Hearthstone Game Designer Dean Ayala has asked the question - which Warcraft theme do you want as an upcoming expansion?
The question is asked because the Hearthstone team is going to begin brainstorming a future expansion in the next couple of weeks. Let us, and him, know in the comments below!
Quote From Dean Ayala Happy to see the teaser for the next expansion out! We're going to start brainstorming another future expansion in the next couple weeks. If you could choose any Warcraft setting or expansion theme you wanted, what would you pick?
Yo, Dean, can we get Pandaria?
Admittedly, it is a huge expansion with lots of different flavors across the board, but I think an expansion with a broad scope could be interesting. There are lots of different types of creatures are native to the land which makes for some great variety in cards; The Pandaren, Cloud Serpents, Hozen, Mantid, Jinyu and must importantly, the Sha. Sha of Anger would make an awesome neutral legendary!
You could do a Dungeon Run based on Nomi and The Tillers' Sunsong Ranch.
- A themed run which has you defeating farm invaders starting with the tiniest of adorable, evil bunnies.
- Flavorful treasures which are themed as ingredients you are adding to your deck. (Drawing the Chili Pepper activates a board clear and shuffles it back in for later discomfort)
- Play as the different tillers, with some new faces as well, to represent all the classes. (Who knew Illidan taught that young Panda the arts of Demon Hunting?)
- Did Bob seriously setup a new Tavern?
I won't go much more into it, but if you can't tell, I'd love another Dungeon Run (or even better, something similar but with more to it).
A Return to Northrend?
I will also settle for something in Northrend again, but with a larger focus on the titans. The Forge of Wills, characters like Loken, Thorim, and Freya, and all the little titan-forged. It gives you the perfect opportunity to explore Ulduar as an adventure! Also, who wouldn't want to see Yogg make a return thx?
Seriously though, what does everyone want to see?
If there was some pool, I´d vote for Pandaria 100%.
Dwarves of Dun Morogh: mountains, snow, feasting and brewing.
Pandaria is the most obvious one, but I'm sure they will bring us an expansion on this theme next year. Timeless Isles... such fond memories... :D
I feel Stanglethorn and Booty Bay have such depth and are so well known in the wow community, Team 5 could make expansions out of those 2 zones alone.
And there's always Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, seeing as everyone loves Old Gods
EDIT: Oooh and almost forgot, lets have an entire expansion on the Emerald Dream/Emerald Nightmare! :O
I want GvG part two, mechanical boogaloo. More gnomes! More mechs!
Lets do forsaken themed expansion... Tribe undead should be introduced at some point
Idk maybe darkmoon fair :P
too soon ^^
:P never too soon for jokes
They have an even number of classes - do a Horde vs Alliance expansion with cards based on WC2 and WC3 units and spells, they could have it in Alterac Valley
There's also Caverns of time, they can make each class represent a piece of Warcraft's history
Personally I'd like to have something that's similar to the Year of the Dragon that's a year long story, but have it be based on ETC going on tour across Azeroth to put on the most METAL CONCERT EVER
I believe that a dev said that it was the originial Idea for the december 2018 Expansion, but they scrapped it because they didn't manage to make it work. But I could be wrong on that one, it was just a side note from an Blizzcon panel interview.
which one? I listed like three things in my post I wanted
sry, I meant the Horde vs Alliance thing.
I've had in idea for a set for a while that I just can't find enough good art to make a full custom set myself:
The stormstout brewery tour: 9 of our Hero's have recieved a golden ticket to attend a tour of the mysterious stormstout brewery, run by the eccentric Gao Stormstout. Each Hero's vice (Sha's), warrior and the Sha of Anger for example, lead to their downfall, and Lei Shen and his Mogu legions (Shaman Class) try to steal the secret recipe to make his own brewery the best in pandaria.
so what about the 10th hero class?
Thats shaman represented by Lei Shen. (He wasn't invited)
Please keep your arms out of the chocolate, err I mean, uh, Pandaren brew river.
The thing is, I still want monk so bad I wouldn’t want them going to Pandaria unless it also meant monk class.
There's a decent enough chance. Next year's 3 expansions have already been decided. I'm not sure if they have decided the first set of 2022 yet so a new class 2 years off Demon Hunter seems doable. Let's hope!
I’d probably want a “battle for the tree” expansion with the Burning Legion vs Forces of Azeroth or a naga-centric expansion because why not.
I say Caverns of Time because I am very biased for time magic.