Vol'jin Druid OTK Druid

Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago by

Deck ID Not Found

I won 2 games with this so far but both were against slow priest decks so I'm trying to improve it. If you think you see any changes I can make feel free to let me know.

COMBO: Shadow Hunter Vol'jin the Wisp to summon Malygos then use Innervate ( Coin and Lightning Bloom work as well just depends on the match but you have to keep one of those for the combo. ) to play Solar Eclipse + Germination to copy it and double Moonfire face.

Having a Imprisoned Satyr to play two turns before the combo is good sometimes too for more damage but it is purely RNG I was lucky enough to have it hit my Shadow Hunter Vol'jin and I was able to Solar Eclipse Moonfire and  Malygos for way more damage in the first iteration of the deck where I included it but I cut it out to attempt to have a stronger early game with Lunar Eclipse

I included cards like Bone Wraith, Winged Guardian, and Circus Amalgam for stall but there are probably better options. I originally had Teacher's Pet instead of Circus Amalgam and it was probably a bad change and there are probably better options to stall than both of those.

  • Dreams's Avatar
    Banned Pikachu 340 290 Posts Joined 11/05/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Deck ID Not Found

    I won 2 games with this so far but both were against slow priest decks so I'm trying to improve it. If you think you see any changes I can make feel free to let me know.

    COMBO: Shadow Hunter Vol'jin the Wisp to summon Malygos then use Innervate ( Coin and Lightning Bloom work as well just depends on the match but you have to keep one of those for the combo. ) to play Solar Eclipse + Germination to copy it and double Moonfire face.

    Having a Imprisoned Satyr to play two turns before the combo is good sometimes too for more damage but it is purely RNG I was lucky enough to have it hit my Shadow Hunter Vol'jin and I was able to Solar Eclipse Moonfire and  Malygos for way more damage in the first iteration of the deck where I included it but I cut it out to attempt to have a stronger early game with Lunar Eclipse

    I included cards like Bone Wraith, Winged Guardian, and Circus Amalgam for stall but there are probably better options. I originally had Teacher's Pet instead of Circus Amalgam and it was probably a bad change and there are probably better options to stall than both of those.

    Banned for spamming.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5585 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Curious that your list does not run Swipe and instead runs Starfall. I personally think swipe is better, and it does well with malygos more so than starfall.

    Nourish and overgrowth is honestly to me a little too much. You almost never ramp with nourish since its almost always too little too late. Also, your list is very heavy and cycles too slowly for a combo deck. I'd remove the winged guardian, circus amalgam, and bone wraith for rising winds, 1x overflow, and anubisath defender.

    Finally, I'd recommend you make some room for Resizing Pouch. This card doesn't get much love but if you play this with 0 mana remaining you'd get a chance at moonfire, lightning bloom, and innervate. All three options are very good in this deck. You can even dump that wisp, since this card almost always grant you either the three above or a 0 mana minion (theres two of them in standard, so its not too bad a chance)


    Edit: Okay, so you inspired me to take up one of my older ideas and jump start it back to life with Vol'jin.


  • Ilphelkiir's Avatar
    550 254 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I think DapperDog made a better deck, however that it still isn't perfect imo. What is the goal of Arbor Up in the deck? Is to an Anubisath Defender trigger? I'd personally put at least one more dragon into the deck, and this seems to be the perfect card to cut.

  • anchorm4n's Avatar
    Oasis Oracle 1905 2492 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Ilphelkiir

    I think DapperDog made a better deck, however that it still isn't perfect imo. What is the goal of Arbor Up in the deck? Is to an Anubisath Defender trigger? I'd personally put at least one more dragon into the deck, and this seems to be the perfect card to cut.

    I agree, but we have to be careful not to put too many minions into the deck. Evasive Drakonid might be a good choice.

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  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5585 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Ilphelkiir

    I think DapperDog made a better deck, however that it still isn't perfect imo. What is the goal of Arbor Up in the deck? Is to an Anubisath Defender trigger? I'd personally put at least one more dragon into the deck, and this seems to be the perfect card to cut.

    More dragons means more stuff to dump before pulling your Vol'jin combo. I initially experimented with Alex and Ysera but then later found out that after something like overflow I got stuck with too many minions in my hand. I intentionally left breath of dreams there because of the draw over, say, wild growth. Ramp is important, but in this deck its less important than draw.

    Arbor up is a nice card that gives you board, and it triggers anubisath defender, which is another plus. Its also somewhat of a secondary win condition, since you can easily get umbral owl and multiple 0 mana minions (assuming you'd get it off resizing pouch, because its aggro) to make up a nice little board out of nowhere. My list can be considered 'combo' not strictly OTK. You can easily switch win conditions depending on the matchup. How you choose to use resizing pouch is the real deal here.

    If you don't like arbor up, then I'd recommend replacing it with 1x germinate and 1x forest warden omu, to make it a genuine OTK or bust druid. Just try it. Arbor up is not too bad a card even in decks like this.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Permission to steal the deck, captain! Thanks

    Knowledge is Power

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