Core 2021 Card Spoilers & Expansion Guide

Revealed Cards for Core 2021

These are all the cards that have currently been revealed for Core 2021.

Death Knight

Lord Marrowgar Card Image
Patchwerk Card Image
Overseer Frigidara Card Image
Repulsive Gargantuan Card Image
Obliterate Card Image
Rime Sculptor Card Image
Rimefang Sword Card Image
Ymirjar Deathbringer Card Image
Graveyard Shift Card Image
Bonedigger Geist Card Image
Defrost Card Image
Runeforging Card Image
Arthas's Gift Card Image
Corrupted Ashbringer Card Image
Possessifier Card Image
Heart Strike Card Image

Demon Hunter

Kor'vas Bloodthorn Card Image
Flamereaper Card Image
Warglaives of Azzinoth Card Image
Wrathscale Naga Card Image
Sightless Watcher Card Image
Illidan's Gift Card Image
Feast of Souls Card Image
Chaos Nova Card Image
Ashtongue Battlelord Card Image


Hadronox Card Image
Malfurion the Pestilent Card Image
Fandral Staghelm Card Image
Kiri, Chosen of Elune Card Image
Ultimate Infestation Card Image
Ancient of War Card Image
Fatespinner Card Image
Force of Nature Card Image
Spreading Plague Card Image
Nourish Card Image
Nordrassil Druid Card Image
Strongshell Scavenger Card Image
Earthen Scales Card Image
Druid of the Swarm Card Image
Malfurion's Gift Card Image
Moonfire Card Image
Best in Shell Card Image
Webweave Card Image
Menagerie Warden Card Image
Soul of the Forest Card Image
Mounted Raptor Card Image
Landscaping Card Image
Bogbeam Card Image
Gnash Card Image
Crypt Lord Card Image
Wild Growth Card Image
Lunar Eclipse Card Image
Solar Eclipse Card Image
Enchanted Raven Card Image
Pounce Card Image


King Krush Card Image
Deathstalker Rexxar Card Image
Houndmaster Shaw Card Image
Professor Putricide Card Image
Abominable Bowman Card Image
Toxic Arrow Card Image
Snake Trap Card Image
Lock and Load Card Image
Corpse Widow Card Image
Exploding Bloatbat Card Image
Selective Breeder Card Image
Venomstrike Trap Card Image
Wandering Monster Card Image
Cat Trick Card Image
Doggie Biscuit Card Image
Rexxar's Gift Card Image
Dire Frenzy Card Image
Marked Shot Card Image
Cloaked Huntress Card Image
Bearshark Card Image
Stitched Tracker Card Image
Headhunter's Hatchet Card Image
Scavenging Hyena Card Image
Webspinner Card Image
Play Dead Card Image
Springpaw Card Image
Candleshot Card Image


Frost Lich Jaina Card Image
Sindragosa Card Image
Aegwynn, the Guardian Card Image
Pyroblast Card Image
Glacial Mysteries Card Image
Coldarra Drake Card Image
Simulacrum Card Image
Ghastly Conjurer Card Image
Water Elemental Card Image
Pyromaniac Card Image
Doomed Apprentice Card Image
Fallen Hero Card Image
Ice Walker Card Image
Jaina's Gift Card Image
Ethereal Conjurer Card Image
Fire Sale Card Image
Mirror Entity Card Image
Coldwraith Card Image
Cone of Cold Card Image
Frozen Clone Card Image
Breath of Sindragosa Card Image
Snap Freeze Card Image


Uther of the Ebon Blade Card Image
Ragnaros, Lightlord Card Image
Bolvar, Fireblood Card Image
Lothraxion the Redeemed Card Image
Blackguard Card Image
Light's Sorrow Card Image
Pursuit of Justice Card Image
Reckoning Card Image
Guardian of Kings Card Image
Arrogant Crusader Card Image
Aldor Peacekeeper Card Image
Howling Commander Card Image
Desperate Stand Card Image
Holy Light Card Image
Uther's Gift Card Image
Amber Watcher Card Image
Blessing of Kings Card Image
Truesilver Champion Card Image
Chillblade Champion Card Image
Dark Conviction Card Image
Avenge Card Image
Noble Sacrifice Card Image


Natalie Seline Card Image
Murozond the Infinite Card Image
Shadowreaper Anduin Card Image
Archbishop Benedictus Card Image
Darkbishop Benedictus Card Image
Lyra the Sunshard Card Image
Embrace Darkness Card Image
Shadowform Card Image
Shadow Essence Card Image
Devour Mind Card Image
Eternal Servitude Card Image
Drakonid Operative Card Image
Kul Tiran Chaplain Card Image
Focused Will Card Image
Anduin's Gift Card Image
Temple Enforcer Card Image
Power Infusion Card Image
Lightspawn Card Image
Acolyte of Agony Card Image
Shadowed Spirit Card Image
Spirit Lash Card Image
Holy Champion Card Image
Shadow Word: Death Card Image
Radiant Elemental Card Image
Shard of the Naaru Card Image
Northshire Cleric Card Image


Valeera the Hollow Card Image
Lilian Voss Card Image
Shadowjeweler Hanar Card Image
Vanessa VanCleef Card Image
Spectral Pillager Card Image
Patient Assassin Card Image
Doomerang Card Image
Sprint Card Image
Assassin's Blade Card Image
Runeforge Haunter Card Image
Shadowblade Card Image
Roll the Bones Card Image
Ambush Card Image
Valeera's Gift Card Image
Sinister Strike Card Image
Bone Baron Card Image
Tomb Pillager Card Image
Plague Scientist Card Image
Plagiarize Card Image
Cheat Death Card Image
Bladed Cultist Card Image
Leeching Poison Card Image
Cold Blood Card Image
Buccaneer Card Image


Krag'wa, the Frog Card Image
Moorabi Card Image
Thrall, Deathseer Card Image
Grand Totem Eys'or Card Image
Snowfury Giant Card Image
Earth Elemental Card Image
Doomhammer Card Image
Cryostasis Card Image
Voodoo Hexxer Card Image
Draenei Totemcarver Card Image
Avalanche Card Image
Ice Breaker Card Image
Mana Tide Totem Card Image
Maelstrom Portal Card Image
Thrall's Gift Card Image
Bloodlust Card Image
Tidal Surge Card Image
Unbound Elemental Card Image
Drakkari Defender Card Image
Ice Fishing Card Image
Brrrloc Card Image
Rockbiter Weapon Card Image
Windfury Card Image
Zap! Card Image


Bloodreaver Gul'dan Card Image
Mal'Ganis Card Image
Blood-Queen Lana'thel Card Image
High Priestess Jeklik Card Image
Felsoul Jailer Card Image
Treachery Card Image
Gnomeferatu Card Image
Despicable Dreadlord Card Image
Unwilling Sacrifice Card Image
Void Terror Card Image
Darkshire Librarian Card Image
Tiny Knight of Evil Card Image
Gul'dan's Gift Card Image
Ritual of Doom Card Image
Enslaved Fel Lord Card Image
Abyssal Enforcer Card Image
Dread Infernal Card Image
Voidcaller Card Image
Lakkari Felhound Card Image
Fiendish Circle Card Image
Howlfiend Card Image
Imp Gang Boss Card Image
Sanguine Reveler Card Image
Possessed Villager Card Image


Scourgelord Garrosh Card Image
Rotface Card Image
Armagedillo Card Image
Darius Crowley Card Image
Gorehowl Card Image
Bring It On! Card Image
Dead Man's Hand Card Image
Plague of Wrath Card Image
Shieldmaiden Card Image
Death Revenant Card Image
Dyn-o-matic Card Image
Mountainfire Armor Card Image
War Cache Card Image
Val'kyr Soulclaimer Card Image
Armorsmith Card Image
Garrosh's Gift Card Image
Blood Razor Card Image
Warsong Outrider Card Image
Sword Eater Card Image
Onyxian Drake Card Image
Bloodhoof Brave Card Image
Warsong Commander Card Image
Cruel Taskmaster Card Image
Forge of Souls Card Image
Woodcutter's Axe Card Image
Minefield Card Image
Animated Berserker Card Image
Bloodsail Deckhand Card Image


Ysera the Dreamer Card Image
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder Card Image
Baku the Mooneater Card Image
The Lich King Card Image
Dr. Boom Card Image
Cairne Bloodhoof Card Image
Genn Greymane Card Image
High Inquisitor Whitemane Card Image
Reno Jackson Card Image
Harth Stonebrew Card Image
Zilliax Card Image
The Black Knight Card Image
Prince Valanar Card Image
Arfus Card Image
Elise Starseeker Card Image
Baron Rivendare Card Image
Brann Bronzebeard Card Image
Brightwing Card Image
Prince Taldaram Card Image
King Mukla Card Image
Prince Keleseth Card Image
Sir Finley Mrrgglton Card Image
Clockwork Giant Card Image
Barrens Stablehand Card Image
Skulking Geist Card Image
Furnacefire Colossus Card Image
Mossy Horror Card Image
Nerubian Unraveler Card Image
Tomb Lurker Card Image
Faceless Manipulator Card Image
Escaped Manasaber Card Image
Rattling Rascal Card Image
Meat Wagon Card Image
Corpsetaker Card Image
Deathaxe Punisher Card Image
Drakkari Enchanter Card Image
Mini-Mage Card Image
Arcane Devourer Card Image
Gadgetzan Auctioneer Card Image
Bone Drake Card Image
Azure Drake Card Image
Corpse Raiser Card Image
Keening Banshee Card Image
Phantom Freebooter Card Image
Eater of Secrets Card Image
Ticking Abomination Card Image
Saronite Chain Gang Card Image
SI:7 Infiltrator Card Image
Violet Teacher Card Image
Injured Blademaster Card Image
Lone Champion Card Image
Shallow Gravedigger Card Image
Coldlight Oracle Card Image
Mindbreaker Card Image
Happy Ghoul Card Image
Humongous Razorleaf Card Image
Acidic Swamp Ooze Card Image
Young Priestess Card Image
Stormwatcher Card Image
Bonemare Card Image
Necrotic Geist Card Image
Spellweaver Card Image
Venomancer Card Image
Bloodworm Card Image
Sunborne Val'kyr Card Image
Gurubashi Berserker Card Image
Skelemancer Card Image
Rotten Applebaum Card Image
Cobalt Scalebane Card Image
Night Howler Card Image
Grim Necromancer Card Image
Wicked Skeleton Card Image
Chillwind Yeti Card Image
Dark Iron Dwarf Card Image
Grave Shambler Card Image
Earthen Ring Farseer Card Image
Flesheating Ghoul Card Image
Jungle Panther Card Image
Ironbeak Owl Card Image
Spider Tank Card Image
Ice Rager Card Image
Stoneskin Basilisk Card Image
Deathspeaker Card Image
Hyldnir Frostrider Card Image
Vryghoul Card Image
Fallen Sun Cleric Card Image
Tuskarr Fisherman Card Image
Explosive Sheep Card Image
Toxicologist Card Image
Sunreaver Spy Card Image
River Crocolisk Card Image
Tainted Zealot Card Image
Skaterbot Card Image
Arcane Anomaly Card Image
Cogmaster Card Image
Acherus Veteran Card Image
Emerald Skytalon Card Image
Argent Squire Card Image
Mistress of Mixtures Card Image
Tour Guide Card Image
Wretched Tiller Card Image
Deadscale Knight Card Image
Murloc Tinyfin Card Image


  • DottyIs0p's Avatar
    Bloodfeather 660 81 Posts Joined 12/01/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    It seems weird to me that Warrior is getting 3 epics and 8 commons, whilst every other class gets 2 epics and 9 commons.

    • AngryShuckie's Avatar
      1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

      It's only because they wanted to keep all 3 of warrior's Classic epics, and didn't want inconsistent rarity gems for the Legacy and Core versions of the same card. I guess it really doesn't matter when the Core set is given out for free anyway.

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Looks like Bluegill Warrior and Stonetusk Boar still need to be removed from here, and the Core set versions removed from the site database.

  • linkinboy0's Avatar
    Headmaster 1235 512 Posts Joined 07/07/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Maybe is a silly question: will ALL spells have a school? are the ones missing school still waiting for the update or they won't have any?

    • AngryShuckie's Avatar
      1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

      Yes and no. Spell schools will be retroactively added to cards, but non-magic spells (e.g. Slam, and almost every warrior spell for that matter) won't have a school.

  • BigCheese's Avatar
    Supporter 165 14 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Core set makes rotation time so much more exciting!  Should bring a super fresh meta I hope.

  • AnAngryBadger's Avatar
    645 216 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Does anyone know what will happen to old copies of Jaraxxus? Like will the old copies become hero cards like the new one or stay as minions?

    • KANSAS's Avatar
      Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
      Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

      The original will be changed to a hero card. 

      There will be two versions in our collection, the real one that we own, and the free version that is given to everyone for free from the core set. But both versions will have this update.

      • AnAngryBadger's Avatar
        645 216 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
        Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

        Ah great, I was worried I might be stuck with the minion version

    • Caro's Avatar
      Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
      Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

      I'm guessing there will be 2 copies. One for classic in his original form, one for standard and year of the gryphon in his ultimate hero form

  • JodyV's Avatar
    Pikachu 400 206 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    No sign of Loatheb in the core set.

    • DarkFrostX's Avatar
      Old God Fanatic 830 1229 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
      Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
      Quote From JodyV

      No sign of Loatheb in the core set.

      Thank god

    E.V.I.L. Dragon 820 1248 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I just realized that Demon Hunter has a number of cards from Ashes of Outland that are now in the core set... 

    will the cards be rotating out of that set and into the core set? 

    • Inconspicuosaurus's Avatar
      Pirate King 795 228 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
      Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

      The cards will remain in the Ashes of Outland set, and if you have them you'll keep them. Then you get another free version of all the Core cards. At the end of the Year of the Gryphon you'll lose any Core cards you don't own elsewhere (for example as part of the Ashes of Outland set), and have them replaced by the new Core.

      • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
        Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
        Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

        I've been assuming that the game won't let you use 2 of a card from the core set and 2 of the same card from AoO, but I want to test that when the new set launches. Or anything like that from the new core set, and the old classic set in wild with cards that are returning from classic.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 990 1487 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I am surprised about that any of the Shaman's core set spells doesn't have Frost or Fire tag. No Lava Burst, Frost Shock etc. Also it's weird to not see some Shadow Spells in Shaman's core set. We know that Shadow Shaman is a thing in lore.

    Same with Hunter. I feel like some hunter spells might have Nature tag. Dire Frenzy could be an example.

    I am also surprised that Deadly Poison has Nature tag. It seems weird but maybe they have other plans with it.

    Don't get me wrong, It is still possible that they will add those in next Core Sets like Core Set 2022 or Core Set 2023. These were just my own expectations.

    Other than that, I guess Team 5 wants to say us that; (Predictions Here)

    - We will bring Beast synergy to Druid with new expansions of this year
    - We will bring Hero Power synergy to Mage with new expansions of this year
    - We don't want to see Murlocs in Paladins and Shamans this year
    - We want to see some poisoned stuff with Rogue in new expansions
    - Ressurrect Priest won't be supported this year.

    If i suspect more, I will add here.

    • Ilphelkiir's Avatar
      550 254 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
      Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
      Quote From Almaniarra

      I am also surprised that Deadly Poison has Nature tag. It seems weird but maybe they have other plans with it.

      I mean, hunter gets an arcane spell, fire spell, and frost spell. I think the tag in these cases are purely for flavor. I would love to see a rogue/druid multiclass focused on natural poisons though.

    • PLANETCRUNCH's Avatar
      E.V.I.L. Dragon 820 1248 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
      Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

      I'm not that versed in WOW lore but what Shadow Shamans are you referring to?

    E.V.I.L. Dragon 820 1248 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Things I LOVE - 

    Plague Doctor and Tomb Pillager returning? Hell yes, I loved these guys. Even if Plague Doctor didn't see much play in the meta I love his opening line. 

    Baron Rivendare and the Nerubian Egg - I never got Curse of Naxxramas, I'm super excited to play with these guys now. 

    I enjoy seeing the CHARGE keyword reserved for powerful legendary minions - makes them feel like finishers 

    RUSH being added to the older CHARGE minions feels good, too. Now they're removal, and that's a good thing.

    Every class having a 1 drop, and the 1 drops convey what the classes wanna do - play weapons, get good stats at a cost, heal, get additional cards, etc. 

    I love Warlocks new and returning demons. No more damn Pit Lord or Shadow imp being generated randomly. 


    No Hogger? Maybe they'll give him a new legendary card in the Alliance set this year...

    Nozdormu's a meme that'll probably only happen in Arena. But man those matches will be hectic 

    Mage losing a lot of it's old cards means we're going to get new toys to play with that we couldn't before - maybe a mass polymorph spell (although we still have devolve missiles so probably not). And spells that go face will be limited and Mage will now start getting minions that might be able to stay on the board. I do like Aegwynn's design, tho. 

    Not a lot of Murlocs - probably means we'll get more later since the core set has Murloc Tidecaller

    Not a lot of Mechs? probably means we'll get more since the core set has cogmaster, and the horde and alliance have goblins and gnomes making big contraptions for their side.

    The only Giant is the clockwork giant - and that may mean we'll get cards that will add to your opponents hand later this year. Or just a weird tech choice against greedy control decks. But no other giants means no more big 8/8 for zoo or tokens.


  • RangDipkin's Avatar
    Rexxar 350 143 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    A few thoughts from a longtime Control/Combo Hunter...

    • New Tracking is fantastic for us, though I'm sure some aggro mains won't feel the same.  I loved Stitched Tracker when it was in Standard and the fact that this one doesn't add a copy makes sense for a Core set card that's not targeted like Selective Breeder.
    • Along the same lines, Selective Breeder has meme potential and keeps King Krush + Beastmaster Leoroxx finishers on the table for another year.
    • Lock and Load gives me some hope for Spell Hunter support in the future and I like the mana reduction.  However, it never felt good enough when Secrets were the cheapest viable spells so it may stay on the shelf for me unless we get another card like Rapid Fire.  Though without Twinspells my standard Yogg decks will be hurting so maybe I'll be forced to run it for refill...
    • Biggest complaint is the loss of Unleash the Hounds as it was great for staying alive against early aggro boards.  I know they wanted to get rid of charge, but making it 2-cost with Rush instead would've been cool with me (or even leave it at 3-mana if you don't want aggro decks to play it at all).
    • Also sad to see the loss of Animal Companion as it hurts Spell Hunter and Tundra Rhino as it takes away some OTK possibilities.  I definitely understand why these two needed to be cut, companions were a little too strong and they're eliminating charge from the (non-legendary) menu, but I'll miss those guys.
    • As for the neutrals, I'm excited to test out the new dragons and think Taelan Fordring has meme potential.  Also happy to play with Baron Rivendare in Standard again.
    • Biggest neutral regrets are the loss of Novice Engineer and Doomsayer as Hunter struggles with card draw and efficient board clears. (I know, I know, it's not part of their class identity)

    Overall, I'm pretty happy with the changes and am looking forwad to the next year of Hearthstone!


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