We've got info on the Hunter portion of the Book of Heroes adventure coming to Hearthstone on October 13!

Rexxar is the second hero getting the Book of Heroes treatment. Here's all the information we have on Rexxar so far, so be warned, spoilers below! If you want to see all the cards added in this week's patch, you'll want to head on over to our card database.

What is Book of Heroes?

Book of Heroes is a new, free round of single-player content coming to Hearthstone over the next year. We'll get to explore the stories of all 10 of Hearthstone's basic heroes in a linear adventure format and earning a special class-specific card pack for our efforts. 

Your Hero - Rexxar

Rexxar Card Image Rexxar Card Image Rexxar Card Image Rexxar Card Image

Your Hero Powers

Steady Shot Card Image  Call Misha Card Image Call Misha Rank 2 Card Image Call Misha Rank 3 Card Image

A Disapproving Father

Rexxar's father thinks he knows best. But does he truly?

Leoroxx Card Image Reprimand Card Image

Enemy Deck

Player Deck


Quote From Out of Cards


  • I have wandered a long way… across worlds and wars… bonds forged and broken.
  • There is much to learn from this journey, if you have the strength to follow it.
  • I was born on Draenor. As war broke out around us, my people, the mok'nathal, remained peaceful. And unprepared.


  • Leoroxx: Trust in our ways. They have always served us well.
  • Rexxar: The rise of the Horde changes everything. We must take a side!

Turn 1

  • Leoroxx: My own son speaks like this?! I will teach you a lesson.

Turn 3

  • Rexxar: The Horde is mighty. They could crush us at any moment, just like they crushed the draenei.
  • Leoroxx: Not if we are quiet.

Turn 7

  • Leoroxx: We are half-ogre, half-orc. Outsiders will never accept us.
  • Rexxar: Still, we must try.

Turn 9

  • Rexxar: Our clan is too small. Our allies too few.
  • Leoroxx: The mountains hide us. That is protection enough!

Turn 11

  • Leoroxx: You think like they do. That is not how you were raised.


  • Rexxar: I have proved my point!
  • Leoroxx: You have proved you do not belong here. Leave me.


  • Leoroxx: A father's wisdom may be hard, but it is fair.

Leoroxx Emote Response

  • You would do best not to speak.

Leoroxx Idle

  • Trust in peace. There is no safer course.
  • I fear you are going down a dark path, my son.
  • The land sustains us. The beasts answer us. What more do you want?

Rexxar Emotes

  • Greeting: Greetings.
  • Attack: I don't want to do this… But I will.
  • Threaten: If only your wisdom were as great as your temper.

The Warchief's Mercy

Uniting the orc clans into the Horde, he has secured dominance over the land.

Warchief Blackhand Card Image Backhand Card Image

Enemy Deck

Player Deck


Quote From Out of Cards


  • Rexxar: I was banished from my only home. Unable to convince my clan to act, I would have to confront the Horde by myself.
  • Rexxar: Should they listen, my loss would not be in vain.


  • Rexxar: Warchief Blackhand! May I have a word?
  • Blackhand: Words are weak. You must fight to be heard.
  • Rexxar: Then we fight.

Turn 1

  • Blackhand: You are one of the mok'nathal, aren't you?
  • Rexxar: Yes. It is on their behalf I come to you.

Turn 3

  • Blackhand: I could destroy your clan in a heartbeat.
  • Rexxar: You must spare them!

Turn 5

  • Blackhand: HAH! All's fair in war, boy. The orcs have sacrificed much…
  • Rexxar: I know you have. But my people could not endure that.
  • Blackhand: Defeat me, and I'll consider your request.

Turn 11

  • Blackhand: You fight well for your kind. I have need of champions like you.


  • Blackhand: Cease this! You've persuaded me. But in return, you must serve the Horde.
  • Rexxar: I swear it!


  • Blackhand: You are only a half-orc, unworthy of my attention.

Blackhand Idle

  • The Horde was forged through blood and fear.
  • My clan was born for greatness… to conquer all. That is our legacy.
  • Power is the only law that all must obey.

Blackhand Emote Response

  • More words, boy?

Blackhand Hero Power

  • For the Horde!
  • Tremble before me!
  • Do not test my patience.

An Unlikely Friendship

Winning the trust of a bear isn't easy. You need patience. And snacks.

Misha Card Image Wild Thrashing Card Image

Enemy Deck

Book of Heroes - Rexxar - Misha (Boss Deck)
A Adventure Deck created by . Last updated 4 years ago

Player Deck


Quote From Out of Cards


  • Rexxar: Fighting for the Horde took me through the Dark Portal to the distant world of Azeroth.
  • Rexxar: I knew nothing of the people there, only that the Warchief wished them gone. But even he fell, in time.
  • Rexxar: After two of their wars, I had no more taste for it. My only solace was in the wilds. 


  • Rexxar: What a magnificent beast!
  • Misha: <big growl>
  • Rexxar: I will tame you, though it may take some time.

Turn 1

  • You are the first "civilized" being I've met for a long while.

Turn 5

  • You fight because you are scared. I am the same.

Turn 9

  • We ought to be friends. I have no others.

Misha Emote Response

  • <small growl>

Misha Hero Power

  • <large roar>
  • <roar>
  • <growl>


  • Rexxar: I knew you'd come around. I will look after you now. Neither of us has to be alone anymore.


  • Misha: <snarl>

Grizzled Guardian Played

  • Rexxar: Whoa there!

Swipe Played

  • Rexxar: Easy, now…

A Call to Honor

These beasts are creating a disturbance. It'd be best to investigate.

Ferocious Quilboar Card Image Get Over Here! Card Image

Player Deck


Quote From Out of Cards


  • Rexxar: I left the Horde. With Misha at my side, we journeyed through the Kalimdor wilds.
  • Rexxar: I was careful to always avoid the cities. Until one day, I had no choice…


  • Rexxar: What is that commotion? A battle?
  • Mogrin: Come, you quilboar mongrels! Taste the steel of Mogrin's axe!
  • Rexxar: Hold fast, stranger! You shall not stand alone!

Turn 1

  • Mogrin: They came out of nowhere! 
  • Rexxar: You are badly hurt. Let me handle the rest of them!

Turn 3

  • Rexxar: I can do little to ease your pain.
  • Mogrin: I know. This would be a good death… if not for my failure.

Turn 4

  • Rexxar: Failure?
  • Mogrin: I was to deliver… a crucial report… to my chieftain. 
  • Mogrin: But now… I cannot. I have lost my honor.

Mogrin Dies

  • Rexxar: I will deliver your message. Your honor is not lost.
  • Mogrin: Seek out the city of Orgrimmar. Find Warchief Thrall. Tell him…
  • Rexxar: May the winds bear you swiftly to your ancestors, warrior.


  • Rexxar: A message for you, Warchief. Mogrin entrusted me with it before he passed.
  • Thrall: I see. You have done us a great service. Please accept our hospitality here in Durotar.
  • Rexxar: Only if you'll let me carry my own weight.


  • <taunting grunts>

The Root of the Problem

The vindictive naga often cause trouble on these shorelines...

Lady Darkscale Card Image Tornado Card Image

Enemy Deck

Player Deck


Quote From Out of Cards


  • Rexxar: The new Warchief had many problems. He'd made a pact with a human, Jaina, yet still our camps were raided.
  • Rexxar: Jaina claimed she had not given that order. Together, we went to find our true enemy.


  • Rexxar: The naga destroyed our camp!
  • Jaina: We have to clear them out. Then we can discover what really happened here.

Event 0

  • Footman: Mistress Jaina? Is that you?
  • Jaina: I recognize that footman… I think I know what happened here. 
  • Rexxar: What do you mean?
  • Jaina: I'll explain later.

Event 1

  • Jaina: I'll help you as much as I can.

Event 2

  • Jaina: I hope you trust me.
  • Rexxar: Thrall does. That should be enough.

Event 3

  • Jaina: Our future peace hinges on what we find here. It worries me.
  • Rexxar: Peace is always fragile.

Event 4

  • Jaina: We aren't so different. I think our people want the same things.
  • Rexxar: That is why we clash.

Turn 17

  • Darkscale: Ssstand down!

Turn 19

  • Darkscale: We will reclaim our landsss.


  • Rexxar: The naga are gone. But who were the humans attacking us?
  • Daelin: Ah, Jaina. I've found you at last!
  • Jaina: Father. I knew this was your doing. You have to understand—the Horde is no longer our enemy!
  • Daelin: So naïve, my dear. Step aside, an extermination is in order.
  • Jaina: Rexxar, run!


  • Lady Darkscale: We controlled the world once… and we shall again.

Darkscale Emote Response

  • Surface dwellers are so strange.

Darkscale Hero Power

  • Athero bathre'las!
  • For Nazjatar!
  • Face my storm!

Darkscale Idle

  • A human and a half-orc work together? What nonsense.
  • Your petty disagreements mean nothing to me.
  • I'll show YOU who's washed up.

The Son of Bloodhoof

The centaur have long fueded with the tauren, fighting over territory and resources.

Khiragg Card Image Kidnap! Card Image

Player Deck


Quote From Out of Cards


  • Rexxar: Thanks to Jaina, I escaped. But war was upon us and worse, we were outnumbered.
  • Rexxar: Warchief Thrall knew we needed allies. He sent me to rescue a young tauren from the centaur, hoping it could win his people to our side.


  • Rexxar: You kidnapped Baine Bloodhoof and devastated his father. Release him, now!
  • Khiragg: The tauren is ours, fool.

Turn 1

  • Baine: My father knows I am here?! You must get me to him!
  • Rexxar: I promise to, Baine.

Turn 3

  • Khiragg: This will end with you in a cage, half-orc.
  • Rexxar: Wild things do not belong in cages.

Turn 13

  • Khiragg: You have lost more warriors than the one you seek to gain.
  • Rexxar: Shut up.


  • Rexxar: Baine! Are you all right?
  • Baine: Yes, my friend. I owe everything to you. Whatever you wish, my father will grant to you.


  • Khiragg: Foolish meddling half-orcs…

Khiragg Emote Response

  • Do you think we are stupid?

Khiragg Hero Power

  • Fight for us now!
  • This one will be dearly missed.
  • Follow the khan.

Khiragg Idle

  • You are no ally to the tauren. Why save him?
  • We have never kidnapped a half-orc, half-ogre before…
  • The tauren do not belong here. Neither do you.

A Blaze of Glory

After the wars, Jaina's father is determined to destroy any remnant of the Horde.

Daelin Proudmoore Card Image Launch Warship Card Image

Enemy Deck

Player Deck


Quote From Out of Cards


  • Rexxar: Baine was true to his word. His father, Chieftain Cairne, pledged his warriors to our cause.
  • Rexxar: We were ready to face Admiral Proudmoore… and all of his old hatreds.


  • Daelin: Come, savages! Atone for what you did in Stormwind! In Lordaeron!
  • Thrall: That was a different time. The Horde has changed.
  • Rexxar: But some things cannot be undone.

Cairne Bloodhoof Joins

  • Cairne: We are with you, Rexxar! Lead on!
  • Rexxar: Lok'tar Ogar! For the Horde! For Durotar!

Turn 5

  • Jaina: Thrall, Rexxar… I just want you to know that I had no part in this. 
  • Thrall: Of course not. Still, you know what we must do.
  • Jaina: Yes. I will leave you to it.

Turn 7

  • Thrall: We must put an end to the admiral. Only then will the Horde be safe.

Turn 13

  • Thrall: You are the Champion of the Horde. Our victory will come through you, or not at all.

Turn 15

  • Daelin: Monsters, all of you!

Turn 19

  • Daelin: You will never know what it is to defend your home, your loved ones. You abandoned your world to destroy ours.


  • Thrall: You saved us all, Rexxar. I can never repay you. Will you stay with us?
  • Rexxar: I belong in the wilds, amidst the beasts and elements of the land. But I will always be there when you need me, brother. 


  • Daelin: I always knew it. Those savages cannot work together.

Daelin Emote Response

  • I don't know how my daughter put up with you.

Daelin Hero Power

  • Fire the cannon!
  • Strike their weakness!
  • Eliminate them!

Daelin Idle

  • Peace is like a dream. Beautiful, ephemeral, unobtainable.
  • A pity my daughter did not inherit my keen judge of character.
  • The Horde killed my son. My flesh and blood. I will never forgive them.

Protector of the Mok'Nathal

This enormous gronn threatens to destroy Rexxar's people once and for all.

Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater Card Image Monstrous Growth Card Image

Enemy Deck

Player Deck


Quote From Out of Cards


  • Rexxar: As time passed, my heart longed for my homeland. With the Dark Portal restored, I was free to return.
  • Rexxar: When I finally found my people, it was just as I feared. They were under attack by the Bloodmaul ogres and their leader—a giant gronn. 
  • Rexxar: I would use all my years of fighting to save them.


  • Gorgrom: Who disturbs Gorgrom?
  • Rexxar: I am Rexxar, Champion of the Horde. Son of the mok'nathal.
  • Gorgrom: You too small to be champion.

Turn 1

  • Rexxar: There is no reasoning with a creature like this.

Turn 7

  • Rexxar: It is like fighting a mountain itself…

Turn 13

  • Gorgrom: Your blood weak. You smell like ogre, but small like orc.
  • Rexxar: I am many things.

Gronn Trap Played

  • Gorgrom: I no like traps!

Explosive Trap Played

  • Gorgrom: I no see that coming.


  • Rexxar: After the giant fell, my banishment was at an end. My people welcomed me… all but my father. Yet, I will give him time.
  • Rexxar: Over the years, I have learned that nothing is more important than the journey we all take in our hearts. 
  • Rexxar: So long as we are wild and free, we will find our way.


  • Gorgrom: Puny beings no bother great Gorgrom.

Gorgrom Emote Response

  • What you say?

Gorgrom Hero Power

  • <growl>
  • I am greatest gronn!
  • You no match for me.

Gorgrom Idle

  • I am son of Gruul Dragonkiller. I kill dragons too. By eating.
  • Bloodmaul follow me. Mok'nathal follow Bloodmaul.
  • You have nice bear. Gorgrom like bear.