Card reveal season for Forged in the Barrens continues with a Rogue card reveal from Feelink!
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First impression is that it feels kinds of weak to me.
But it is a 1 cost card for Rogue, and adds a wee bit of damage, so it might fit in to a combo/weapon-focused Rogue deck. Right now, feels like most Rogues don't really care about opponents minions all that much, but this could help maintain board control without losing health.
Good card for wild but will need more support in standard
This card is fun and interactive.
I looked at the artwork thumbnail and thought it was Darksied from Superman the Animated Series
Phaoris' Blade in duels.
Omg it can be disgusting in Duels indeed :O
Amazing weapon support. Still concerned though that we haven't had any weapon card reveals yet, maybe I'm just impatient 😅
The more I look at the few rogue cards we know, the more I expect to see a 1 attack poisonous weapon for rogue, maybe a 5 mana 1/3. It would be the sort of thing you'd hold onto for a while (motivating switching up your hero power with Yoink!) and want to be immune when attacking with.
With Self-Sharpening Sword around and the change to Assassin's Blade, the class doesn't need another big weapon to throw attack buffs onto and smash face with, so now would be a good time to make a weapon focused on removal instead.
Of course I'm probably wrong, but I can always make it for myself in Wild with Kingsbane and Envenom Weapon :)
This looks really good on the face of it but then when you think about it...this card would be best on a weapon that either sticks around for a long long time, or a weapon that doesn't go away in the first place, say Kingsbane or Spectral Cutlass, so that you get as many uses out of the poison as you can. Thing is, weapons such as these generally make for the ideal recipient for weapon buffs. And once your weapon is a certain size, it starts being really unattractive to go slapping minions with it. Why not go face and just end the game, right? So I don't think this really fits a deck that runs Kingsbane or Cutlass. But when you start using something like SSS or the newly buffed Assassin's Blade, that's where things start getting interesting. Unless your opponent runs weapon removal, these weapons + Paralytic Poison can suddenly turn into essentially uncontested board-control for you for like 4 turns in a row. Whatever mid-sized minion your opponent drops, it just keels over to your weapon swing and you can keep pushing your advantage. It sounds really busted in aggro v aggro or midrange v midrange matchups. Where that plan falters is vs control. This just kinda does nothing against control. They won't be contesting the board with minions in the midgame and giving your weapon only +1 attack is not enough pressure to threaten your opponent in a meaningful way.
All this is to say: if aggro v aggro is a common matchup, Rogue is likely to do well because they can just steal the board with this. Odd Rogues would love it in that situation. But as soon as control starts being a decent portion of the meta, this is close to a dead card. And if ever weapon Rogues become the dominant force, there's always weapon removal to keep them in check. All in all, pretty well designed and balanced card.
Regarding the artwork, am I the only one that thinks it's silly to put poison on blunt weapons rather than sharp ones ? ;P
More than that, he's putting the poison on the side of the hammer which should never be whacking into anything. I'm sure the poison works fine, but that there's a rogue just out of shot face-palming and thinking "this is why I don't give poisons to warriors!"
I'm honestly not quite sure what people talking about this being powerful with Kingsbane. The current most popular iteration of the Kingsbane deck would be too busy attacking the opponent's face instead of trading it with minions. And even with the Blade Flurry buff, I still don't think Kingsbane mill will be back since the permanent lifesteal is just too essential. I would rather run a nerfed Nitroboost Poison than this.
Kingsbane mill is back even without the permanent lifesteal. Search "turtle rogue".
This would fit much better in Spectral Cutlass decks since it already has lifesteal and the deck cares about trading minions.
Weird art. What is that guy, a forsaken?
Its a nice little addition into the 1 cost spell pool in rogue. Maybe Wandmaker will be a rogue staple until it rotates after all.
Fortunately, this card will only ever really be powerful in wild, in certain Kingsbane rogue decks. In standard, its basically just going to give you 2 attacks without taking damage, fairly substantial, but only in value/control decks. Its not entirely certain any aggressive rogue decks would need this. There's already Deadly Poison and Nitroboost Poison, maybe one more weapon buff is one too many. Even if its not, there's some argument to be made that Toxicologist, which comes with a 2/2 attached, would be the better card
Omg kingsb bane love
Weapon rogue goes brrrrrr
Very good card.
Leeching Poison is back!(?)