New Demon Hunter Minion - Stiltstepper
Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by
A new Epic Demon Hunter Minion, Stiltstepper, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Demon Hunter Minion, Stiltstepper, has been revealed!
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Reminds me of the rush gryphon it's not that great cause it has really bad stats, and if hunter didn't really played that card too much and hunter has limited card draw.. Why would a conditional worse than rush be played.. Soul dh doesn't really gonna use this guy in my opinion.
Maybe can fit on a low curve aggro DH, but looks really bad.
By The Holy Light!
Aggressively stated, gives out a chunky reward, but the conditions a bit too steep. Can dhunters simply put this in their deck and play this on curve? No, since Manafeeder Panthara is far superior by comparison. Is it a good late game card? Not really, given how weak the stats are, and how it could potentially force you to play off curve depending on the draw.
All in all, I just don't think this one will see any play. Soul dhunters dont need it now they've got Il'gynoth for that extra boost (not that they've ever seem to lack face damage anyway), and aggro dhunters wouldn't like the poor statline.
Maybe a new version of aggro dhunters can use it, but Im doubtful.
Another aggro tool for DH. Comparable to Manafeeder Panthara, which is still better because of its 3 health even though you pay 3 mana for both to get the draw effect. I think this would be staple for a hyper-fast DH deck (Odd Demon Hunter could use this in Wild).
I really wish they'd give DH some tools for a slower, big demon archetype, but I guess Team 5 is set on turning the class into another Hunter where face is always the place. My fingers are still crossed though.
Weird card, don't really know what to think of it. A slightly weaker Rager with draw and a potential upside? It's a good option in later turns when you are likely to draw a playable card, but DH have more reliable draws and hero attack boosters.
God I'm going to hate facing DH this expansion. And thanks to Kayn Sunfury and Magehunter, you can't even rely on taunt to not die.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
While this is likely to be acceptable in odd demon hunter, the risk of drawing a 3-drop or 5-drop and getting a magma rager is enough that I think this doesn't see play.
As a side note, if this draws a soul fragment, you never actually play it, so maybe it just whiffs in that case.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Even though +4 Attack is nothing to scoff at, the statline and the awkwardness of the requirement make it hardly playable in my eyes.
Meh, not that good i think.
Sure 4 Attack could be a nice addition but so far there are bette cards for 3 Mana Spot in Demon Hunter.
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Might see play, as 4 extra attack isn't something to laugh about. The question is if the condition will be consistently met, and if so, how low would the mana curve of the deck need to be? This may find a home in an aggro DH, but nothing else. I purely dislike this card coz it forces aggro, hoping it never sees play
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I think it can be played with a lot of low cost cards in order to take advantage of it, but it's more like a mid-late game card to me.
3 mana 4/1 that draws a card isn't terrible per se, but the 1 Health makes it really fragile. The reward is kinda good, but it's hard to use effectively most of the time. In a lot of cases, the 4 Attack will most likely just be face damage.
It just generally looks awkward to use because you'll want to wait until your guaranteed to be able to use the card you draw.
Interesting effect. This stats though... can be ok in arena. But this is not a 3 drop...
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Okay a 3 mana 4/1, draw a card? Seems REALLY aggressively statted to me. I dunno [Hearthstone Card (Manafeeder Panthera) Not Found] seems better, and what does "if you play it this turn, your hero gains 4 attack this turn" mean? Does it mean that you need to play this the same turn as you draw it? Thats a realy GOOD effect, but also HORRIBLE after you play one of your many draw cards. This card has a lot of potential for FACE damage, but it's a completely trash if you get it before turn 3.
Standard: Might see play in some kinda hyper aggro DH deck? But i feel like it's too hard to get the effect off, so people will start to drop it after some experimentation. (WOW have they ACTUALLY created a BAD DH card?!? We thought Magehunter was THE trash DH card, untill it saw play as a tech card.)
Wild: Fits in ODD DH, but i think the deck won't run it, as it's way too hard to fulfill the conditions for the +4 atk. And they have plenty of other draw cards.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Aggro DH got me to legend in AoO, and a card like this woulda been super good in that deck.
Problem is that Aggro DH isn't BAD, but depending on the meta other decks might just be better. like Soul Fragment DH.
And normally I'd say a card with draw is always good, but DH isn't shy on card draw - Skull of Gul'dan, Spectral Sight, Manafeeder Panthara, Crimson Sigil Runner, the list goes on for DH and draw, and those are generally better since they either draw multiple cards, discount cards, or are cheap and flexible to use.
Now that said, if you pulled this guy off of Skull of Gul'dan, you have a 0 mana draw a card that you can play and then attack for 4 damage.
Something to consider, I guess.
In arena it might be picked because of the draw, but the health means it will just die to mage's hero power
It doesn't look terrible. In a deck with a low curve this can be used for extra burn damage or removal. And drawing cards is always good. I just don't think it is strong enough to be an epic.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I mean, it seems like a complete smork card, but stats are not good and the later you play it (which should enable you to play the additional card) the sats of this become worse. At least card draw is always cool.
I'm not too worried about this card since getting the attack requires you to play it later than just turn 3. Similar statline and effect to Diving Griffon, but overall much slower. That said, more smorc damage for DH always spooks me, so we'll see if they get anything cheap enough to push this.
This would be a good swing turn card. Obviously you would not be in the best situation if you played it on T3. But wait for T4 or T5 with Odd DH, that could add a lot of headache to your opponent.
I'm guessing the best application for this card is extra reach for aggro DH in the late game. The draw part is good, the upside is also good as long as the drawn card isn't awkward to play and that usually happens in T6/T7 for aggro DH when you just want to push that extra reach damage and you don't mind simply slapping that random 1-drop you drew.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
The 1 Health sucks, yes, but I don't think DH really cares about the body ... like, at all.
Yes! Demon Hunters needed more things to help them go face!
Unimpressive but may find a home in aggro DH.
It is damage and cycle which aggro DH needs, but its a may be a little too slow since you need ~4 mana to gain value from this.
Ok this is a really good card. It draws a card as a 3 mana 4/1 which is already really good, but now if you play that card you also get +4 attack? Bonkers.
This ain't no place for a hero
On the contrary, I feel like on a low curve deck, this could score some extra damage for a explosive midrange type of deck
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I think it would be alright even at just draw a card (Novice engineer sees some play) but the +4 attack is a cherry on top. I think this is a great card. It feels very Custom Hearthstone-y to me, but I still like the design.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
I guess its fine can't really be played on curve and the body is weird but 4 attack is pretty good and it comes with a draw
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The nature of the ability lends itself to Aggro DH, but that deck wants to play its 3 cost cards on turn 3 and there are better options to do that. Manafeeder Panthara comes to mind if you want to draw a card on turn 3 and push a little bit of chip damage in.
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I think this will be played based on how prevalent mage is in the meta just like any "rager" type card, demon hunter runs a lot of low drops too so i don't think it's unplayable like people are saying.
Living like that.
Might make into the bottom 5 worst cards of this expansion.
Great card for DH. They have so much burst now, and this with Aldrachi Warblades and Il'gynoth will be great!
really bad stats for the cost
All hail the banshee queen.
Low curve odd-demon hunter could maybe use it all right. You're not going to see it live, but it's not nothing.
I think this finds a place in Aggro Demon Hunter, especially a low curve list.
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Very powerful in the right deck. A 3-Cost 4/1 "draw a card" isn't overly displeasing, but it's obviously not what you put this into a deck for. Probably finds a home in a cheap-card oriented aggro Demon Hunter.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
I can see this topping the curve together with Acrobatics in a low-curve agressive DH deck. Strong turn 4 or 5 play in that deck.
Seems rather vulnerable at 1 health, but maybe the 4 attack given to the hero will make up for that
Kinda weird, but in a deck with a low curve it wouldn't be hard to get the extra attack - at which point it basically has a "Deal 4 damage" tacked on, which is nuts.
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Feels like a tough condition to meet. 4/1 on a turn when you hope to play a drawn card won't mean much on a board.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.