill this minion immediately (like Teron Gorefiend in the video), or a card to kill all the other minions (like Risky Skipper for Warrior or Consecration for pally).
Just a very solid card all around, and that’s saying something about the power level of this expansion if such a ridiculous card can only be rated as “fair”
This ain't no place for a hero
So Risky Skipper + Lord Barov is 2 card board clear? In paladin i feel there will be some deathrattle support, just a feeling. All in all, i can see myself playing with this card.
Cool card, but you need a follow-up card to fully take advantage of it's board-clearing capability. It'll see play though.
Versatile legendaries with low mana cost always see play, and always will.
I think this will be h(a)unting the ladder for the next few ...! ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
You're absolutely right. Equality should cost at least only 3 mana. But that could potentially break odd paladin in wild so team 5 won't do it.
A nice board clear. For the time the meta reach a more controlly state.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
It's a good card stat-wise, but I have no idea how to make it work for paladin (outside of just being cheaper Equality, and I'm speaking mainly about pure Paladin since I don't see any other version of Control Paladin being a thing)
Warrior can perhaps combine it with some provider of Rush (Rocket Boots playable POGGERS)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I could see this work in almost every Warrior Deck right now. Good Card - for Paladin i guess it could work to, but i think it will be way better in Warrior!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Paladin finally has a reason to run Scarlet Purifier.
Jokes aside, this is probably gonna end up more in Warrior decks, because they have an easier time benefitting from the Health reduction even without triggering the Deathrattle. Just Whirlwind or Bladestorm are enough to give you a massive board wipe and leave a 3/1. Paladin in Standard will have a tougher time doing similar things, although they still have Consecration.
In Standard, Warrior will still most likely lean towards Tempo, and even then I can see this being played there alongside Risky Skipper. This shows how much Warrior can make of the Battlecry. Still dunno what Tempo Warrior could remove to add in Barov, but he looks promising there to reset the board state. Or in general.
5/5 for Warrior, 3/5 for Paladin
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Doubt it.. Why nerf a core paladin card because of a mistake they did?
It's situational at best in that deck.. They prefer to not trade shr anyway don't think it will break wild or anything..
So, is there any viable two-card combo for paladin, except for this +Consecration?
Feels useless in paladin as a combo boardclear, but I suppose it's fine if you are willing to trade in your minions. Obviously much, MUCH better in warrior and that's where it will see play.
For Warrior, this is really good since they can easily just use Whirlwind or Risky Skipper to clear the board for 4 mana. For Paladin? I guess they could use Consecration? It'll definitely be played somewhere for sure, but it might just end up being a Warrior card.
Good early board clear even if it requires combo cards to go off right away. Warrior have a lot of them and could make good use of this. Paladin have less options, but could prepare with some dudes or just use Consecration. We’ll probably see this a lot!
Old Equality and Whirlwind in 1. Insane VALUE and it's a great minion for both classes. Both warrior and Paladin needed some huge board clear and Lord Barov is here to help these classes out. This will see a LOT of play in control warrior & libram/control Paladin.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
A cheaper Equality with a decent body, plus a smal aoe on death. It's versatile and usefull to block an early aggression...but to use as board clear need some extra card
Absolutely nutty card, I can see it being played significantly more in warrior because this + Risky Skipper is sweet and Paladin has Libram of Justice and there aren't an abundance of minions with big butts right now so it might be excessive to run both.
Oh and Trump's video was sweet, really funny watching Reddit and a bunch of other websites post this card as 4 mana, 7 mana, 5 mana, etc just because they didn't watch the whole video.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
Seems pretty good.. Hoping I open it.
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Seems, in a way, almost "too fair". Can take out big threats late game, sure, but will this really see much play?
Good Value on its own, but broken with Risky Skipper.
Has potential
Such an awkward slow card. Better have something to trigger that Deathrattle.
After Ultimate Infestation, I'm just assuming that Blizzard always gives Trump the value card to reveal.
Such a strong card with great effects bundled together. You don’t even need to kill this off to benefit, it’s just a 3 mana equality with a 3/2 attached.
Awesome card but too expensive for a board clear.
Cheap card with a nice effect, whirlwind makes it so you can clear the board and still have this minion up afterwards
All hail the banshee queen.
This card is bonkers in any type of control Warrior or Paladin list.
Seems very strong to me combining Equality, Whirlwind, and a 3/2 into a single card.
I expect this will see play in standard and wild for quite some time unless it gets nerfed.
Strong card overall, but I think in warrior it will be way stronger since paladin has more tools to trigger this kind of effects, also palladin should have a hard time killing its own minion.
Nowadays, it takes a legendary to do what Equality + Pyroguy used to do. To many cogs too clear a board, won't play nice why enrage buddies, Blizz didn't even bother to credit his first name in the card. Pass.
I'm going to wait and see how this plays out before I make any assumptions. I'm literally in the middle with this card.
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Very good board clear combo
This is a good card, it isn't over-powered and will work well in both Warrior and Paladin with the tools they currently have and maybe even some new ones.
It's good, but kinda lack luster. I see this only being using in control though
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Overall a very good card. Enough said!
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Looks strong, specially considering its cost. Not gamebreaking but will surely see some play.
This will be a staple in control decks, in spite of how clunky it is. Seriously, get used to seeing this guy, because if a Control Warrior or Paladin is in the meta, they're playing this card.
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