New Warlock Minion - Fire Breather
Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by
A new Rare Warlock Minion, Fire Breather, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Warlock Minion, Fire Breather, has been revealed!
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demonwrath with a 1 mana 4/3 body
Translated from mrglish
Demonwrath on a decently-sized stick. The question is would you run this over it (in Wild)? Every turn counts against aggro, and I'm uncertain that the body justifies waiting another turn.
Being more expensive than Demonwrath still kind of hurts, even with a 4/3 body. That said, this is still probably a good card.
If there's more small demons revealed down the line then we can see something like zoolock or demonlock. It won't exist outside of that though, since warlock has generally better AoE cards, and 2 damage to everything doesn't reach that magical figure of 3, where most things will die to.
I can see that being played on a demonlock (not Big), with the prime you can play It on t3.
By The Holy Light!
Amazing card. Demonwrath that costs 1 more mana, with a 4/3 Body. OR, you can call this a Duskbreaker with +1 attack, but deals 1 less damage AOE. However, unlike Duskbreaker, Fire Breather doesn't damage Demons, which are a very common tribe for warlock. However, considering their pushing some kind of zoolock deck. I'm betting were going to see some more small demons soon. Also, because Fire Breather is a demon, you can cheapen it out on turn 3 by playing Kanrethad Ebonlocke on turn 2. (Yeah it does kill the Kanrethad Ebonlocke, but it can be a decent play against aggro.) Another thing that might not be worth mentioning that much, is that you can copy it with Felosophy in a control deck for more clears.
Standard: Will fit in Zoolock, depending on the other demon cards were going to see. And this will surely see play in control warlock decks, as they love to get some more AOE.
Wild: This MIGHT see play in Renolock, as the deck likes clears so they can survive early game. but it can mess up Bloodreaver Gul'dan and Voidcaller pulls. So that's something to be carefull off. And because of that, i'm pretty sure Cubelock won't use Fire Breather, because of Fire Breathers demon tribe messing up Bloodreaver Gul'dans ress pool. Maybe it will see play in some other decks, but i'm just too unsure if Zoolock and Discardlock even want this... Wow having a demon tag harms Fire Breather a lot in wild...
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Oddly, the demon type really hurts this card, polluting the resurrect pool and getting pulled from hand instead of big taunt demons and Mal'Ganis. If this effect was something warlocks really wanted, Demonwrath would be seeing play right now.
This post is discussing the wild format.
This seems pretty good, but I'm not sure where you really want it yet.
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Abyssal Enforcer level good for Arena, ouch!
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I can see it in some control warlock if that is a thing. Broken in arena though
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
If I have problems with aggro in Wild, I would tech this in Discardlock. At the moment it`s often pretty hard to come back, when you are overrun in the first 1-3 turns (for example by Aggro Druid).
I see you!
Even with can't come down on turn 3 like Demonwrath, it's hard to say that 1 extra mana for a 4/3 can be a bad thing. This card seems like a solid upgrade over its already good BRM counterpart. It's a good card.
Yeah, this feels more like a sideboard card, only for a game that does not have sideboard.
Decent card, as long as you aren't against a warlock or demon hunter it's 4 mana 2 dmg aoe with a 4/3 that's a high tempo card.
even if you are zoo you might run it if most of your minions are demons cause this just wins you midrange matchups.
Demonwrath has never seen a lot of play except for in Highlander decks that want an extra board clear. I do think this card will see play though due to the extra stats. I think this will be played in zoo/discard warlocks similarly to how Arcane Flakmage is played in secret mage. It is a one-sided board clear that can help you to get ahead while pushing for extra face damage.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Very strong card if you're playing all demon deck. Don't think we have the support for that yet but its probably not too far off.
This is a good card with a good effect, it will certainly be played by some.
Control-lock still needs something more to really shine. That being said, the card itself on a vacuum does look good.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Too bad it's useless against the most OP archetype in the world
When I saw this card, the song 'Waiting for a Girl like You' by the Foreigner came in mind ;
♪ '' … I've been waiting for a girl card like you
To come into my life zoo '' ♫
Could be the booze
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Not too exciting as we've seen this effect before, but a demon focussed zoo deck is certainly possible, and this gal slots right in there ;)
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Yes, it is pretty useless against Reno Priest. :(
I see you!
like the card seems very good but still how many demons would a warlock need to run in a deck for this to be very effective
Not sure if this is going to be good or not, but will definitely try this in a demon zoolock.
Could be useful in gaining the board in a aggro vs aggro matchup.
Pretty decent card i guess.
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Decent board control. In a constructed deck you'd really need to focus on building up some minions to reinforce what you're doing.
Demon control lock incoming
Demonwrath on a demon body! So I think this could be used a bit for the body and wipe if nothing else
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Dark Iron Skulker memories
Demonwrath on a stick. This card will be in most Warlock decks, just like Demonwrath was.
Would be better if it was just all minions.
really solid card, board clear with a nice body
All hail the banshee queen.
A board clear for zoo that doesn't damage your own stuff. I think this will be really strong in demon zoo.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
Utterly insane when you've built your deck right. I must admit that I did have an amusing Duels moment where my opponent failed to clear my Demon Hunter board with this, so it can backfire (and is obviously terrible in the mirror) but in general this is a really efficient one-sided board clear.
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Demonwrath with a 4/3 body for 1 more mana is a pretty efficient card. My hang up with Fire Breather is that Crazed Netherwing still exists in standard for 1 mana more than Breather and does 1 more AoE damage. I think that once Netherwing rotates out, Fire Breather will have a chance to shine.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Good for Demon Zoolock, good for Control.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Great colors.
Chumbawumba is the worst band name.
Will see play in Standard but will not be seen at all in Wild if a Control Warlock strategy shows its face again.
This ain't no place for a hero
We've seen spells with this effect and minions with a similar effect get run. This will be automatic it warlock decks. It helps enable that other card to draw and discount demons.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Strong stats and decent AoE, will likely see some play in zoo decks
Demonwrath on a stick. This could be a good board-flipper for Tempo Demon decks, or maybe just an additional board sweeper (with a body) for slower Warlock builds. It's a decent card.
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