Who's the dev that thought Tickatus is balanced card ?
Submitted 4 years, 1 month ago by
What the fuck is this crap ? Can remove up to 10 cards with Ysharj, seriously, fire those incompetent devs.
This card alone will destroy any chance to see some controls decks.
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What the fuck is this crap ? Can remove up to 10 cards with Ysharj, seriously, fire those incompetent devs.
This card alone will destroy any chance to see some controls decks.
Probably the whole team needs to be fired, or just their stupid bosses forcing them to create abominations every expansions because of some "design process" that actually just makes them more money. Remember the target audience for this game. This says it all.
Just got it this morning in a random pack I bought out of nothing better to do, and got to admit, it breaks combo decks, it's the perfect counter to Razakus Priest, DMH Warrior and the likes.
It's insane value against those, but still, Token/aggro druid won on turn 3 against it, and against almost everything else, so... There are other unbalanced cards out there, which in all, are a lot easier to pull and a lot more deserving of the hate.
So put the salt in the shelf with the pepper and enjoy that Disrupt Warlock can do something more than just Gnomeferatu or Void Contract, or the "My opponent has 3 cards left, let's Azari, the Devourer and get value out of a long ass combo!"
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
I hope so!
And when it`s viable against Reno-Priest I should main "Ticklock", because fu** Priest!
I see you!
I agree with fuck priest, and if this was released only into wild i wouldn't be as upset about it, but in standard this card is disgusting and not a control tool against control matchups. You could be player lackey gala warlock all game never playing anything that cost more than 3 mana against a control deck, and instawin because this is in your deck because it was your day one legendary. That's bullshit. Control in standard is a joke as it is, and this obviously shows just how much the devs don't care about the archetype. You can like tickatus against reno priest or big priest. Hey, me too. But it's obvious what this card it. Another flashy card with no way to play around it, that screws you over when it's played against you. It's just like puzzlebox of yogg in standard, poison seeds. spreading plague in wild or original yogg itself. Or even the resurrection mechanic. It's an effect your opponent has no control over that wins them the game unless your opponent is lucky or has planned for being screwed over all game(which you can do in wild. i do it all the time when i play there but you can't in standard.) turn 9 Created by another card and i lose https://hsreplay.net/replay/XjwGKasnsU9upYjmMqd8oY
Fun and interactive.
Living like that.
I don't think Tickatus is broken yet because Control Warlocks aren't really that strong right now. They die too easily to decks that can pressure them (Totem Shaman, Rogue, Soul Demon Hunter) because they can't really make power plays until turn 8, when they can finally corrupt their Strongman. Maybe the lists aren't refined yet, but for now, I think control Warlock is tier 3 at best.
Tickatus can be rage-inducing, though. I still expect it to be nerfed to milling just 3 cards instead of 5. I think that's fair.
I think that's how they'll nerf that card too (reducing the mill quantity) - I played a few hours last night of standard ladder at the Diamond 5 level and I faced 80% plus Y'Shaarj warlocks. That card being played 2-3 times (thanks to Felosophy) is brutal against a control/combo deck.