Killing off the "new": quests for DMF

Submitted 3 years, 10 months ago by

Hello there!

I don't know how many of you out there are as ADHD as I am, but when I got the new quests for Darkmoon Faire I felt an unbelievable urge to kill them off for the mediocre reward of 300 XP (per quest fully completed).  I honestly feel compelled to always get these done before I can enjoy the game with decks that I like to play.  I have tried to incorporate the cards into the decks I like, but a number of them just aren't able to be included in a competitive deck.  I'm trying to do the Hunter one for the bola... the only time I get the chance to really kill minions with it is if I end up going against a Face Hunter, and even then... it is up the RNG Gods to give me that damned card to play and kill a measly 3 minions before I die.

I have been able to kill two birds with one stone on some of them, like a fun Demon Hunter deck with the Aldrachi Warblades with cards that helps you boost your attack (like that is hard to do in DH), will actually kill off your Paladin quest for gaining life from lifestealing weapons.  A much easier feat with a different class.   

I even was able to kill off the Warrior quest for attacking with armor using Guardian Druid since your hero power grants you 1 armor before you attack.

So my question is this for the community:  Have you killed off all your DMF quests and how did you get the particularly difficult ones done, like Forbidden Jutsu with Rogue's secret of getting a 10 cost minion from your opponent attacking you?

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Hello there!

    I don't know how many of you out there are as ADHD as I am, but when I got the new quests for Darkmoon Faire I felt an unbelievable urge to kill them off for the mediocre reward of 300 XP (per quest fully completed).  I honestly feel compelled to always get these done before I can enjoy the game with decks that I like to play.  I have tried to incorporate the cards into the decks I like, but a number of them just aren't able to be included in a competitive deck.  I'm trying to do the Hunter one for the bola... the only time I get the chance to really kill minions with it is if I end up going against a Face Hunter, and even then... it is up the RNG Gods to give me that damned card to play and kill a measly 3 minions before I die.

    I have been able to kill two birds with one stone on some of them, like a fun Demon Hunter deck with the Aldrachi Warblades with cards that helps you boost your attack (like that is hard to do in DH), will actually kill off your Paladin quest for gaining life from lifestealing weapons.  A much easier feat with a different class.   

    I even was able to kill off the Warrior quest for attacking with armor using Guardian Druid since your hero power grants you 1 armor before you attack.

    So my question is this for the community:  Have you killed off all your DMF quests and how did you get the particularly difficult ones done, like Forbidden Jutsu with Rogue's secret of getting a 10 cost minion from your opponent attacking you?

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I have finished all the XP-giving achievements, and will happily give tips on any you are still missing.

    The Bola Shot one went reasonably quickly with a slower hunter deck using Professor Slate. I also had Vereesa Windrunner, but mostly because I've been trying to find a home for her for nearly 2 years.

    As for the Forbidden Jutsu achievement, see this thread for a way to force it to happen:

  • Desecrated's Avatar
    180 13 Posts Joined 02/02/2021
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Any tips for getting "Oh my Yogg!", lethal damage with the paladin secret?  That is the only one I have left and it seems futile to try and "grind" it out.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Desecrated

    Any tips for getting "Oh my Yogg!", lethal damage with the paladin secret?  That is the only one I have left and it seems futile to try and "grind" it out.

    Yes, but it was long and convoluted:

    Note it relied on finding a friend on ladder. It happened quite quickly for us, but I think the person I did it with gave up after ~30 tries when he tried to help someone else with it. So it might not be worth the bother.

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    That is an AWSOME idea!  I've had Professor Slate and wasn't sure what to do with the dork.  I will definitely try that

  • FrostyFeet's Avatar
    Senior Writer Derpcorn 2170 1449 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I just played Aggro Hunter and killed my own stuff when my opponent didn't play killable enough minions :D Safe to say my winrate wasn't the highest but an achievement hunter must do what an achievement hunter must do.

    I'm very close to completing the DMF achievements (except Oh My Yogg) so if you want decklists and stuff, I should be able to help. The new ones are just grind though which can basically be done with any list that just includes the card.

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie

    As for the Forbidden Jutsu achievement, see this thread for a way to force it to happen:

    I put together a deck just to do this combo you wrote about on this article and it took about 5 matches to where I was finally able to match up against Highlander Priest to get it off!  So glad I finally got this one, I didn't think I would get it. 

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I got all the funky ones out of the way, and you're 100% right.  They are super grindy.  I've been trying to maximize Shadowjeweler Hanar to get more Shenanigans triggers, but man... it is really an uphill battle.

  • FrostyFeet's Avatar
    Senior Writer Derpcorn 2170 1449 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Hydrafrog

    I got all the funky ones out of the way, and you're 100% right.  They are super grindy.  I've been trying to maximize Shadowjeweler Hanar to get more Shenanigans triggers, but man... it is really an uphill battle.

    I tried to make Shenanigans happen with Mill Rogue in Wild, but of course the secret doesn't trigger on your turn. Not even when opponent's Rigged Faire Game triggers. Mad Scientist is a great tutor though. That achievement took some grindy hours.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    The hardest achievement will always be Paladin's Oh My Yogg, the rest is impossible because I don't have the card for it.
    Like Priest's Steal Enchanment with The Nameless One, Rogue's Drawing 5 card with Shekzara, Druid's Greybough, and Warrior's ETC.

    I don't know why they made it like that. To me, achievements in general shouldn't be limited to some cards.

    Knowledge is Power

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    The hardest achievement will always be Paladin's Oh My Yogg, the rest is impossible because I don't have the card for it.
    Like Priest's Steal Enchanment with The Nameless One, Rogue's Drawing 5 card with Shekzara, Druid's Greybough, and Warrior's ETC.

    I don't know why they made it like that. To me, achievements in general shouldn't be limited to some cards.

    It is understandable for cards like Shek'zara who has a unique effect that suits a one-off achievement awarded for doing something exceptional. There are a few similar achievements that can be made more general to be completed in multiple ways (e.g. the one for controlling a 20/20 minion), but often these are fundamentally tied to an individual card.

    It's a similar story for the achievements where you just do something a large number of times. These are only interesting when they are encouraging you to do something that wouldn't happen over time by accident. It's really a misuse of the word to call summoning 200 taunt minions an 'achievement', but 200 Greyboughs indicates you have (probably) got up to some serious shenanigans with it's deathrattle.

    In the end, everyone's opinions on what achievements are meant for differ. To me, good achievements encourage players to explore the game to its fullest. Unfortunately for card games, 'to its fullest' necessitates ownership of the full collection, which is unrealistic for most players. So there's a definite conflict between the underlying ideologies of card games and achievement systems.

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    The hardest achievement will always be Paladin's Oh My Yogg, the rest is impossible because I don't have the card for it.
    Like Priest's Steal Enchanment with The Nameless One, Rogue's Drawing 5 card with Shekzara, Druid's Greybough, and Warrior's ETC.

    I don't know why they made it like that. To me, achievements in general shouldn't be limited to some cards.

    Well you can still try to complete some of them in Duels, if you like the mode, that´s how I´ve completed most of the achievements where I didn´t own a card, such as ETC, Shekzara or Greybough. I´ve made a little guide about it (in spoiler) if you´re interested :)

    Show Spoiler

    There´s something I´ve learned by playing Casual Duels that might be helpful to those of us missing quite a bunch of new legendaries/epics required for the achievement completion. You can force out some of the required cards in buckets by building a specific deck. For example:

    Mage: make a spell heavy build and you can get Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate in your buckets. More so, if you make secret heavy deck, you will get Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon along with Occult Conjurer. Set it up with Duplicate and you got the achievement done without actually owning the cards.

    Rogue: make a deck with all possible shuffles like Ticket Master and you will be offered Grand Empress Shek'zara through you loot.

    Warrior: make a deck with all the rush minions and you weill get E.T.C., God of Metal along with Tent Trasher, and when you´re lucky, you can even get N'Zoth, God of the Deep through the menagerie bucket and complete It´s N´Zothing, Really achievement at once.

    *Druid: there were suggestions to make a taunt heavy deck to get Greybough with your loot, but I´ve managed to get him only once, so I can´t really confirm this (still trying to test this). But when you make spell heavy deck with Eclipses, you can get a loot bucket with Kiri, Chosen of Elune along with two other Eclipses,  so you can do the Sun and Moon to Me achievement quite easily, plus often you´ll get Guess the Weight as an option too.

    Other good call is to choose Priests second treasure, where you can discover two corrupt cards and corrupt them. This way I was able to get Carnival Clown and make the Coulrophobia achievement without owning the card.

    Still trying to find a way to force Il'gynoth (lifesteal heavy deck?), G'huun the Blood God (some heavy spell/healing deck?) and High Exarch Yrel (force some pure version of paladin?).

    Hopefully this helps someone :) Happy achievement hunt all and good luck!


    *EDIT: I can confirm that you can get Greybough through your loot by running all possible Taunts with deathrattle in your starting deck and/or choosing Natural Defense buckets (worked for me 7/10 times).

    Also, you will get Lothraxion the Redeemed if you build you Paladin deck around Silver Hand recruits with starting Hero power and matching Treasure.

    For the new ones, so far I´ve completed the Warrior and Paladin one as they are the easiest to complete with more than one class, and the Moonfang and Runaway Blackwing ones. The others sound more of a grind, namely the Druid one, as much as I hated the Greybough achievement, this one looks similar, luckily I have the card needed this time.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    It's worth noting that for most of these, you don't actually need to be playing the class they're under. I completed the Warrior "attack while you have armor" by accident because I've been playing ramp paladin with Armor Vendor. I imagine Druid could do it even more easily. Contrarily, the "spend health to play cards" for Priest specifies that you have to be playing Priest, which is a bummer cause Warlocks could knock that out in wild pretty quick otherwise. 

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Pezman

    Contrarily, the "spend health to play cards" for Priest specifies that you have to be playing Priest, which is a bummer cause Warlocks could knock that out in wild pretty quick otherwise. 

    Well on this one, you can indeed complete it with Warlock. All you need is to play Seadevil Stinger and you´re good to go. It´s surelly a bug and maybe it was fixed by now, but still worked for me a while ago.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    I don't know why they made it like that. To me, achievements in general shouldn't be limited to some cards.

    I can see both sides of this... Money and Time playing this and only this game.  The other side of the coin, meh I don't want to do that because it takes money and tim

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Alleria
    Quote From Pezman

    Contrarily, the "spend health to play cards" for Priest specifies that you have to be playing Priest, which is a bummer cause Warlocks could knock that out in wild pretty quick otherwise. 

    Well on this one, you can indeed complete it with Warlock. All you need is to play Seadevil Stinger and you´re good to go. It´s surelly a bug and maybe it was fixed by now, but still worked for me a while ago.

    Definitely sounds like a bug ... one that I'll be exploiting this afternoon!

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Pezman
    Quote From Alleria
    Quote From Pezman

    Contrarily, the "spend health to play cards" for Priest specifies that you have to be playing Priest, which is a bummer cause Warlocks could knock that out in wild pretty quick otherwise. 

    Well on this one, you can indeed complete it with Warlock. All you need is to play Seadevil Stinger and you´re good to go. It´s surelly a bug and maybe it was fixed by now, but still worked for me a while ago.

    Definitely sounds like a bug ... one that I'll be exploiting this afternoon!

    Can confirm: Seadevil Stinger works. Knocked out the entire achievement in about half an hour.

    "Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    This deck is great to finish the Moonfang achievemnt in few very funny games, by MarkMcKz



  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Pezman
    Quote From Pezman
    Quote From Alleria
    Quote From Pezman

    Contrarily, the "spend health to play cards" for Priest specifies that you have to be playing Priest, which is a bummer cause Warlocks could knock that out in wild pretty quick otherwise. 

    Well on this one, you can indeed complete it with Warlock. All you need is to play Seadevil Stinger and you´re good to go. It´s surelly a bug and maybe it was fixed by now, but still worked for me a while ago.

    Definitely sounds like a bug ... one that I'll be exploiting this afternoon!

    Can confirm: Seadevil Stinger works. Knocked out the entire achievement in about half an hour.

    Cool, glad that it worked for you :)

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • Zelgadis's Avatar
    Wizard 1070 870 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Class achievements indeed aren't restricted by class. I'm making good progress on the "attack while having armor" Warrior achievement by using the Druid hero power.

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