New Rogue & Warrior Spell - Coerce
Submitted 4 years, 5 months ago by
A new Rare Warrior/Rogue Spell, Coerce, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Warrior/Rogue Spell, Coerce, has been revealed!
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So Execute...or Execute. Either way you need two cards to activate it.
I'm not sure either card needs hard removal that much, but it's good to have at least
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
3 mana destroy ANY minion? what? auto include in both classes..
combo is a thing but.. we know combo isn't that hard to activate specially when you have lackeys.
I feel like I also saw this as a custom card, but unsure. Without the front half of expensive execute this card would be good. If Vilespine Slayer saw play and was almost a staple in every Rogue list, you can bet your ass this will be a staple too.
This costs 1 more than Execute, or two less than Assassinate. Either way it isn't a bad card to play. Chances are you will either have 1 minion on the field to trade with or 1 card in hand to combo with.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Nice to have, but I think that DMH prefers regular execute.
However, odd warrior might like to have access to some non-damage based spot removal to counteract big priest.
I don't think that rogues want this, but I could be surprised.
This post is discussing the wild format.
I feel like it's better in Rogue than Warrior since Warrior can already mess with its opponent's damaged things, and in Rogue, it's basically a 3 mana Assassinate. It's still not bad in Warrior though.
I think this will be a staple in both classes, insanely strong.
Its more rogue than warrior.
Warrior already has Execute that comes 1 mana less, and warrior don't tend to have many cards in hand to make this a solid Assassinate. I will be surprised to see warrior play this card.
Rogue has access to zero mana spells like backstab, and does not already have a cheaper removal spell. So into rogue it goes, maybe as a 1 off, replacing Sap, depending on meta.
Execute but better in a way. It costs 1 more mana, but gives the added effect of instantly destroying a minion. (if you activate the combo)
Warrior: Control warrior will LOVE this card, as they really need some hard removal. (something other than cards like Shield Slam) Also i feel like this will also see play in some aggro warrior lists, because aggro warrior decks use a lot of cheap minions. This let's them reliably activate the combo to get past taunt. Really usefull card.
Rogue: So it costs 1 more mana then Sap, but it actually kills an minion. People run Flik Skyshiv for removal, so i don't see why they wouldn't run 3 mana remove a minion instead. Also if you [Hearthstone Card (Preperation) Not Found] first it's only a 1 mana Coerce + combo gets activated. I feel like this will see play in most rogue decks, and aggro rogue will probably remove Sap and slot in Coerce.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Can play it in aggro and in control, quite flexible. Play a 1 or 2 drop + this = tempo. Brawl + this = empty board (most of the time). Will definitely see play.
This will work fine in both classes even tough i think it could see more play in rogue because warrior already has lots of removal.
Good card.
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Sadly won't see play. Aggro Rogue doesn't touch this with a 10 feet stick, And Galak Rogue is dead
Warrior doesn't run it for obvious reasons
I think this might see play. Execute, even on 2, saw some play and I rather prefer to play something on board than to have to spend any mana to ping a minion in order to execute him.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Yes, a very good card. Can you believe Execute used to cost only 1 mana?
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Warrior's Execute spell is 2 mana to destroy any damaged minion. Rogue's Assassinate spell is 5 mana to destroy any minion it can target.
So on one hand, it's a more expensive execute, which means it's not as effective to use or efficient to play mana wise. However, since both classes tend to have trouble with single target removal outside Shield Bash for Warrior and Assassinate for Rogue, I can see both classes trying to utilize this spell.
Combos are fantastic spells because they're played after you've already done something, so you don't just spend a turn doing one thing.
on the other hand, for this spell to BE a more efficient assassinate you'll have to play something before it. Fortunately this set has seen a LOT of cheap 1 mana spells available to both classes that can be used to activate this spell.
IF combined with Cutting Class that's been discounted to (0) you can draw 2 cards AND remove any enemy minion for only 3 mana.
a removal for 3 mana is good enough imho...but 90% you want to use it with the combo effect. It will see some play
Excellent fusion card that captures both classes. :D
Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.
Good and useful
Just excelent, I do not know a reason this would not see play
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Nice and efficient, I would be surprised if it wasn't run in a few decks.
Never thought a less aggressive sounding card would be better than Execute. Play a
Single target removal, for both Warrior and Rogue is a scary good news.
Either in combo or just as is, it opens a whole new door that rogue can now Execute
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This can't be bad. I think both Rogue and Warrior will make use of it.
At first I though it was amazing, not so much anymore. It probably won't be Flik levels of powerlevel, but it's great removal for each class that will be great to have for the rest of its time in standard.
3 cost seems too much for the combo effect but the effect itself seems amazing
All hail the banshee queen.
3 mana destroy a minion is excellent, this card is nuts
Seems good...? Worse than execute without the combo, but ridiculous with the combo???
I suspect this will see a lot of play, especially in control Warrior.
Good for both classes, much better for Rogue but nice for warrior too.
3 Mana destroy... OMG this card is OP!
3 mana single target removals really good, Vilespine Slayer is still better, but will see play for sure.
By The Holy Light!
This one got the short stick on both class. Warrior have Execute at (1) less, Rogue never runs Assassinate. Loss-loss to me.
Not something amazing to look at, but just generally useful. It’s not that hard to play another card before this one anyways
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Very good card
ehh... execute require a damage minions . Since execute mostly play in Control Warrior which always behind on board, usually you need to play something to damage that minion, so your execute cost more than it looks. Thats why no warrior deck run Execute at the moment, because we do not have any weapon give free ww like Death's bite or Blood razor.
So you know what beatiful about this card. There are lots of 1 cost card for Warrior at the moment . Sword and Board, Lackey , Shield Slam and discount Cutclass forexample, make this 4 mana uncoditional removal while doing something else on board, which is exellent.
Also do not underestimate the Headmaster + Coerce combo. Provide huge late game swing turn.
Rogue getting some removal are always good news for me :)
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It may be worse than Execute, but it is strictly better than Assassinate. Walk the Plank was played, and it had basically the same mana cost, while having a harder requirement.
I know it have some potential. But I'm not connected with the art. Maybe more blood. It's an assassinate after all.
This card is pretty good and no reason for it not to see play.
A nice "combo" of Rogue's ability to damage or kill undamaged minions, and a Warrior's ability to Execute damaged minions.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
I see this as more of a Warrior card than a Rogue card, as Rogue cares more about tempo-based removal (i.e. Vilespine Slayer and Flik Skyshiv usually has a body along with the removal). In Warrior, I think this outclasses Bladestorm and Execute as removals as Coerce is less situational than Bladestorm and easier to remove a minion with than Execute. I think you just replace Bladestorm with Coerce in Bomb Warrior.
For glory, honor, and gold!
This card has to be combo-ed out or its just a worse Execute
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I just know this is going to have some devastating combos with Preparation.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
Cheap Assassinate, or a more expensive Execute.. should be a staple.
Very strong removal for both classes, specially given the cost.
This is nutso. Absolutely getting included in every Warrior deck, probably every Rogue deck too, unless they're like incredibly aggressive decks.
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