New Priest Spell - Initiation
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Rare Priest Spell, Initiation, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Priest Spell, Initiation, has been revealed!
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Huge potential, but difficult to really get big value out of. Priest isn't that good at damaging minions. They usually just kill them right away
remember when they printed Holy Water omegalul
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Holy Water but it doesn't totally suck, can be used on own minion sometimes for DR activation and such (our home our tombs)
A slightly better Holy Water, but that card was really bad. Not super confident in this card since 4 damage is not likely to kill anything that big on turn 6, but we'll have to see how the meta shakes up.
Copying minions costs 5 mana, and dealing 4 damage costs 3 mana. Granted, neither Faceless Manipulator or Shadow Bolt see a lot of play, but this does cost 2 less mana than playing both of those cards together, so maybe it will see play.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Better Holy Water! Nice! Also this can target your own minions, so it is also a RESS effect. (NOOOOO! WHY BLIZZ) This will see play in a lot of control priest decks.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
A bit pricy. Not sure if many decks will want this, just because it comes down a little too late for spot removal against aggressive decks, and most priest decks already have board wipes on 6.
If midrange becomes a widely viable archetype, this is a strong counter.
This post is discussing the wild format.
It's a better Holy Water. I'm not sure if it's actually good enough to see play since Priest doesn't have that many ways of actually dealing damage outside of minion combat (usually preferring to just kill them outright with removal). But hey, it's still better Holy Water and when it works, it works.
Prime cards look really tasty right now.
its a decent card, but unfortunately there's problems everywhere with using it.
Priest spells don't generally damage minions, so you're counting on your board to weaken a big target so this card can do something. Half the time, you wont have such a board to do so, and the other half of the time you'd much rather have something like Time Rip or Shadow Word: Death. Also, this cost 6 mana. So unless the thing you're aiming at has rush or taunt, you're likely just going to die after playing this card.
Decent card because it directly summons the minion - so its better than Holy Water. Even tough Priest has lots of removal i still think that this will see play.
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I think there is better things to do with 6 mana than this play, but in some condition can swing tempo in your favor. Overall it's a no.
Basically, you want to use it on your own minions to activate some deathrattle. You don't want to kill an enemy minion with this, since it will resummon it back (unless it's a buffed low health one, Battlefiend for example). But it's so expensive.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
So expensive, but it could really swing the game with luck. Imagine finishing off something like a Walking Fountain and immediately getting healed for 8 and killing 2 minions.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Nah, for 6 mana this definitely isn't good enough. A highlander deck could try it, but I don't think so.
4 Damage for 6 Mana is pretty bad, but I wouldn't be surprissed if the Copy-Effect makes up for it. Removing something and putting a healthy Minion on the Board is very good Tempo.
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6 mana for 4 damage is a lot. Sure...sometime you can find some value, but it's not easy. I think it's not enough to see some play
LOVE the golden art for this card. :D
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Will be abused, nerf target, 4/5
A puzzle box? What does it say? ... Yogi-Saffron something... sure, let's open it, what is the worst that could happen?
Not good enough
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
This one was designed by Cora. I don't like the card but she seems cool!
Seems expensive. I dunno.
Seems expensive. I dunno.
Not sure if it will make the cut, but atleast it's better than Holy Water.
Meeh,holly water,but 1 mana more to summon
Feels like it's too slow to see play. Expensive removal is typically not great with the only example I can think of being Time Rip, which mainly works because it powers up the main card in the deck. This card isn't the worst but I don't see why you'd want to run this over cards that either develop the board or some cheaper removal that still lets you develop a threat.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
Better than [Hearthstone Card (Holy Water) Not Found] but it still seems garbage.
This spell is a slightly more expensive and slightly more damaging Holy Water, that instead of adding the felled minion to your hand, summons it to your side of the board.
As expensive as this spell is, I highly doubt that this will be seen in constructed, Holy Water was barely seen except for a few niche decks, and Priest doesn't have any minions with spell damage in their class to make the damage more desirable.
That said, Priest does have ways to discover or generate this spell - Renew and Sethekk Veilweaver are able to generate spells you normally wouldn't have space to add to your deck, and this spell may be used as a secret weapon in the priest toolkit going forward.
Not super impressed by this one, it seems both weak and slow. At least it is better than Holy Water
Removal with a summon as extra, the cost sends me away but looks like a nice card
All hail the banshee queen.
It looks to be an alright card, but it might not be good enough.
Holier Water, great in arena but not good enough for constructed.
It's just bad. With 5 damage it could be a Sylvanas, but that it get it Hall'd.
Initiation : The things a murloc's gotta go through to graduate from Scholomance…
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Need to hit a 4 or less health, since Priest it's really bad at chipping away minions. Not really a fan of this one.
I don't think this is going to see play at all based on the fact that Holy Water never saw play.
I also don't know how often you will be able to get this off on a minion that's really valuable to summon a fresh copy of...
Feels like one of the weaker cars in the expansion to me.
So the initiation on Cult of the Damned is killing something and then rising it. Good lore interpretation imho
Mage would’ve loved this with their spell damage support, but in priest it just seems way too slow
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Priest have better removals
Bad card, for constructed and arena.
By The Holy Light!
Can also work as a self Reincarnate if used with your own minions but still a little bit expensive. Will see play I think but most of the times on Wild.
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
I wonder how this will interact the Jandice Barov fake card?
Let me light the way.
Flexible as a Sylvanas type of steal that also full heals what you steal, and you can target the steal instead of it being random. Or you can use it as a way to full heal your own minion that has been reduced to 4 health or less. Probably not a lot of situations where you use this for damage but don't kill the target.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Like many, I think this is too expensive. It might be okay in Wild, but I'm not even sure about that.
A faster version of Holy Water for 1 more mana. The issues with Initiation is that 1) Priest already has highly efficient removal and 2) for the tempo of summoning a minion and killing an opposing one, I think Cabal Shadow Priest works better as you get more guaranteed stats and can steal minions above 4 health (in exchange for the attack restriction). Initiation doesn't excel at either removal or tempo, so I don't think it sees play.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Murlocs have wanted to be Priest cards all along!
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
This is one of those cards where I'm going to have to experiment with it in order to develop any sort of view on it at all.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Better Holy water, but too expensive.. so nope.
Can be good, but most likely it'll be used only in Arena since Priest already has so many cost effective removal options in their arsenal.
As has been said many times, a generally better Holy Water - but that doesn't make it good. You can definitely highroll with it, but is that worth including it in your deck? I think we'll see this from random generation only, where you will definitely hate it sometimes.
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