New Neutral Minion - Horrendous Growth
Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by
A new Epic Neutral Minion, Horrendous Growth, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Neutral Minion, Horrendous Growth, has been revealed!
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Very slow card lol.
Though this has some potential to grow very big, I'm not sold on it.
As its name suggests, it's horrendous. It's just a pile of stats that does nothing. You can continuously grow this in your hand and make it gigantic. Does that make it playable? Ask Blood Herald. Pass.
"True mastery takes dedication."
You definitely run this in corrupt decks... maybe in something else that often needs to pad out turns with a 2 drop
The fact that it is cheap is saving grace, Argent Braggart wanabe though I suppose
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
Probably won't be run, but I'm curious to see how this interacts with Y'shaarj. Do you just get the biggest one back? Do you get multiple?
Its just arena filler. The effect is interesting since the buff is permanent and cant be silence. But at the end its still requires you to first draw the card, and then to proct it you need cards that cost more than 3 mana. Realistically you can get this to a respectible 5/5 easily by around turn 7. But at that point of time, would a 2 mana 5/5 be in any way useful? I doubt it.
The artwork is cute, but it doesn't seem that great so far. Maybe other cards that haven't been revealed yet will make it more exciting.
it's a strong card, but it's also a SLOW card, so it probably won't see much play in constructed.
what will determine this cards illegibility in standard is it's interaction with Y'sharaj is if Y'sharaj gives you a copy of the corrupted version that keeps the same stat line as when you played it. If not, it won't make it into those decks, because a 0 mana 3/3 is good but it won't get the stat increase since all the cards Y'sharaj gives you will cost (0).
Now in Arena this guy can be pretty powerful, since you don't want to play a 2 mana 2/2 on curve that doesn't have a beneficial battlecry, and you might not always draw the stronger cards in your deck on curve. This guy fills in a niche spot of good stats for cost that's super flexible
You will get the one you have played..
Anyway. This card is slow. For now I see only one way to use it. Rogue, play it and Shadowstep to hand. You will have 0 mana corrupt card so almost everything should corrupt it and Rogue can spam tons of cards. It will be like budget Edvin which can be buffed through multiple turns and can't be silenced.
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A credit card.
It could be a Zoo card, I suppose. If you get this in your hand and play a 3-drop on 3, a 2-mana 3-3 and another 2-drop on turn 4 isn't so bad. That's a lot to ask for a card that's awful the rest of the time, though - chances are this one can stay with the rest of the growths, in the dumpster.
Better call Thrall!
Looks slow, but can be good at arena.
By The Holy Light!
Forever more corruptible?!
That changes everything!
... but stop picking at it! You’re only making it worse.
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I like the idea of endless corruption, but like everyone else says, doubt it'll see play. Maybe in some sort of zoo deck. Would be surprised if it's a sleeper card
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Interesting effect, but it's very slow i guess? Actually it isn't THAT bad. a 2 mana 2/2 is decent for aggro, and you can easely corrupt it if you coin out a 3 drop on turn 2. Also aggro decks often have multiple cards they can play early game, so you could just wait with playing Horrendous Growth until turn 4-5. Also just getting Horrendous Growth corrupted ONCE makes it pretty good. (2 mana 3/3 with no drawback is pretty good)
Standard: Not sure in what kinda deck this will be run, probably some kinda aggro deck? My guesses are: Face Hunter (Runs a couple of 3+ cost cards), Aggro DH (Runs a bunch of expensive cards like Skull of Gul'dan) and maybe Dragon hunter? Sure most of them are tier 2, but they all have a few/bunch of expensive cards.
Wild: Will see 0 play, doesn't fit in nearly any deck. Token druid doesn't want it, and it's not ODD costed so it can't go into ODD Decks.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
A 2 mana minion that could get really big in your hand depending on when you play it? A bit like Argent Braggart? No, not really, but it could be interesing in decks with a medium to high mana curve.
It's better than Blubber Baron, but I don't think that that is a very high bar to aim for.
I doubt that this sees play, unless maybe the fact that each of its forms is a discrete card lets you use this like a jade idol in dead man's hand warrior?
This post is discussing the wild format.
Seems pretty bad as itself but maybe with some kind of mana cost reduction could see play. Also in "huge" decks where you can have it as an early drop or wait with it in hand until you manage to create a huge body for a cheap cost could work.
Besides that I'd love to see an "alternate" art such jade golems where every 'x' stat increased shows you a bigger and ugliest ooze.
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
y'shaarj gives you only the cards you've played so no mystery here
People seem pretty down on this card, but I think Horrendous Growth is actually pretty decent. It's easy to corrupt a 2-drop, and being endlessly corruptible makes it easy to rack up stats on this minion. That doesn't mean it's going to be great, but it won't take a ton of Corrupt synergies to make it interesting.
Blood herald costs 5, this costs 2.. If you play it as a 2 mana 4/4 it's already decent enough.
Hard to evaluate. Even 2-mana 3/3 isn't bad in my eyes but it's just a stat stick. Will that be enough for Corrupt decks? Not expecting to see a lot of this outside them.
A 4/4 on turn 4 isn't great regardless of its low cost. It's too slow to stop any aggro as your opponent is just going to ignore it and continue hitting you in the face since this thing doesn't do anything upon entering the board. And slow decks will just laugh and remove it like it's nothing regardless of its size. It's an insanely slow and low impact card that is going to be rotting in your hand the whole game just for you to drop it and see it removed instantly. Are you really going to commit precious slots in your deck that could be occupied by way better cards to play this? Even if it comes back at its buffed state after playing Y'shaarj, it's still too low impact to be relevant. You need cards that swing the board in slow matchups and this doesn't accomplish that.
"True mastery takes dedication."
These types of effects usually don't see any play. My guess is that purely by association, this card will share the same fate. If anything else, at least it's a note card mechanically but I don't see it being too great.
Maybe it's very slow, but is Edwin VanCleef corrupted half-brother
Really cool idea, but not actually good. When was the last time any meta had room for just dropping a big minion that doesn't taunt or rush or anything?
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
The effect is kind of cool, but after a certain point in the game, just getting a bunch of stats isn't good anymore. Getting a 2 mana 10/10 sounds amazing. But by turn 12, it just isn't that good. I could maybe see you using this as like a sort of mini-edwin where you drop it on 5/6 as a 4/4 or 5/5 just for a bit of extra mid-game board presence. But realistically I don't see this being playable. Maybe if it was a 1 mana card it would be possible.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I don't think this is good, needs to be in your hand kinda early to get it buffed, at least you can drop this as a 2 mana 5/5 and its still good. 4/5 stars.
I can see this making it's way into a number of decks. Libroom Paladin would get a kick out of this as well. Another 2 drop that gets more gnarly in your hand along with Argent Braggart... just ew.
I do like how this is lending a hint towards a control style though since you don't want to play it soon, you'd want to control the board a bit by playing a number of higher cost cards to build it up. Even at a 5/5 for 2, this would be an annoying little drop.
Expensive big piles of stats are bad, but cheap big piles of stats can be playable, even in the late game.
I'd consider using it in a class that can add keywords to it, maybe.
Works as a 30th card for a more controlish deck. It's not a card that's going to shape the meta, though.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
good meme
Personally, I like it but it is a horrible card that wont do much so eeehhhh
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
The only payoff to holding and corrupting this multiple times is more stats on a single body that is very susceptible to single target removal. Sure, you could give it rush with Animated Broomstick, but Horrendous Growth takes so much longer to become a good rush target when compared to similar uses with Argent Braggart. Overall, this is just too slow for such a minimal payoff.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Blubber Baron is still not good
Living like that.
Good in control v.s. control, and I like the concept, but I still feel like just holding onto a card until the late game where your opponent could just run hard removal for it anyways it pretty weak.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
Maybe it is not terrible. We will see
Boring card, thanks but no thanks... I will pass on this one.
This could theoretically be reduced to zero using priest or druid cost reduction cards, and then EVERY card would buff it. Could be a thing, but doubt it.
Hard pass with so many strong removal options out there.
Seems too slow for just a pile of stats
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Seems bad but lets see what the meta has to say about it
All hail the banshee queen.
Another card that someone out there can break the numbers with, hehe :) In real play, this is probably kinda slow, a dead card for most game, tho easily Corrupted if you draw it later on. Probably hardly fit into any constructed deck, but should be pretty great Arena card.
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What memes are made of. You should get that looked at.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
A cute showcase of the Corrupt mechanic, but most lists will cut this very quickly. I did make the initial mistake of thinking that it also increased in mana cost each time, which would've been truly horrendous, but even as a 2 drop that you can weave into a later turn I just don't really see it having much impact.
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Not a bad card for sure, it has potential to scale very quickly
It's a lot of stats, if you're willing to work for it. You probably shouldn't waste your time, though.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
Endless corruption options are cool. How many do you need to make this a good card? It would need to sit in your opening hand or be drawn by turn three and be corrupted for at least 3-4 turns to make a good minion coming down. So a turn 5 two mana 5/5 or turn 6 two mana 6/6 is what you hope for?
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.