New Neutral Minion - Jar Dealer
Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Jar Dealer, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Jar Dealer, has been revealed!
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It's...fiiiiiiine...probably requires deathrattle or 1-mana synergies to see mainstream play.
I will try it in burgle rogue for fun. Happy to draft in arena, should it be in lower brackets. Can't see this in a meta deck.
Another card for quest hunter. Will still not work. :D
I remember win streaking from R8 to R5 in the Rastakhan's Rumblemeta with quest Hunter, so it wasn't THAT bad.
This card is a slower and weaker Fire Fly in stats that can add something better than a 1/2. Can see some fringe play in zoo and swarm decks but the 1-cost slot can be rather contested, which means slower cards tend to be lost in the shuffle.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Meme worthy, but still fun.
Jar Dealer -> Jar Dealer, infinite value!
worst community ever
worse firefly but still fire fly. will see some play in tempo decks
404 skill not found
Quest hunter is bad because losing turn 1 with 1 drops is kinda dumb, and the reward isn't even that good.. I tried the card in dalaran's heist with an easy way to complete it.. it's not even worth playing even then..
I have a wild guess you raise your win rate as quest hunter if you mulligan away the quest and never draw it.
Wait a second, I have the next meta breaker.
worst community ever
Maybe Hand Token Druid can do something with this? Basically neutral Acornbearer
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Given that Shimmerfly sees play in Hunter, I am quite certain, that this card will see play somewhere.
Zoolock already runs Magic Carpet and 14 1-drops. There miiiiight be a way to squeeze it in but it's probably worse than the cards that deck already runs. This is no firefly, especially with the sad state of the 1-pool with a bunch of 0-attack loas. Token druid would be the other candidate but they've already mostly cut Wispering Woods so there's less reason to want tokens in your hand.
This card is much weaker though.. it's a base 1/1 and not a 2/1 which is a big deal, leper gnome as a 2/1 saw tonnes of play, as a 1/1 never seen. same for abusive sergeant.. it's a big deal for aggro being able to trade up with 3/2 and 2/2 2 drops..
Seems like filler, I'll definitely watch the YT video of someone getting Jar Dealer into Jar Dealer into Jar Dealer ...
Could work in Zoo-ish / Aggro Decks but otherwise i think this will not be played!
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I suppose this is a deathrattle version of a Fire Fly type cart. No tribe though. I think rogues and paladins may find a use for this at the very least.
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You could say that deals for his shop are always Ajar.
Fire Fly is much better than this, since it has better stats and gives you a specific minion that you can immediately play. While this one still needs to die first, and it gives you a random 1 drop which is on average worse than a 1-2.