A new Paladin card has been revealed by ZhiYuan. Look at that Silver Hand Recruit synergy!
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Um... WHAT?!?!
First thought, why is it Odd cost? Second thought, making it Even cost might have been more powerful as I believe Even Paladin is more control based, or used to be.
Either way, making Dudes stickier is usually a pretty strong tool for Paladins if your strategy is to flood the board, or to buff it.
Lothraxion AND Yrel.
They've really screwed Linkblade91 out of the business of making Paladin cards.
I stopped playing WoW in TBC so I don't really know anything about him, but holy demonic forces that artwork looks good. It's gonna be dope with the golden animation!
I think you guys are forgetting that Air Raid is a card. There are already a few dude generators in standard and I'm sure we will see at least one more.
I didn't, already theorycrafted decks with air raid
Demon but not really for N'Zoth paladin all that much... also it is odd... oof
Not a big fan of highroll cards
People seem to be panicking quite a bit because of this card in Odd Paladin but that deck is super fast and it has another way to give dudes Divine Shield: Steward of Darkshire. This card might be able to create some midrange variants of the deck that use some of the slower synergy cards (like Vinecleaver) but it probably won't make any difference for the current fast versions of the archetype because 5 mana is too slow for those.
This card could bring dudes back into relevance in standard but i think we need at least one more dude generator to make the deck more consistent. If we get just one more then the deck could be quite scary. Otherwise, it might not have enough gas to sustain its token shenanigans.
I cannot believe this is getting printed. Effect is bonkers and 5 mana is early enough to be too highrolly when you draw it in time, and too lowrolly if you don't. And then - 5 is also odd-cost, making it busted in wild. Easy fix - nerf to 6 mana, but then it corrupts both the rushing mammoth and the bubbletaunt mech, all while being a demon, making both NZoth and YShaarj possibly too strong in paladin. Very dangerous design on this card.
wild hearthstone players on suicide watch
Seriosuly cause a card MIGHT fit somewhat in a wild dekc doesnt mean the deck will next snipsnap ock jeez.
and this wont go in odd pally at all to slow and doesnt help their worst matchups
Tbh it's not hard to make room for this card and a 5 mana 5/5 isn't bad to begin with.
a 5mana 5/5 is not good cetrainly not in odd pally
Loatheb is used casue blocks most aoe
this doesnt bfuf board,dont protect it and doesnt push face its incredbly slow and wont be used in odd pally at all + its clunky wiht divine favour
very good card
Huh, I was wondering if and how and will they insert a Demon for menagerie Paladin.
I was so tunneled on Odd Paladin and other Silver Hand Paladins that I didn't even notice that synergy. It's indeed a nice upgrade for any Paladin deck, and a solid body for N'Zoth resummoning.
Well, to be fair, it can actually work in pretty much any Paladin that isn't aggro, I wouldn't mind if all my silver hand recruits had divine shield in the late game in my Pure Libram Paladin, would make it that much harder to keep my board clear after I play Liadrin and have a hand full of buffs.
This thing is completely nuts. Giving out free divine shields to dudes not only upgrades your hero power but allows paladin an additional way to constantly keep a board up, which basically solves one of the biggest problems with paladin.
Does it have problems? Yes. Basically there's a slight negative synergy with Pen Flinger decks where getting your small dudes dead is generally considered as a good thing, since it combos with Libram of Wisdom and all that pen flinging. It also doesn't gel well with the Balloon Merchant, since that also gives out divine shield, but that is admitably only a tiny problem.
But built properly, with some board buffs this can easily flip the game. Might be what aggro paladin needs to work.
It will be broken, if not now, then later, or just in wild, where odd pally isn't exactly slowing down anyway.
Regarding Balloon Merchant think about refreshing the divine shield once you attack another minion. Still being a good synergy.
Brutal upgrade of Hero power on reasonable body?? Wow. Just wow.
Wild Odd Palasin will love this.